Sholeh Zard شوله زرد (Persian Saffron Rice Pudding) is a traditional Iranian dessert. It is a long simmered porridge of rice, saffron and rose water with hints of cinnamon, rose water and saffron. The word sholleh is Persian for porridge (شوله). The signature yellow color of this dish (Zard زرد) comes from saffron water. Sholleh Zard is often made on the occasion of remembrance or emphasizing a wish. A large batch of Sholeh Zard is made and portions are distributed into the community. Sholeh Zard is often given to the needy and homeless but many times it is also sent to the neighbors, friends and family.
In recent years, Sholeh Zard has moved from a dish served strictly for religious and remembrance occasions to a commonly used dessert for parties and gatherings. A common part of Sholeh Zard tradition is the often artful decorations made on the surface. For religious occasions these decorations are often scribed with the names of the SHiite saints and the prophet or with scripture from the Quran!
You can serve Sholeh Zard hot and right after cooking but it is commonly served cold or room temp, since you have to let it cool in order to decorate it.

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Full recipe for Sholeh Zard dessert in placed in first comment under this video.

0:00 Introduction

Hello my friends welcome back to Cafe beeri today we’re going to make chazard together this is a sweet Persian saffron rice pudding quite delicious when you serve it hot or cold and for those of us who are looking forward to the winter holidays it makes a great addition to

Any spread you’re going to love this one let’s get started making some Shula Zac okay like any Persian rice dish the first step is to clean and wash your rice U this rice is fairly clean when you get it from the market most brands of rice are here in North America so

What we need to do is to remove some starch from the dry rice that includes putting the rice in a mediumsized bowl and just Stir It with your fingers you don’t don’t need to be scrubbing the grains between your fingers you just need to remove some of the Dust so the

Water gets cloudy and you repeat that three to four times to make sure all of the starch and dust on the grains are removed it’s all we doing and the water doesn’t need to be completely Crystal Clear after we have have washed the rice we get a large bowl with 7 cups of

Water and we transfer the washed rice to the bowl and we are going to leave it for a minimum of 30 minutes to several hours depending on what kind of rice you Us in so the purpose is for the rice to soak up and become soft and I’ll show you the

Test for determining if 30 minutes was enough like all cooking projects you want to prepare and gather all your ingredients which we call Mison plus make sure everything in its place I’ll go one step further and put the groups of ingredients in the order in which

They will go into the dish after we soaked our rice so we using the 30 minutes of time uh during the soaking um to prepare some of the other stuff that’s going to come together first one is the slivered almonds are essential ingredient that go inside of your rice

Pudding but we’re going to flavor them a step further what we’re doing is we have some rose water here and we add it to our sliver almonds and we add a couple ounces of water by the way the recipe is in the comments under this video as

Usual we’re going to soak in Rose Water both the almonds and some cardamom pods but in order for cardamon to release its Aroma in essence we need to kind of injure and cut it a little bit just like that so I do all 10 of them this way just cut it a little

Bit with the knife or you can press it with the bottom of a cup or something like that that way the essence will leave the pot so we’re going to leave the almonds and and cardamom to soak in the rose water if you don’t like almonds or

You’re allergic to them in some way you can leave the almonds out completely and of course the word zard means yellow chazard yellow porridge and saffron solution or saffron water as some people call it is a major ingredient in this dish I make it in in bulk in this bigger B

But you need only 5 oz for this dish and the instructions how to make it are in the recipe okay the rice has been soaking for a little over 30 minutes and we’re going to test it to make sure it’s soft enough for us to proceed to make

The choles out you simply get a couple of these grains and use your fingernail to do this if they easily break like this they’re soft enough to proceed if not just let them sit in the water for an additional 30 minutes before you proceed what we doing is all of the

Seven cups of water and the rice that’s been soaking in it is going to be put on high Flame the purpose is to get it to a boiling point then drop it down to low here you go just push the rest of it in the water initially you just give it a

Little bit of stir and just let it go uh after a few minutes it starts boiling I’m going to drop it to low immediately and I will start taking off the foam from the top this is nothing but extra starch by the way and you can leave it on the rice you

Can leave the foam in there but it just gives it a little more stickiness and impacts the final texture of your Shard you have to decide which way is better but removing it seems to make the grains a little more pronounced in the final product so now it’s simmering as you can

See on low Temp and we’re going to let it go for about 20 minutes and we’ll stir it once in a while at least once a minute we need to be stirring this so that it will not stick to the bottom and we’ll simmer it until the water has reduced and

Evaporated sufficiently that’s when the level of rice and water is almost the same but there is clearly water in there and simmering so that takes on my cooktop about 20 minutes you’re going to have to judge it by the level of water in the rice so we are right about 20

Minutes see the water there’s still water but it’s almost same level as the rice so we are ready to proceed with the rest of this stuff this is when we add starting with the mixture of slivered almonds and the cardamon pods that are in um a solution

Of water and Rose Water so we’re going to add all of those and with every addition of these following ingredients that I’m adding you want to do a little bit of stirring to make sure it’s distributed completely we are going to add our saffron solution I make sure always to

Shake this solution to make it even and then this is exactly 5 oz I like a strong saffron color in my chard you can experiment see I know people put very little or even more going towards an orange color look at this this is what 5 oz of Rich saffron

Water makes it look like for sugar if you look at the recipe below we have about a cup and a half to two depending on how much sweetness you like start dissolving it and then we’ll add it another stir now we’re going to put a couple of cinnamon

Sticks um I know people add cinnamon powder uh ground cinnam cinnamon but that impacts the color of your chazard you want cinnamon sticks because it um imparts the flavor of and Aroma of cinnamon and then you can remove them later we’re going to lower the temp even

Lower than it was before we were simmering we’re going to go to the lowest possible before it turns off right so we’re at the lowest possible temperature that we can get on this cook toop and we’re going for 20 minutes on the lowest Setting we’re about uh 12 minutes into our second 20 minutes with all the ingredients in there and look at this it’s kind of getting there the texture and I did a little Tas in it’s pretty much where we want it we’re halfway There all right here’s the consistency after the second 20 minutes that was done while stirring it once every I would say 30 seconds or so I said constantly but really you don’t need to be stirring constantly constantly about once every 30 to 45 seconds to prevent the bottom

From sticking now we’re going to move our pot off the heat so we can work on it here on this counter as you can see the there’s already uh between the time I turned off the heat and now there’s a little skin little film for formed on

The top of this which is a sugar in there really and some of the starch the the consistency is where I want it after the second 20 minutes of cooking on very low and stirring what we’re doing before adding the last set of ingredients we’re going to remove the solids you remember

The two pieces of cinnamon stick have done their job and they gave a nice layer of cinnamon Aroma and flavor and also the cardamon pods are done um I had I remember from my childhood occasionally you would find in a bite of chazard you would find a

Little uh camman po or those little hard seeds from inside of cardamon so um try to do a thorough job of finding so slivers may have separated from cinnamon sticks that you need to find uh so just kind of stir in fish for him so this is it we remove the

Solids before we let this rest for about five to 10 minutes we’re going to add the last set of ingredients butter and one tablespoon of vegetable oil are both the butters for flavor and butter and vegetable oil together are to enhance the final texture of this chazard they help to separate the grains

And form a thin barrier between them and kind of help the final texture but the butter is definitely for flavor so thoroughly stir this for butter and oil to get distributed and then what happens is as this thing cools it tends to get a little harder in

Texture and won’t be as runny and that’s okay that’s where we want it there you go make sure that butter is completely dissolved just leave it now for about 10 minutes this thing will be cooler so you can handle it and put it in dishes for

Serving okay after we add the butter and oil and it’s rested um for the final stretch we ready to serve there are two ways to serve this whenever um in in in its traditional form you usually making this to give to the needy or people in the neighborhood your friends and family you

You divide it by portions in these too too boxes and then decorate each separately if you’re doing this for a party as a dessert or side dish what you do is you’re going to uh get a Ser big serving bowl and put the whole thing in that bowl

And decorate it um real nice all over and that’ll be your presentation so this thing’s still hot so it has some settling to do after we fill these and before we um decorate okay so we’re going to shake these to level the surface because that’s the canvas on which you want to

Do your design and I am not going to start decorating the top quite yet because it’s still rather hot I want to let it cool down a little bit and solidify um so as it cools it will again get a skin on the top and then you will proceed to do your

Decoration but this is pretty much your choles at if you’re someone who doesn’t care about decorating the top of it um or if you want to do small plastic or glass servings so each one of these could be cut into four to six small servings and in that case it would serve

A lot more people but we saying this recipe is for 6 to eight it’s been about 6 minutes as you can see the the shaking tells us that this thing because of the starch and sugar is kind of starting to solidify and we can start working I’m

Going to push these two back and just show you how I would decorate one quick word the occasion on which traditionally this is made for religious occasions for remembrance of someone or if you have a wish that that you want granted you make the a bunch of these give to the needy

The neighbors and and hope that your wish would be granted a lot of times the decorations on this thing are Rel just in nature and in this case I have CAF bueri logo and I’ll use it but you sky the limit and you can use your creative

Forces to do whatever you want for a birthday or whatnot so I’m putting about a tablespoon or half tablespoon of this cinnamon here and you will get a cut out of whatever design you want I’m trying to not destroy this and I will go like this there that’s the first

Level and then what I’ve done is just bear with me I have some crushed pistachios I will go right here and go like this and there it is here’s our design so I’ve seen houses that have two 300 of these portions sent out to the needy they have the hir

Drivers that send them throughout the neighborhood and nearby regions or just a immediate family five or 15 of these I hope that you liked the chard uh video today do try to make this and um put it on Instagram Facebook on Instagram you can

Tag me at Cafe bueri I would like to see it and I will um I will give you a shout out and share it with my folks if you like this video please like below and if you haven’t subscribed yet this is is a perfect opportunity to subscribe and hit

That little bell button so you can keep in touch whenever good stuff happens here you get a notification from US please come back and see me right here at Cafe Beary very soon we have a lot of cool stuff coming up and I think it’s

Time for me to dig into one of these uh so you usually want to get the the Almond slivers are in in their part of the actual pudding and then you got the dusting of cinnamon and pistachi on the top saffron and cardamom are the strongest whiff initially and it’s wonderful



    Persian Saffron Rice Pudding

    Makes: 9 – 12 generous servings


    — 1 cup (~215g) Basmati or Jasmin rice

    — 7 cups Water

    — 4 tbsp Slivered almonds

    — 10 Cardamom pods

    — 1 tsp Rosewater essence

    — 1/4 tsp Ground saffron (for making saffron solution)

    — 2 large Cinnamon sticks

    — 1 1/2 cups (320g) Sugar

    — 2 tbsp Butter

    — 1 tbsp Vegetable oil

    — Ground cinnamon for decorating

    — 2 tbsp Slivered (or finely crushed) pistachio nuts for decoration


    — Wash the Basmati or Jasmin rice until the water runs clear – 3 to 4 rinses.

    — Soak the rice in 7 cups of water for at least 30 minutes to soften the rice grains.

    — In a small bowl, combine the rosewater essence, 1/4 cup of water and the slivered almonds.

    — Crush the cardamom pods and add them to the rosewater and almonds.

    — Stir and put aside to soak.

    — To make the saffron solution, mix the 1/4 tsp ground saffron with 5 ounces of freshly boiled hot water in a small glass and let it brew for at least 5 minutes before using.

    — After the 30 minutes of soaking time, check if the rice is soft enough to proceed.

    — To test, try to squeeze and cut the rice grains between your fingernails.

    — If it’s difficult to split the rice grains into smaller pieces, let them soak 30 minutes longer.

    — Add the soaked rice and its water to a medium sized pot on medium high heat. A nonstick, thick-bottomed pot is ideal.

    — Bring to a boil (stir occasionally).

    — Once the water is boiling, reduce the temperature to low and start skimming the foam off the surface.

    — The foam is extra starch and removing it improves the dish’s final texture.

    — Let the rice cook gently until most of the water is evaporated/absorbed. This will take about 20 minutes.

    — Stir occasionally during the 20 minutes.

    — When the water level is almost the same as the rice, add the cinnamon sticks, rosewater, almonds, and cardamom and stir thoroughly.

    — Add 5 ounces of saffron solution and stir thoroughly.

    — In a separate pan or microwave-safe glass, boil 1 cup of water.

    — Combine the boiling water with the 1 1/2 cups of sugar and stir until incorporated.

    — Add the sugar water to the Sholeh Zard and stir thoroughly.

    — Let your Sholeh Zard simmer on lowest temp setting (while stirring often, about once every 30 seconds to a minute) until it has the desired consistency, a minimum of 20 minutes.

    — From this point on, stir regularly to prevent your rice pudding from sticking to the pan.

    — Depending on your cooktop’s heat profile and thickness of your pot, the timing may be different.

    — When the Sholeh Zard has reached the desired consistency, remove from heat.

    — Remove the cinnamon sticks and cardamom pods.

    — Add the butter and vegetable oil and stir thoroughly.

    — If you do not intend to decorate the surface of Sholeh Zard portions, you can serve it hot/warm at this point.

    — Let the Sholeh Zard rest for 5 – 10 minutes.

    — Transfer your Sholeh Zard from the pot into portion-sized serving containers or one big serving bowl. Let it cool down completely and proceed to decorate it with cinnamon powder, pistachio and almond slivers (or crushed) and other edible decorations such as dried Damascus roses. Be creative.

    — Enjoy hot right after cooking, cold or at room temperature.

    — Note: You can store Sholeh Zard in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

    — If you see water separating from the pudding after a few days in the refrigerator, simply stir it back in and enjoy.

  2. It has to be cold for me, Chef. Wonderful video. I didn't know about flavoring the almonds, I will try it next time. I bought a bunch of cappuccino stencils for decorating it

  3. Mr. Bagheri, Would it be okay to replace the sugar with, say, maple syrup?
    Sugar is really bad for our bodies!
    Thank you for your marvellous programme.

  4. فکر کنم همراه شکر نباید آب اضافه کنید برای اینکه خود شکر مواد را شل میکنه

  5. Looks delicious! My family does not use butter and it sounds like a wonderful addition, thank you for sharing!

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