The only way my 4y/o will eat pizza is if I scrape all the cheese and toppings off for her

by eshenanigans


  1. Sometimes the cheese + toppings can get really oily, I do the exact same thing and something about the slightly damp dough with light tomato sauce here and there is really tasty

  2. Samiautumn

    This is how my brother used to eat it, and my daughter currently eats it. My partner thought it was so weird, but I wasn’t surprised at all when she asked for the toppings removed because it was so normal in my house growing up.

  3. TheManyVoicesYT

    Order a side of garlic bread or something. Seeing this done to a pizza hurts me.

  4. FinancialRaid04

    My friend is 19 and still eats her pizza like this to this day

  5. When my friend was little she would only eat her pizza after soaking it in a cup of coke

  6. Save it and serve to her another time as “lasagna”.

  7. Lucidthemessiah

    I have the number of a good therapist for you

  8. We had a “eat it or go hungry” policy and now our kids will eat almost anything. You don’t have to make them starve, just save it for later when they say they’re hungry.

  9. My sister used to do this when she was young, turned out she was lactose intolerant.

  10. ODX_GhostRecon

    I’ll send my wife over, and by their powers combined, they’ll eat the pizza.

  11. Puzzleheaded_Bend749

    fuck , i do the same when there is too much onions , i really can’t stand it’s strong taste .

  12. Historical_Sugar9637

    I did that too when I was a young child. And now my favourite pizza is the one with olives, capes, and anchovies. It will pass 😉

  13. PiccoloComprehensive

    This is the same way I eat pizza! Except usually a little more sauce..

  14. Alternative_Care7806

    I used to eat my pizza the same way when I was a kid.. I had a fear of choking so I made my mom tak all the cheese off my pizza.

  15. My daughter was the same way. Pro tip: order Dominos (most accommodating in my experience) extra sauce, no cheese. My girl liked to sprinkle Parmesan on top herself.

  16. *my kid won’t eat pizza she only likes soggy bread.


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