With Ma-teeth

by dwolfpack007


  1. Over rice with a bit of acid – nice warning heat and beautiful firm fish. Just finished them for lunch

  2. xBloodBender

    I like to add them to a loaded salad with greens, quinoa, hummus, veggies, olive oil and lime juice. I’m pretty new to the game but it is super filling + nutritious.

  3. Logical_Paradoxes

    I think the joke whooshed on several. I have never seen it written out like that, but I laughed so I’ll take it.

  4. SlickDillywick

    Ah yes the Spanish tendency to pronounce the letter Z as a th. I always thought it was matizz, not mateeth

  5. Majestic_Electric

    Straight out of the can, with hot sauce! 👍🏻

  6. SDSurfrider

    I knew where you were going with this before I opened it 😂

  7. 49thDipper

    With a spoon. Get every little bit out of the can.

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