Recipe is super simple and can be cooked, chilled and finished later. I used this for “Friendsgiving”, very fast and somewhat elevated side.

180-185f 45min
Pad of butter
Dusting of brown sugar
A bottle cap full bourbon (it goes a long way)
Salt and pepper (you can do this when finishing)

So the point of 180f (ish) is to breakdown the pectin in the carrots. Many vegetables contain pectin, the “glue” that holds the cells together. If you cook to high, it becomes gelatinous, and that’s why carrots and vegetables can become mushy. To low and it won’t breakdown at all. With precision control we can cook without damaging the cells to give the perfect doneness.

Sous vide carrots is as eye opening of a sous vide experience as anything. It’s absolutely the best way to cook them imo.

by FoodTools

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