I’ve seen glitter on many things, but never on deviled eggs.

by SparkyBrown


  1. PureDeidBrilliant

    Erm, is that edible glitter? It better be otherwise it’ll be a glittery sprint to shit yourself…

  2. heptolisk

    I’ve used beet pickled eggs for deviled eggs, and it *can* work.

    The glitter is scarier, though..

  3. 1. I would eat that.
    2. I’m not going to make that.
    3. That’s got to have a weird texture. Gritty from the glitter and plastic from the glue.

  4. locke_zero

    Hey I found another thing to add to the list of “Things I Never Want To See Ever Again.”

  5. drDOOM_is_in

    “Those are dope, I would make those”

    -my lady.

  6. I don’t hate it honestly. You’d never catch me making it, but if someone brought this to an office Christmas party, I’d fuck up a few of these

  7. ThaFoxThatRox

    She could have used mayo or any kind of condiment to make the glitter stick she actually bought edible glue and thought that would taste good? Lol

  8. thunderousbutwetfart

    Plastic should not be part of your diet

  9. Birdnerd555

    I’m sorry but no way in hell I’m eating glitter edible or not

  10. Good-Question9516

    If there is a god your going straight to hell for this!

  11. jkopfsupreme

    Mustard powder > prepared mustard for deviled eggs, this is amateur hour with some added glitter idiocy.

  12. LunchRight686

    What the fuck is up with people doing so much disgusting shit with eggs???

  13. zodwa_wa_bantu

    It… it looks safe so like…. one or two just to see.

  14. cellenium125

    I actually think that is cool (If the glitter is food glitter)

  15. purplecadillach

    This is literally the cutest thing ever, and clearly for a Christmas party. Y’all are just boring

  16. smart_cereal

    The main reason I wouldn’t eat this is because I don’t want to eat sweet deviled eggs. I think edible glitter is more suited to cocktails and baked goods.

  17. RainbowLoli

    Since they’re using an edible adhesive it’s probably an edible glitter too which are usually just made of sugar or egg whites.

    I don’t eat eggs in general so these would be a pass for me but if you like deviled eggs Christmas-themed deviled eggs may be up your alley.

  18. These are the deviled eggs from that Game Changer bit

  19. Mysterious_Head9365

    crunching on all that glitter with the goopiness of the eggs 🤢🤢🤢

  20. AlwaysVeryTiredd

    What’s the edible adhesive and glitter made of? Please not sugar

  21. arojas327

    When I think glitter I think sweet. Not deviled eggs

  22. I mean it does look nice. Not a i would eat that nice but a Christmas decorations nice

  23. FrankyMcShanky

    Nothing stupid about this. Someone made some festive deviled eggs. Why the hell are you all losing your damn minds over it?

    Man this sub has gone to shit.

  24. SunflowerJYB

    They do make amazing glitter sugar! It’s very festive and I’d do it for a special event. Just a little bit

  25. JosephMadeCrosses

    “I’m sure that Egg is a very nice person.
    I just don’t want you spending all your money getting her all glittered up for Easter.”

  26. Well, well, well looks like I found my deviled egg recipe for thanksgiving and Christmas this year.

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