1/2 kilo de fèves favas (gourganes) sèches
1/3 t. de lentilles rouges
1/4 t. de riz blanc
1 t. de tomates en dés
2 gousses d’ail
1 c. à thé de sel
1 c. à thé de sucre


Option 1 –
Oeufs durs

Option 2 –
Salade baladi (Concombre, tomates, oignon rouge, jus de lime, coriandre, persil et aneth frais)

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Welcome everyone to my channel the dance of flavors I offer you today a recipe called full medames it is an Egyptian recipe based on Fava beans also called Gourgans I offer you today a basic recipe with two types of garnish either

Hard-boiled eggs with cumin or a baladie salad it’s a dish that is served for lunch and that you find everywhere in the streets of Cairo in small cars called Arabeyat ful I show you in another video how to make the Alexandria version for the

Ingredients you will need half a kilo of dry Fava beans that you have previously soaked for 12 hours half a cup of red lentils and a quarter of a cup of white rice a cup of tomatoes diced two cloves of minced garlic a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of

Sugar for this recipe you can use a bean cooker like this but of course you can also use a regular saucepan with a lid so I’m going to come add all my ingredients starting with my beans then then my lentils and rice I’m then going

To add my diced tomatoes garlic salt and sugar then I’m going to come cover with boiling water so I just make sure to cover this that there is I do not add too much water and you can always adjust during cooking after about 4 hours on very low heat you should obtain

A ful with this consistency so make sure to scrape everything that is in your cooker it will therefore be ready to serve you can easily freeze part of your ful if you wish to use it later so here you have your ful which you

Can garnish with hard boiled eggs with a little cumin or even a baladi salad I leave you the salad recipe in the comments so it’s quite simple you just need cucumber tomatoes red onions lime juice and fresh herbs of your choice

For example coriander parsley or even still dill you can serve with bread I wish you bon appetit if you like my recipes don’t forget to subscribe to my channel

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