I make sourdough pizza all the time but wanted to give a shot at baking bread.

What do I need? (Flours, equipment, etc)
Any recipe advice or YouTube video suggestions?

I’m open to anything, I’ve never done this before would really appreciate any help.

I posted some pictures of sourdough pizzas I have made. Check them out.

by michaelcola


  1. NoInside6256

    I too love sourdough pizza! I don’t have the patience for more than that and easy loaf bread. I used Ben Starr’s Sourdough for Lazy People video. The bread still tastes great.

  2. LongForBob

    I’m about a month in making bread from a starter I got going. I used [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEtU4Co08yY) video. Don’t know enough yet to say if it’s fully legit, but I just pulled this out of the oven for Thanksgiving and another loaf is proofing as I type. These are my third and fourth attempts. Tastes delicious. He does a good job laying out the steps and providing alternatives for supplies.


  3. larryboylarry

    I like pan pizza so I use a foccacia dough recipe. I hadn’t good luck with rolling out or spinning a thin crust so gave up on that style.

  4. dagnabit11

    So I am opposite of you. Don’t need any special equipment besides a Dutch oven. Il post my go-to easy recipe after I get the link, but I would love to hear your recipe!

  5. mangotangotang

    King Arthur Baking Company on youtube has good instructionals. You can get more creative following Chainbaker, youtube. Chainbaker has a really awesome channel.

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