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4 heads of cauliflower
1 1/2 Cup Cream Cheese
1 Stick Of Butter
3 Bunches Of Green Onion
3 Cloves Of Garlic (minced) Optional
2 Table Spoons Of Chopped Bell Pepper (Optional)
1 Small Jar Of Garlic Pepper Seasoning
Salt to taste

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Ts kitchen cooking channel

Hello and welcome back to te’s Kitchen where I teach you how to cook for large where I teach you how to cook large Meat meals for events and Gatherings boom I got it listen the word of the day is cauliflower cauliflower mash now this is a good alternative to those uh mashed

Potatoes if you want to do something a little a little more healthier so listen I’m going tell you about these ingredients I did four four heads of uh cauliflower I keep wanting to call this uh cabbage cauliflower so they come in different sizes it doesn’t matter it just depends

On how much you want to make and remember what I say is if it’s not enough for your event or gathering just do that recipe and then turn around and do it again and double it and then that way you can make massive amounts so look here go a piece of

Cabbage right there I didn’t missed anyway so what I have here is real butter you can actually use margarine this is my daughter Chris’s recipe and she left me and not is she not in the background walking me through this so I got we got to do this on our

Own I tasted it so we going to see if this comes out right so we have real butter she said that’s to taste so however much butter you want to use and like my late husband would say real butter the body knows what to do with but margarine and those other oils clogs

Up you know your arteries and everything which Ms are full of margarine but I’m trying to switch over to real butter sparingly so then the recipe does not call for Bell Peppers but I like bell peppers I want to try something a little new since she’s not

Here to govern me and then some fresh garlic I wanted some fresh garlic and this right here I would say is her key ingredient that is this right here that is pepper no garlic pepper seasoning this stuff is good and it has salt in it so you always want to be

Careful with your salt content even though I have some of my kosher salt here she told me to put a little bit just a little bit on the um cauliflower while it’s steaming we’re going to steam this now this is a lot I did a bottle of

This and a half just to have more than enough I don’t have to use it all you don’t have to use it all and I use this grinder it goes just like this and me and R took turns grinding that up if you don’t have a grinder this thing

Will grind it look at that so you going to have to get that wrist action going or whatever uh blender or something hey you know what you you the uh the Mexican uh I don’t know what it’s called it’s the uh the thing and it’s like a a I

Don’t want to call it a rock but it’s it’s hard it’s like a like a whatever it is y’all know what I’m talking about and you grind stuff up in it and it grinds up your peppers and whatever you want to grind up your garlic everything this minced garlic I literally got some

Garlic clothes cut it up and chop chop chop chop chop did three of them and then this is some cream cheese she told me it takes cream cheese she didn’t tell me how much or anything so this is some leftover cream cheese I had and then I

Have a brand new one so we going to see how we going to do it to taste and then this right here of course are my green onions and this I would say this and this are the star ingredients this is the carry the to carry the flavors this

Is just me you don’t have to do that part so I’m going show you how I cut this up though so what I did was I started taking see these piece this piece right here it was you know how it’s all around the bottom so all I did

Was start cutting deep down inside of that see just like that now watch this I’mma cut these can you see that R mhm and see how they start falling off and then I just took those threw them in my Rachel Ray garbage bowl and just like that and I’m going

Continue to take these off now this big old stock we don’t want that so I’m going to cut that cut cut it deep down this way don’t try to cut it that way cut deep down cuz you need these pieces to fall apart we’re going to cut this

Stuff up cuz we we’re going to steam it and I mean to like a mush cuz it’s a a cauliflour mash um something different than having um mashed potatoes and it’s really good I love it and I can have this it’s low car so see these pieces now see how this one

Has a a I almost called it a trunk a big stem on it so what I do is I cut those pieces off just like that and it’s still together and I throw all these Pieces away just like that so what I’m going to do is continue to look at

That red cut down in there cuz it’ll release the cauliflower see how it’s starting to come apart and I washed this off really well before I even got started and what I do is to get the inside of the cauliflower once I get the some of the

Leaves off from around and I washed it off real good on the outside I turn it upside down and I let that water go all on the inside and I just keep washing it all up in there so now we have these pieces this piece we don’t want so all

These pieces are pretty good if you like the stem hey it’s still all good you ain’t got to throw it away it’s all good so what I’mma do is I’m make sure that you can see me got pepper on my thingy so all I’m doing is is I’m going to cut it just

Like that be careful if it want to fall down go ahead and lay it down and then take it like that cuz remember we’re going to steam these I’ve already steamed clean um a couple of heads already and um got it started so we’re going to do this and

I’m going to show you what I’m going to do with my uh with my bell peppers and garlic I’m going to um sauté mine because at the end when everything is really soft remember you just cutting it up cuz it’s going to steam when everything is

Really soft we’re going to fold in those green onions I’m going fold in my pepper and garlic mixture that I’m going to sauté and we’re going to actually cook with the seasoning she told me to sprinkle that seasoning on top of the cauliflower while it’s steaming when I steamed my first batch

It took about 45 minutes for it to really get soft because and then you know what I I like it you know you can have yours totally cream but I like a little couple of little lumps in m and um I just like it I don’t I don’t have

To have it like just creamy creamy even though I’ll go ahead and do my um mashed potatoes creamy creamy but I like a little couple of pieces in there you know but everybody want it creamy creamy so that’s what we do yeah I want that

Piece so here we go we got all that done so at this point I’m going to show you how I have about I have a stick of real butter you can use margarine like I say and come over here Ed and I put some

Um uh olive oil in here so that the but wouldn’t burn so all I’m doing is putting my cauliflower in here like this I don’t I lost my lid I don’t know where my lid is somebody done ran off with it the invisible Thief has run off with my lid

But anyways here’s my first batch that I did and I’m keep I have it some I have a little Condor here I put some water in this pot just on low and it’s keeping it hot for me so that this can all be hot

At the same time so when I blend it up together it’ll all be hot so at this point hold on Rich I’m going to put some of these seasonings in here like she told me and these are good this is really good she said put some in here

While it’s cooking and if I want more after it’s after it’s cooked in the finished product so I know I like you know my seasoning is kind of cooked so I’m going to go ahead and do it like this most and then you have to improvise I can’t find my lid

So and I have a huge pot that that LE goes to so it’s it’s somewhere I don’t know where what happen now on this fire what I’m going to do is go ahead this is real butter you could use this or margarine it’s about a tablespoon right there and

And stay right there re what I’m going to do is sauté those um bell peppers that I told you about you could use green it doesn’t matter you could use red you don’t have to use any she doesn’t use any but I want some and then on top of here because I don’t

Want my uh what is this garlic this garlic I knew it was garlic don’t y’all play with me I’mma put it right here on top so that it won’t start to fry too fast and then after it’s all nice and soft for me I’m going to go ahead and uh

Turn it off and just have it waiting so that I can fold it in at the end and as you can see it’s only a little bit I have four heads of cabbage so I think that’s everything so um yeah so we’re going to let let

This go ahead and steam for 45 minutes you can see how much I have in here this is a big Skillet and actually I had more in the first one so and know those are some really large heads my daughter said oh my God where did you get those big old

Heads of cab I mean cabbage uh coliflower cauliflower you know what guys listen it’s the holiday days it’s a lot going on and y’all know I’m already be tripping so it’s like here lately you know it’s just a little little something much you know I know y’all saw my drink over there I’m

Trying to be fancy show them my drink oh my God yes Lord look at this y’all look at this lemonade yes she is going to tear this up while I’m waiting on that to steam and I’ll make another one and pretend that I just drank drink it I’m going to

Do that all right listen you guys I love you and let’s go ahead and take this break and I’mma come right back it won’t be 550 years later production will still be the same and my love I love this thing let me take a picture take a picture you going

To fall take a picture y’all get a picture no you going to catch your fall I I got something to tell you guys too at the end of the video that YouTube uh has done for me and I’m excited for us we even have a channel name

Now okay all right all right we’ll be right back okay so here we go we’re going to go ahead this has been steaming for the 45 minutes and look at that it’s it tastes good too cuz it’s got that little salt in there there’s no more liquid in here

If there were you would want to put it in one of these strainers and let the liquid uh drain out so anyways let me get all this and then what my daughter told me was to get this part out put the cream cheese on top of this then take the other

Part and put that on top of the cream cheese so that it helps it to to melt cuz that’s how the cream cheese is going to melt I feel like this if you if you if let’s say it was too cold to me shoot put it in the casserole dish and put

That stuff together and pop it in the um oven so anyways we going to come over here and I’m going to put it in this cream cheese I don’t think we going to need more than this this is about stop spining look at that about a cup and a

Half of cream cheese I want to cut it let me cut this I already cleaned these scissors too just in case I needed to cut it got to cut it look at that got that cream cheese oh shoot let me use this napkin I didn’t want to come off for

Me wipe my hands off so now that I got that cream cheese where she said can you see in there R and what she told me to do and you can stay right there R I’m going get this other part see if that’s hot nope and she said put this on

Top of the cream cheese and Then um I guess I start to oh I’m supposed to blend it yeah blend I don’t think this is going to be enough cream cheese it’s not that much now that I got all this in here um think you got more let me see see we working this out together when I

Give you recipes and I tell you do it by taste and it’s also by sight this is how you do it so there we go I don’t know let’s see we’re going to start blending it up now before I put in the green onions and the bell peppers we’re going to go ahead

And start blending this up and I don’t know if we need more but butter because you know she had this Sal in Butter probably should put a little bit since she said to do That this is going to be good I love this cauliflower mlow mash I love cauliflower mash so at this point since I know somebody says to taste I can see the um cream cheese really good mixed in here I’m going go ahead and taste it got me a bunch of tasting

Spoons see if um we need butter or salt I’m going let you taste the r see if we supposed to have more cream cheese I don’t know it tastes good that but I mean as far as how Cris make it oh oh my God I’m scared it’s good yeah it’s good mhm does

She put more cream cheese or butter or cuz we got to add the green onions that’s another layer of flavor maybe Chris will add like more cream cheese and stuff but it’s cool like if you added some um green onions and stuff in the and yeah but I

Mean I can’t remember likees her more cream cheese yeah it hers a little bit more a little bit more cream cheese but not much yeah not not that lot not but a lot but it’s still good you know what the thing though M I’m not going to add

More cream cheese yeah cuz with Chrissy it’s a little rich Yeah the more cream cheese you add the Richer it gets and you know we always eat it with something and that cuts up that rich so I’m not going to Add definitely no salt it’s good on the salt yeah it’s good come on I don’t feel like I need butter Nah Nah The but butter is cool I don’t think we need it now see me I like mine kind of like this I don’t want it like a baby M you could take yours further I kind of like mine a little creamy but not all the way just for me and then I got this the potato masher just in case this was tripping going too slow but this is how you do it this tastes so good Too all right so I I wanted you to see all of this so what we going to do at this point is fold in those green onions and those bell peppers and um fresh garlic yeah fresh garlic let’s see she does put a lot of green onions and I really like

That and when I said that’s like this you don’t have to fold them they not going to uh just stir it in they’re not going to um uh tear up or anything and you can see how creamy that is too let’s see let’s see B if we have enough green

Onion I hope I put enough in there here a crunch fresh green onions okay let give you a taste now that I added the green onions I feel like I need a tiny bit of salt tell me maybe just a inch a tiny bit of sot yeah it won’t

Hurt just a little bit I mean that’s why people you salt your food as like you could serve it just like this and then people would add their own salt but since this is for us then I think we’ll be all right all right let me get them the

Taste I think the green onions are good we got enough I can see them that little bit of salt brings out the cream cheese and everything now she ain’t here so I’mma add this this uh Bill Pepper and a fresh garlic I want a little something extra break up the

Richness yes I do you can even eat this alongside your Seafood a lot of times that’s what we do we’ll have some um some crab legs and put this in a little bowl or some shrimp and put this in a little bowl and for meat eaters you can put some meat in

This but this is a cauliflower mes and you can even do this for Christmas as an alternative to mash potatoes and it’s just something different what they say drop the mic Bam Bam she going to be trying to steal my little recipe this is good this is good

Y’all all right look we going to Plate this up and we going to be right back okay so here goes this Beautiful what is this you keep forgetting here goes this beautiful dish of cauliflower mash can you see that R sure them on that beautiful cauliflower mash I just sprinkle some green onions on top put a little bit of my uh chopped up uh sweet bell peppers right there in

The middle for garnish and uh put my little Christmas decor around here make sure you keep that in the uh hot R it’s not about me but anyways you guys thank you so much for watching try this recipe out it’s really a good one as and as you

Can see I did it by taste I listened to what she told me to do and she just told me you going to have to taste it you know what it’s supposed to taste like you know how to cook so that’s what I had to do and that’s what you can do so

Listen merry Christmas happy holidays Happy New Year’s should we say merry new New Year’s no happy New Year and um I do have some exciting news about uh YouTube they uh said that we can have our own channel name now um so I didn’t know what to put I put the

Letters of my channel name because you couldn’t have a long name and you know whatever and so I put TK C C te’s kitchen cooking channel that’s what our family name is tkcc t k CC any cheerleaders out there hey T K T K CC I can remember that so um

We have a new Family Channel name that’s us and they gave me some levels of uh emojis that I could do or whatever and when you become a m you get perks and stuff like that so I’m like you know what this is right up my alley and even though I haven’t started

Getting paid yet I will spin up all of my proceeds to have fun with you know uh my members so um I’m actually going to start making some stuff for since you know for members that do sign up to be members for that monthly membership and um I’m excited

About it and uh I’mma see what all they’ll let me do you know for my members and um even you all that decide to purchase a membership you can give me some ideas of what we could do you know I want to get it to where we can plan

Trips you know shoot you know do it different than other uh YouTube platforms you know I feel like hey let’s share the whe all right so listen until the next time God bless you I love you happy holidays and we will see you on the next one and welcome to the channel don’t

Forget to like share and subscribe like lips say share the video that’s lips l l l i PS he has his own mukbang show we always say share the video so um so we can get our subscriber count up so that we can get more perks

And you know we can see hey we can have fun with this together so listen thank you guys um for watching for tuning in for staying tuned in and don’t forget to try this cauliflower mash so all right see you on the next time bye-bye SP


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