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Meet amazing Julia Hawkins The Incredible 107-year-old athlete who has set records in track and field she is such an inspiration to all of us and I’m sure you’re wondering how she keeps herself healthy and energetic at this age we’re going to take a deep dive into Julia’s diet and

Find out what food she eats to fuel her runs before we talk about Julia’s diet let’s take a quick look at her life Julia Hawkins is a retired teacher and a world-renowned athlete from Louis indana she began running at the age of 100 and since then has set numerous records in

The 100 m and 200 M races she has been nicknamed Hurricane Hawkins and rightly so because she runs like a hurricane Julia is an inspiration to people all over the world showing us that age is just a number now let’s get to the juicy stuff what does Julia eat to keep

Herself healthy and continue to run at the age of 107 for starters Julia believes in eating a plant-based diet she loves fruits and vegetables and believes that they are the key to her energy and Longevity we found a thorough scientific reasoning that a plant-based diet indeed

Adds up to a decade to your life expectancy according to a new research in 2022 by Professor fans and his team in the University of Oregon the optimal diet is one of legumes whole grains nuts vegetables and fruit based on data from over 7,000 doctors and scientists around

The globe and similar research from institutions such as Cornell and Harvard Universities the risks of premature death are reduced simply by replacing animal products with plant-based Alternatives Julia’s favorite fruit is bananas and she eats them regularly bananas are a great source of potassium which helps to regulate blood pressure

And keeps the heart healthy potassium is a critical element in several bodily functions such as the mov movement of muscles regulating the water levels in the body and preventing cramps they are also rich in fiber which keeps the digestive system healthy no wonder we see athletes all go bananas over

Bananas what’s also great about bananas is that it helps to get a good night’s sleep bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium which help relax over stressed muscles because they also contain tryptophan which converts to serotonin and melatonin the brain’s key caling hormones they have a relaxing

Effect on the body in general she also loves yogurt yogurts can be high in protein calcium vitamins and live culture or probiotics which can enhance the gut microbiota these can offer protection for bones and teeth and help prevent digestive problems low-fat yogurt can be a useful source of protein on a weight

Loss diet probiotics May boost the immune system in 2014 researchers found trusted source that consuming yogurt may help protect against type 2 diabetes remember Julia loves eating natural yogurt without added sugar or her meals hurricane Hawkins enjoys balancing food with vegetable soups and salads Julia loves to eat vegetables her favorites are broccoli

Spinach and kale one cup of broccoli has as much vitamin C as an orange broccoli also has essential minerals such as calcium among many others spinach is rich in many nutrients including vitamin A vitamin C vitamin K iron folate and potassium people who take blood thinners have irritable bowel syndrome and kidney

Problems should limit the intake of spinach kale is a nutrition Superstar due to the amounts of vitamins a B6 c k folate fiber carotenoids and manganese it contains people who may need to avoid or limit K intake are those who form oxalate containing kidney stones or take the blood

Thinners these leafy greens are all rich in vitamins and minerals making them great for the immune system they are also low in calories and high in fiber which makes them great for weight loss it’s not a surprise that Juliet keeps a healthy slim figure at the age of

107 when it comes to protein Julia prefers to get it from plant sources such as beans and lentils she avoids red meat she believes that plant-based proteins are easier to digest and are better for the body and steady after study after study researchers have found that one of the

Leading causes of heart disease is a meat heavy diet animal products contain high amounts of cholesterol which builds up in the bloodstream and increases risk of heart attack and stroke instead of meat Julia prefers to eat a lot of nuts and seeds which are a great source of healthy

Fats these healthy fats are much better alternatives to lower the probability of Strokes which cause one and six deaths from heart disease you may want to take note that Julia’s favorite nuts are almonds and walnuts and she eats them every day as a snack Julia also drinks a lot of water

Throughout the day staying hydrated a tea is important for overall health and Julia knows this water helps your body to lubricate and cushion joints water helps to get rid of wastes through urination perspiration and bowel movements Julia prefers to drink water over sugary drinks and she has mentioned

That she avoids caffeine as well Julia is one Health Savvy individual she’s all about fresh ingredients and avoiding processed foods like the plague those sneaky sugars sodium and fats have got nothing on her when it comes to her meals Julia’s Kitchen is like a magical Haven of deliciousness she’s always cooking up a

Storm using only the freshest fruits and veggies to to whip up her nutritious and delectable dishes but don’t let her healthy habits fool you she knows that life is all about balance which is why she’ll occasionally indulge in her guilty pleasure fried crabs and oysters who can resist the crispy Crunch

And mouthwatering flavor of these Seafood Delights not Julia that’s for sure and the best part crab and oysters are jam-packed with protein as we age our muscles require more protein to stay strong and healthy that’s why Julia loves these protein powerhouses crab is full of omega-3 fatty acids

Vitamin B12 and selenium which all contribute to Better Health and lower risks of chronic conditions oysters on the other hand are chalk full of vitamin D copper zinc and manganese all essential for keeping those bones strong and healthy so go ahead and indulge in some fried crabs and oysters just

Remember to cook them until the shell pops open so there you have it Julia Hawkins diet is simple but effective she famously reflected she feels about 60 or 70 not over 100 she said that you are not going to be perfect at over 1,000 but nothing stops me we hope that

This video has inspired you to eat healthy and take care of your body remember age is just a number and it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself please don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel for more amazing videos


  1. Anything that one cooks that is naturally grown without adding sugar is good and healthy to eat (nothing processed). However, they are many people worldwide that have lived over 100 years that also eat meat. I recommend staying away from dairy foods and cow milk together.

  2. Meat is important. There's so much research backing that up, as well as research that shows some vegetables are meant for animal consumption. I do love veggies and fruits, but stay away from kale and spinach in large amounts and add protein back in.

  3. GENETICS is the primary influence on longevity. Yes, well balanced plant based diets are excellent for great health span.

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