A festive appetizer that is sure to please everyone! A long loved dip wrapped in fluffy dough, super easy and a total crowd pleaser!
⬇️⬇️ Recipe ⬇️⬇️

PRINTABLE RECIPE: https://www.laurainthekitchen.com/recipes/spinach-dip-christmas-tree/

For the filling:
5 oz of Frozen Chopped Spinach, thawed and squeezed of any moisture
4 oz of Cream Cheese, softened at room temperature
1/4 cup of Mayo
2 Tbsp of Sour Cream
1/2 cup of Grated Parm
2/3 cup of Shredded Mozzarella
1 Tbsp of Garlic and Herb Seasoning

For the remaining Ingredients:
2-8oz packages of Crescent Roll Dough Sheets
3 Tbsp of Melted Butter
1 Tbsp of Grated Garlic
2 Tbsp of Parm
Touch of Garlic and Herb Seasoning

Pre-Order My New Book: https://amzn.to/3PFEJe3

Items in this video (affiliate):
Glass bowl: https://amzn.to/47XuEAP
Baking Sheets: https://amzn.to/41lMprc
Parchment paper sheets: https://amzn.to/3NtVRTE

Items you’ll find in my kitchen (affiliate):
Knives: https://amzn.to/3Khbpse
cutting board: https://amzn.to/3OyM2EM
Cookware set: https://amzn.to/3OwDWN4
Wooden Spoons: https://amzn.to/3Dy1cnt
Cooking Utensils: https://amzn.to/3rL25qa
Metal Tongs: https://amzn.to/3DwKMeX
Bench Scraper: https://amzn.to/3Qir5zo
Standing Mixer: https://amzn.to/47mwQSP
Food Processor: https://amzn.to/4771qzv
Glass Bowl Set: https://amzn.to/3KhCR9p
Salt Container: https://amzn.to/3q8SKrK
Pepper Mill: https://amzn.to/3Of7qgS
Sheet Pans: https://amzn.to/3DzuGRY
Dutch Oven: https://amzn.to/43M63fz

00:00 – Intro
00:32 – Make the Dip
02:58 – Prep the Dough
03:49 – Assemble
10:47 – Bake
08:00 – Bake the Cookies
11:33 – Enjoy!

Fan Mail:
PO Box 300
Minotola, NJ 08341

#spinachdip #holidayrecipes #recipes #laurainthekitchen

We are making a pull-apart spinach dip bread  that I like to call my spinach dip Christmas   tree because it is in the shape of a  Christmas tree and it is so delicious,   you’re going to love it. It really combines  my love of spinach dip, which is one of my  

Favorite things to make for a gathering, like as  an appetizer, and also I love anything bready,   or doughy. It’s just, I do so combining the two  is just spectacular you are going to love this I’m   going to start off with the dip ingredients.  In this bowl, I’ve got some cream cheese,  

Now this is the chive cream cheese flavor,  but you can use plain cream cheese. I just   happened to find that, and I really wanted to  use it, I’ve also got a little bit of mayo,   a little bit of sour cream, and I have some  frozen chopped spinach that I’ve thawed and  

Just really squeezed out lots and lots of that  moisture, because we don’t want this to be wet. So now to this, I’m going to go ahead and hit  it with just a pinch of salt, let me go grab my  

Garlic and herb seasoning, hold on, cuz I forgot.  Garlic and herb, this is my favorite, lots of   freshly ground black pepper, and then I’m going  to go ahead and grate some parmiggiano, I got my  

Big old hunk block here which is kind of hard to  grate, such a big block, I usually have it I grate   it myself in a blender, but I just cut a chunk  off and I’m going to grate it right in because I  

Want a good 1/4 cup of freshly grated. I’ve got my  oven preheating to 375F so that it’s ready for us   when we are ready for it, and now I’m going to add  some shredded mozz to this, you could use cheddar,  

You could use Monteray Jack, you could use  a little pepper jack, any of that will work   just fine. And now just using a spoon, making sure  that your cream cheese is at room temperature so  

That it’s easy to mix, I’m just going to mix this  together, going to switch to a spatula, just to   make things easier, that looks great. I’m going to  go ahead and set this aside. Now let’s talk dough.

I am using some crescent roll dough. crescent  roll dough, now they also come in sheets just   like this, this is just known as crescent dough  sheet, so it doesn’t have all the cutouts for the   crescent rolls. I have done this with puff pastry  with excellent results, I just like the breadiness  

Of this a little better than the flakiness of the  puff pastry, but you can use both. And I know puff   pastry is available pretty much in every country,  I know it’s even available in Italy, so it’s a  

Very sort of, easy to replace item, but as I said,  I’m using this, if you want to use crescent dough,   specifically but you can get your hands on this,  I would go to LauraintheKitchen.com, I would get  

The recipe for my crescent rolls, and I would just  make that recipe, but instead of cutting them into   little rolls, just use them as the sheet for this.  So you’ve got, you’ve got options. So I’m going  

To work with one at a time, I hate opening these  things because I either A) always break the seal,   or they don’t open up, but here we go. I’m going  to move one of the baking sheets closer to me,  

I’ve got it lined with some parchment paper,  get that open, careful not to, careful not   to pierce it too much because sometimes, I  can’t, I’ve been known to be a little rough,   you know, so just unroll this. Just try to  pull it so that you make an even rectangle,  

But don’t tear it, you know, if it’s like  a little bit lopsided over there it’s fine. You’re going to take your mixture,  which is just this is so good,   this is going to go well with drinks, as an  appetizer, or just like even if you want to  

Make this and place it like on your grazing  little board, or your charcuterie board,   it would just really be a great little  show piece, you know what I mean? Try to do this carefully because I hate when  parchment paper moves all over the place,  

It drives me insane, but you know, what are  you going to do? And I pretty much like to   go from corner to corner because all the excess  of the cutout, basically that we’re going to do,  

I just like to make a little twist and add them  right to my board, and they’re delicious, because   I will not waste a single little thing. So just  take your time and just get it as even as you can.

Okay, we have our second one, now this one ripped  a bit so I don’t want that to scare you because we   can work with it, and it’s really fine, and  we can pinch it together where we have to,  

You know, so just carefully unravel, and  again we are going to stretch it out and   seal it back together in areas that just  got messed up. It does not matter that much,   it’s very forgiving, I just like  to do it as as carefully as I can.

Okay, that is what it looks like. I’m going to  have to turn this towards me because I need to   be able to see what exactly I’m doing, but at  this point I’m just basically going to cut out  

The shape of a tree, if you will, and I like to  just give myself like a template before I go in   and cut it. That’s good, so I sort of know what  I’m dealing with, you can use a really big knife,  

Or you can use a smaller knife, whichever  makes you feel more comfortable. Now,   and I know when you’re thinking ‘we have a lot  of extra’, but I’m going to actually make two,   you’ll see, you’ll see. And then we’ll have extra  ones to work with, as well to make a little twist,  

See what I’m doing here, going to cut it a  little bit further in and just take these,   place these on here, I’m going to get  another Christmas tree out of this. We are going to cut it and we’re going to pinch it  together, and it’s going to be great, but until we  

Do that, I’m going to work with this little guy,  because I’m going to show you how I do it. Now   it’s going to look bit messy, but you’re going  to have to just, this is the kind of thing that  

You trust the process, like to cut a piece of the  base off because a Christmas tree shouldn’t have   a base that big, and I’m going to use this for  my topper. Now you’re going to come in here and  

You’re going to cut slits like that. Once you have  them all cut, you’re going to take each piece,   sort of gently tug on it and pull it just a tiny  little bit, twist it twice and leave it like that.

Okay, it’s going to be a little bit  messy, but you’re going to have to   just trust me when I tell you these are  absolutely delicious and they kind of just,   I don’t know, they go with the look of being  like this really cool little rustic thing,  

And as you get closer you’re only going to be  able to twist once because obviously these small   pieces up here are really small, but don’t be  concerned about the mess that it makes because   once it bakes it’s just so delicious, and if you  follow me on Instagram you remember we did this,  

Something similar to this with Nutella last year,  and some puff pastry and that was such a hit,   you guys made that recipe so many times,  I was tagged in it, it was awesome. So if you make this, please tag me so  I can see, you know I’m nosy like that,  

I should have been named Rosie, so  that I could be known as nosy Rosie,   because I love to see what people are  cooking, I love to see what people are eating,   because in my opinion it really is the  best way to get to know, you know, people,  

And through their what they like to  eat and cook and things like that. And then I like to take this guy, you really  do not have to, but you know, to cut a little   snowflake or star, or anything like that, and  I am going to pop this at the very top like so,  

When I add my butter I’m going to do that, so  that is what it should look like, like that.   We’re going to butter this with a garlic butter,  but I want to show you how I do this because we  

Waste nothing in this house, nothing when it comes  to food, it’s my biggest pet peeve, we talked   about it, you’re going to take these two pieces  and you’re going to just marry them together,   it does does not matter that they’re not perfect,  who cares. Because I can tell you what it will be,  

Which is delicious, okay, that is a guarantee.  And you’re going to just cut it so that it’s   got a base, and you’re going to follow the  same things, the only exception is you don’t  

Have a trunk here, so we’re just going to make  one, okay, so we will make one with a cut out,   but until then, you’re just going to cut  slits and just repeat that same process. We got our second star, I also wanted to  show you I cut out a little piece for the  

Base and then these two pieces that are  the sides, here’s what I do because these   also look really good and they’re really  tasty, just alongside everything else,   I just cut them into little strips like that,  twist them and leave them like so. That’s all,  

And they’re so good, you know  it’s a nice little cook’s treat. As you’re putting this together for everyone else,   like you don’t want to touch the tree and mess  it up, just have a couple of these cooks treats,  

You always have to have one of those, I’m  going to do this this as well and then I’m   going to just melt some butter and we are going  to work on finishing this off. Before it bakes. To some melted butter, I’m just  going to grate in some fresh garlic,  

And remember when you grate it it’s really really  strong, so I just suggest you do just one clove,   because otherwise all you’ll taste is a really  strong garlic taste, and some freshly grated parm,   and just a small little sprinkle, thank  goodness I caught it with my hand,  

Otherwise it would have been a lot of a,  a lot of a sprinkle of my garlic and herb.   Mix that around, and now just brush that all  over, really want that yumminess all around. We are locked and loaded and looking  and smelling gorgeous. And these are  

Going to go into my oven preheated at 375F  for 15 to 20 minutes, keep an eye on them,   you want them really deeply golden, not burnt  then we’re going to let them come out they’re   going to sit and just relax for a few minutes  and then we’re going to dive in. So good.

All right my Christmas tree has baked for exactly  16 minutes and I just like to keep an eye on them,   and because I have two sheet pans, I rotate them  so like 8 minutes in, I just took the one from  

The bottom and put on the top and then just  so that they bake evenly, but they’re just,   they’re really gorgeous, I can’t even begin  to tell you how good these are. I’m going to   take one of these, because I don’t really don’t  want to mess up my tree, but you know I will,  

Especially for you, the dough is perfectly  cooked the the the stuffing the yumminess is.. Guys, it is so good, really, insane, so as people  like come in, I like the idea of just literally   taking this, I’m going to break it apart, and like  breaking it apart as people come in and then the  

Lucky ones, we get the center which is like extra  delicious because it like seeps in the the most   amount of of filling is in that Center and it’s  tender. 10 out of 10. Go to LauraintheKitchen.com   to get this written recipe, place this on a board  with some really pretty like, maybe cranberries,  

And rosemary around it, just to kind of dress  it up a little bit, or have that be the main   focus on your charcuterie board and you are in  business. It’s also great at room temperature,   did I mention that? Great at room temperature,  the recipe is there waiting for you,  

Hope you enjoyed spending time with  me, and I will see you in the next one! Bye-bye!


  1. Laura, when you said you should have been named Rosie, I was thinking 🤔 Rosie the Riveter, but you said, Nosie Rosie and I just lost it. 🤣😂 You are so authentic and funny! I love you for that. This was a very creative idea for a spinach treat and I just love it. I can't wait to make it for the holidays! You also gave me the inspiration to make this into a football shape as well. Thank you so much for the recipe, love and inspiration. Keep Spicey! 🥰🥰🤗🤗

  2. Omg Laura thanks for the recipe I am salivating looks so delicious I’m adding this one to my must make recipes yum!

  3. If you add a little water on the cookie sheet and then put parchment down, it will stick to pan and not move around
    This looks yummy as all your recipes. Buon Natale

  4. Thank you! This looks amazing and thank you for reminding us of a tried and true recipe. Personally, I love to see recreations and personal perspectives of the same recipe. Everyone adds their own touch!

  5. I have to know…. what kind of floors do you have in your kitchen. Im currently chosing our materials for our kitchen remodel and love everything you have in your kitchen! Absolutely delicious recipe. Thank you for sharing.

  6. People are way too sensitive these days and are offended by E-VER-Y-THING! That’s the problem in today’s world. More important things going on in this country.

  7. Did this last year and halfway through, I decided to just not shape and cut it, but use the whole rectangle of puff pastry 😅 so it wasnt a Christmas tree, but defenately still tasted amazing lol 😁😁

  8. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 Laura vitals I follow you all year long hope you have a great holiday with your family and happy new year 🎆🎊🎈

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