I just bought this stone pot from hmart yesterday. This is a larger version of one i use everyday for larger servings. The only difference between my two stone pots is my small one is matte and this one is glossy.

I used the new one for the first time yesterday with no issue. It was on low-medium heat the entire session. I cleaned it afterwards with warm water and a cloth.

I went to use it today for lunch and it started sweating which turned into tan/rust colored burn flakes? They come off with minimal effort with my finger. There are no cracks that i’ve seen after inspecting it. I’ve never seen this happen in all my years of owning and using these pots. Even my Korean friend has never seen this happen after i asked.

Can anyone tell me what’s going on? I’m scared i ruined this pot somehow?

help please !!

by Competitive_Sun1311

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