Chef Kelley’s Website:

Ratatouille Lasagna
(makes 4 to 6 Large Servings)
2 red bell peppers, medium diced
1 orange bell pepper, medium diced
1 yellow bell pepper, medium diced
4 zucchini, medium diced (save 10 slices to place on top)
3 yellow squash, medium diced (save 10 slices to place on top)
1 small bag spinach
1 large eggplant, medium diced and remove some skin. (save 10 small slices to place on top)
1 large onion, medium diced
6 tomatoes, small diced (save 10 slices to place on top)
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning, your favorite
4 cloves garlic, small diced
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 container silken tofu, drained
1 container firm tofu, drained
½ cup fresh basil leaves
½ onion, small diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ cup nutritional yeast
Spicy Sauce
6 cans tomato sauce
1 can diced tomatoes, slightly drained
1 cup fresh basil
1/8 cup capers, drained and small diced
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes, optional
4 cup Kalamata olives, small diced
4 garlic cloves, small diced
1 small onion, small diced
¼ cup pine nuts
1/8 cup water
1 cup fresh basil
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon yellow miso
1 package lasagna noodles, follow package directions for preparation
1 handful fresh basil, chiffonade

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Ratatouille: In a large skillet, add the squash, bell peppers, onions, spinach, and eggplant with a little bit of vegetable broth or water and sauté until the vegetables are al-dente. Right before you remove the vegetables from the heat, add in the Italian seasoning and mix well. Set aside to cool.
Ricotta: In a food processor, add in all ingredients and process until smooth. Set aside.
Spicy Sauce: In a large stock pot, add in all ingredients and simmer until the sauce has thickened slightly. Set aside but remove 1.5 cups of the sauce to use under the lasagna when serving.
Pesto: In a food processor add in all ingredients and blend until smooth. Set aside.
Assembly: In the bottom of a large baking dish 9×13, add in the spicy sauce to cover the bottom of the dish. Add in the lasagna noodles and can overlap them or you can place them side by side. Either way allows you to slice the lasagna and have it come out of the baking dish easily. On top of the noodles, spread on the ricotta and then add ½ cup or slightly more of the ratatouille mixture. On top of the ratatouille add some of the spicy sauce. Continue layering with noodles, ricotta, ratatouille, and spicy sauce and then on the top make sure that you end with the lasagna noodles. Mix in a small bowl the ricotta and spicy sauce that you have left over. Add the sauce to the top of the noodles and then add your slices of zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, and tomatoes, in an order, so that they overlap each other.
Cover with parchment paper and then aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes to 1 hour until you see the sauce bubbling on the sides. If you would like to keep your oven clean, you can place the baking dish on a baking tray. Remove the parchment paper and aluminum foil from the lasagna so that it can brown slightly. Always allow your lasagna to cool (about 10 to 15 minutes) and then slice into 6 to 8 squares, depending on how hungry you are😊
Serving: on a large plate, add ¼ or slightly more of the spicy sauce and spread into a nice circle that fills most of the plate. In the middle of the spicy sauce on the plate add the pesto and spread gingerly so that you have a large red spicy sauce circle on the plate with a luscious green pesto in the middle. Make sure that you make your circles larger than your slice of lasagna. Add the slice of lasagna on top of the sauce circle and then add fresh basil (chiffonade). Enjoy.

Italian Salad
(makes 6 Servings)
2 cups romaine lettuce, washed & torn
1 cup red leaf lettuce, washed & torn
¼ cup scallions, chopped
½ jar roasted red peppers in water, sliced in long strips
12 cherry tomatoes cut in half
2 tablespoons basil, chopped
1 cup jicama or celery root, thinly sliced
1 pint Kalamata olives or favorite green olives, chopped
1 can garbanzo beans, drained, rinsed
1 can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons stone ground mustard
1 small shallot, diced
1 teaspoon parsley
1 tablespoon Grey Poupon mustard
1 teaspoon agave or honey
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
1 ½ tablespoons red wine vinegar

1. For Dressing: mix all ingredients together in a blender and set aside.
2. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Add the dressing right before serving and massage in to distribute evenly.

Do hey everyone and welcome to Chef AJ live I’m your host Chef AJ and this is where I introduce you to amazing people like you who are doing great things in the world that I think you should know about well today is the last Sunday of

The month which means it’s time for Chef Kelly Williamson who is also known as the plant-based kitchenista she’s going to be making her own dinner for herself tonight for Christmas Eve it is a Ratatouille Las and an Italian salad please welcome her to the show happy day before Christmas thank you you

Too hope you’re enjoying wherever you’re at hopefully you’re enjoying some nice weather or you’re getting the snow that everybody’s looking for for Christmas so we are here in Colorado why do why do we want a white Christmas I like a sunny Christmas personally you know I don’t

Know either I I know one time and stuff we went down to um not Sedona but I can’t even think of like Somewhere in Arizona and stuff and it was like they had you know it was nice and it was like 70 degrees and they had the palm

Trees lit up it was so pretty I was like you know that’s not bad I could take that better than better than snow yeah yep and the only thing I miss about living in the desert actually is the weather I don’t miss the snakes spiders and scorpions man they had big spiders

In the desert I haven’t seen a bug in two years since I’ve lived in Northern California I think it’s too cold for them yay I I would I could do without the bugs there’s a lot of people but where we moved and stuff they have they back up to a green belt because

Everybody wanted to have you know the open land behind them but the same thing they’re getting mice and snakes and spiders and all kinds of things like that in their basements and I’m like I’m good I don’t need that with no thanks yep we always get a lot of crickets in

The desert too and you can never see them but you could hear them all night and they would get into certain places like you try to find them and you could you couldn’t you can’t find them they get into like in between the walls and all kinds of stuff but yeah they’re bad

I remember when I moved to the desert I lived there myself for three months while Charles continued to work in LA and I kept hearing them I didn’t know you know exactly what it was or where it was and I and the neighbor said oh yeah well there’re don’t worry the Scorpions

Will eat them I go scorpions and sure enough and the Scorpions I’m not kidding they were like this big they freaked me out when you’re not used to them it’s really tough to get used to something like that in your 60s yeah well it’s kind of like you know it’s like when you

Open up the door and something’s standing there and it’s like you know you try to kind of push it away you know outside or something like that and it rares I I was in New Mexico and the big bug rared up at me and I was like okay

Fine you stay there I just I closed the door and went back inside I was like I can’t imagine our ancestors they must have dealt with that a lot more than we did and they slept on the ground think about that so you got stuff crawling on you at night what did people

Do in the old days about the cold though I mean we you know I can’t imagine living in cold climates back before living indoors I have a feeling they did a lot of you know like that unfort Ely the the bear rugs and things like that that’s

Probably what they did and then they you know would sleep right next to a fire you know like open fires and all that but that is not you know you watch all those like Yellowstone and all those you know movies that are really good to watch but you’re

Like yeah I’m not sure everybody smelled really good back then so I don’t think anybody really cared yeah you know it’s interesting this I like to give everybody that’s vegan a voice on this show if they’d like a chance and when I interview the raw fooders you know they

Talk about how it’s not natural to cook the food and things like that but I think we’ve been cooking a lot longer than we’ve not been cooking how did they survive you know all the cold our ancestors moving you know going west and stuff if they didn’t cook their food I

Can’t imagine any of our ancestors really being a raw fooder I can’t either because it’s you know you think about that you know when you’re cold and you got you know just to have something in your belly and stuff it was probably things like oatmeal and

Grains and and those type of things but you wouldn’t eat those raw so yeah I would assume they would have cooked too yeah so yeah and that is what you’re going to do today that’s what I’m going to do so we ready to get started let’s

Do it all right so we’re going to start making the Ratatouille so there’s as you can see over here there is a lot of color going and ratu is one of the most probably one of the most pretty ones that you can make because you’ve got you

Know you’ve got yellow um red got yellow bell peppers red bell peppers orange bell peppers you got Tomatoes you’ve got zucchini yellow squash and it’s pretty much one of those ones that you know you can do it very um very I guess like normal the way that most people would do

It and use the right vegetables but then think about it too if you’ve got some things that are in your refrigerator like maybe you have a little bit of broccoli that’s starting to maybe get a little bit on yellow side or you just want to use it because you know it’s

Going to be like two days from being going bad put those kind of things in there it doesn’t hurt in the lasagna and just makes it better and it cleans out your fridge which is really nice so let me get some vegetable broth in there just a little bit don’t put a lot

Just because it’s your vegetables and stuff are going to are going to give you quite a bit of moisture especially with your tomatoes and if you get too much then you’re going to have to dip it out so all right so we’ve got zucchini so I

Just did kind of a medium dice on everything so zucchini left the peeling on oh so basically your ratou is yellow it looks like yellow bell pepper green zucchini orange tomato correct so yep SU bin of green then we got yellow squash yellow squash was hard to find

Here in Colorado don’t know why there seems to be some weird things like basil and things like that that you can’t find in the stores right now so strange red Bel Pepper when I visited you you couldn’t get the Hannah or the white sweet potatoes did they ever fix that

They did they actually but there’s very few so when they when they actually have them in the stores they’ll put like a lot of the purple ones and then they’ll put just a few there’s probably maybe 10 of the Hannah and then everything else is the sweet potatoes and the yams

Because I think that’s the most popular and that’s what people know so they kind of stick to those I think the hand everybody’s like why aren’t those darker you know like the darker kind of H breust colors yellow bell pepper orange bell pepper and no green bell pepper right no

Green the reason I don’t do the green and the the Redi is just green is very it has a very like like big taste and it kind of takes over I use that when I do green bell peppers I usually do in Mexican food but when I make something

Like this I want everything to blend together so the green bell I don’t want the green bell pepper to stand out I heard that the green ones actually are not ripe is that true that’s what I’ve heard too but I don’t know for sure but I’m assuming you know if you

Leave Grill if you leave green bell peppers though you know you think about this you leave green bell peppers in your garden and we used to have that they get like a purple color but I’ve never seen him go red so I don’t know I’ll look that

Up have you ever seen the tiger ones that are like yellow orange and red they’re so beautiful they’re striped once in a blue moon I think I’ve seen them twice in the time that I’ve been here in Colorado I don’t know if they just it’s not something that they bring in a

Lot but I rarely see it there’s a lot of times and stuff we won’t get a lot of the fruits and vegetables that you see other places like if I went to the California Market huge difference I’m sure in what I would see like a lot of our Tomatoes like even the heirloom

Tomatoes are like small like this and I know I’ve seen some that are like that big so not here Tomatoes This pan is going to get really full really quick and then last thing I’m going to do is eggplant and I’m gonna let this cook down just a little

Bit and then I’ll add the eggplant so lots of vegetables if you think about it it is a whole pan and the nice thing about it is if you have extra of these vegetables left over then just keep them and then you you know you can put them

On a salad you could just eat them as a as a regular dish or you could actually put them on a baked potato would be another way to do it so don’t get rid of them love Ratatouille it’s really nice too because you know a lot of times your lasagnas

You know the the the basic lasagnas are are usually like you know your your Tomatoes like a tomato sauce marinara sauce your your noodles and then you’ve got usually spinach those type of things and they’re you know they’re very good lasagnas but to have something that has you know all

These different vegetables and then we’re going to have two different sauces really good all right then I’ve got tomato paste I’ve got garlic just minced garlic get that going then I’m GNA let it sit and just kind of cook down just a little bit and then I’ll

Add I’ll add the um the eggplant otherwise my dish is going to overflow do you use the which kind of eggplant do you use you know the long skinny ones that they call them I think Chinese or the regulares Japanese I yeah you can get I this one here that’s here

Is just the regular eggplant that you get in the storage that’s you know the really dark the dark purple um color so I just use that for what’s going to go in here but then what goes on the top then I did the hold over here I did the

Japanese eggplant the reason why I did the Japanese is when you get an eggplant like this it gives you really big circles and I wanted to match everything up to the tomatoes and everything else that I bought so that I have these really pretty rows of vegetables so

That’s the Japanese which is really pretty because of the color yeah I like the color better of that one me too and you know what I found too the Japanese you know like when you do eggplant you’ll notice and stuff that if you leave it out too long it starts getting

Brown really quick the Japanese and stuff because I had it out yesterday and I was making the other lasagna that I have in the um the oven it didn’t it didn’t Brown as fast which was really nice so I was like that’s kind of nice all right let me

Grab get the noodles cooking just so I have them ready so I’m just regular just regular old noodles just lasagna noodles as will go in so we’re going to make a spicy putanesca sauce doesn’t that sound yummy what is the Hallmark of ptin so putanesca it’s it’s Italian so it’s

Got a lot of things like Camala olives so you get kind of that sweet of the of the tomatoes and the marinara but then you add that spiciness so you get like red pepper flakes you put capers in there you’ve got calamada olives and those type of things so it kind of gives

You a little bit of that like kind of the mommy so you’ve got the little bit of the um kind of the sour vinegar type of things and then you got the sweet of it and then you’ve got a little bit of the the onion and things and it just just it’s really

Good so I got all the tomatoes and then all the diced tomatoes so I’ve got those in here I’m just going to dump those in that way I’ll let this simmer because the more that you let saua simmer the better they are so this is just tomato sauce and and

A DIC a can of diced tomatoes no salt you really don’t need it if you think about it you know that’s even though the recipes always say like um you know add salt and pepper optional but if think about you’ve got colam olives and you’ve got Capers that are

Coming that are going to be added to this and some red pepper flakes and then you’ve got garlic and things you really don’t need a lot of different flavors because that’s what’s going to it’ll take over that and just make it too salty all right so

Basil I’m just going to add some basil in the bottom just like that that off to the side so I just leave the leaves I don’t cut them up right now I just put them hold the reason why is that once I get this done um I what I want to do is

Since I have a lot of chunkiness with the Ratatouille I want to make sure that like my tomato sauce instead of being chunky also because it’s a lot of chunkiness I’m actually going to take a hand blender to it and blend up the basil and blend up the uh camata olives

And things like that in there so then you just have that nice flavor for the for the putanesca but not chunkiness start cook down a little bit the lid on it real quick okay so then we’ve got so the panesa that we’re making so we got the

Dice we got the basil in there we’ve got an eighth of a eighth of a cup of Capers so very little liquid I pretty much drained the liquid off and so I just have the actual capers in there if you don’t want to buy Capers one of the

Things you could substitute would be lemon juice that’ll give you a little bit of that that kind of that flavor without buying Capers I tend to buy capers in those little jars like that and I probably keep them they probably have them in the fridge for six months or more because I

Don’t use them a lot all right then we got red pepper flakes so so we got an eighth of a so we got one teaspoon you don’t want that hot because that’s what red pepper flakes are going to do leave them out but it really adds to the sauuce

Okay and then we got is it what is it basil or basil I you know what you hear it differently all over the place and you it’s funny because I always listen to a lot of the chef shows and I would say I’ve seen who was it

Uh what is it Chef Ramsey basil and then I’ve seen so it’s like it seems like more Europe as basil and then here in the United States is basil so that’s what I’ve seen so then I’ve got colada olives garlic that’s four garlic cloves you want more garlic you can

Always add more garlic nothing better than garlic or roasted garlic it’s really good in it quick stir and then we’ve got small onion so Sal small onion that’s diced this was just a white onion but doesn’t matter whatever onion you have if you have the

Yellow I went to the store the other day that’s the other thing there in king supers which is Kroger one of our main stores no white onions at all there was yellow red everything else but no white I don’t know if just everybody went crazy and just started buying things

Or is that your favorite onion the sweet onion that’s what you know what I don’t really care I’m I like any of the onions and stuff Jerry prefers the white onions so that’s why I do the white onions but I red onions doesn’t matter right so I’m

Just going to put this on the stove start simmering and then we’ll use a hand blender on it just a little while later all right let’s give it a quick sh how long does your prep normally take you because that’s what I think you make

It look so easy because you do the Misan PL which I think is important you know this one is this one probably be because I made two of them and so it took a little bit longer and stuff than normally I would say that to get everything ready for the Italian

Salad and the and the lasagna was probably about an hour um and that was just you know because I know like how I want to cut things and and that type of thing but doing you know doing it twice and making two lasagnas and then making the full lasagna last night was probably

About two two and a half hours but the good thing about it the way I looked at it is that tomorrow so when I’m getting ready to take things over for Christmas dinner I’ve got you know I can just I can make the Italian so I got to make a

Salad a couple vegetables but the lasagna is done so the lasagna will go with you know that they’ll eat probably like ham or something else that type of thing but pretty much everything else the big things that I need to make are done because vegetables are easy like asparagus and green beans and

Cauliflower and all that okay eggplants going to go in they gained enough room and then the pot and the last thing that’s going to go in is going to be the Italian seasoning because that’s going to be at the very end and then we’re going to put in spinach you look

It that is so pretty already who needs ham nobody yeah no especially not the pig no um sound good Kelly Jennifer would like to know if this could be possibly done in an instant pot the cooking of the vegetables yes you could you actually could you could do this in an instant

Pot would be it’d be super easy just dump everything in there you know hit the probably I’d say probably what 10 minutes at the most and then just let it go and stuff come back and it’s done and this is one of those those recipes too

That if you think about it do the vegetables you know you could do them a couple days ahead of time you could do the sauces a couple days ahead of time have everything sitting in your refrigerator and then just make it the last minute so that’s an easy way to to

Do it I mean it’s it’s fabulous idea love it all right so we’ve got so the ricotta so we’re going to do that next let me grab my food processor WB that in all right grab everything and the nice thing about it too is like you know because probably if you’re

Looking and thinking oh my gosh that’s a lot of chopping up you can buy pretty much all of these vegetables even the things that are going in the salad that are already pre-made so like in the stores now like even our Kroger and stuff it seems like all the the whole

Vegetables have gotten smaller and like the organic has gotten smaller there and I don’t know why exactly but then the refrigerated area where everything’s you know kind of pre-prepared and in um you know bags and things like that is gotten larger so I think that you know it’s

Kind of going to the world of of hey if you don’t want to have to chop and you just want to you know make things quick fast easy you want your vegetables chopped up that’s an easy way to do it you can buy pretty much all these vegetables already chopped up and then

You can actually you know put them into a pot or you could put them into your instant pot and you’re ready to go so you that’s a fast way to do it you know cheffy chefs like Ramses Bravo criticize me for that but you know I I mean he’s

Working full-time in a kitchen I don’t have time to do all that crap you know if I’m going to eat healthy I do buy I often even buy chopped onions you know I buy a lot of things already made and yeah maybe it’s a few pennies more

Expensive but for the time I save you know it’s so worth it and I don’t really notice a huge taste difference when I get you know Santa Cruz bottled organic lime juice versus squeezing limes which are a whole ordeal like for example when I make my very popular quinoa salad for

The pot luux which calls for a cup of lime juice I’m sitting there all day rolling these tiny limes you know you can never get the juice out of them so I I’m a big believer in shortcuts I agree I think that you know that’s I think a

Lot of the reason why people have gotten away from the kitchens and you know and have gone more to like fast foods and which you know it’s all the bad things that are that are bad for us and our health and the environment and all those things is because that you know it’s

Just like you people try to make cooking too hard and it’s and if you can do the shortcuts I mean there’s you know what is I can’t even remember the name Sandra something that’s always about shortcuts and that that’s one of the chefs out there but it’s why not not and I agree

It doesn’t like if the if the um you know like the zucchini is already cut up or you get the you buy the zucchini the noodles and stuff because you don’t want to buy a spiralizer why not if it tastes good and your family loves it and it

Saves you time and stuff and lets you spend more time with family or whatever else that you want to do go for it that’s what I say a lot of times when I buy broccoli crowns I get very disappointed there’s pieces that just I have to throw out when I buy the organic

Broccoli Trader Joe’s in a bag it’s always great and when it’s not guess what they take get B yep I love it I fully love it I think that I think that anytime that you can get things that are that are simple like the broccoli crowns

And you can get the you know the cauliflower and the green beans and brussel sprouts and all that why not why spend they always say that that that people that you know when you have to sit there and chop that’s one of the reasons why people leave the kitchen

It’s because I don’t enjoy all the chopping and you know I like it I it’s it’s very comfortable to me I kind of like go into my mind and little it’s quiet but if you don’t like it buy the stuff already already chopped up and ready to go why not what’ I

Say no criticism at all do it that’s what I say all right so we’re going to do the ricotta so we got silk and tofu and that’s just been drained and then I’ve got regular just firm tofu so extra firm tofu and it actually had a so

Um a paper towel underneath it so it’s been it’s been basically draining into the paper towel and stuff overnight so I just give it a quick crunch like that you can freeze so if you end up with a lot of the ricotta you can freeze this ricotta the only thing that that

You’re going to want to do is when you bring it out of the freezer and you’re unthought is you’re going to want to run it back through your food processor because it tends to get it gets like really crumbly like when you freeze Toof food so just run it back through and

Stuff and it’ll smooth it back out is all you need to do then we’ve got so we’ve got those so we got the silk and tku so it’s the container of both and then we’ve got basil grab some of the basil then we’ve got and if you don’t

Have fresh basil and you can’t find fresh basil because for some reason there seems to be something weird in Colorado about fresh basil just use your dried basil it’ll work just as well then I’ve got an onion lots of vegetables then what is in that what

Your mom always used to say eat your veggies that’s what we’re doing today then I’ve got tablespoon of lemon juice Santa Cruz the the jar just like what you were talking about garlic you know that’s the other I was just thinking about you know thinking about waste you know I even though I

Bought the Nutra milk machine years ago and I still actually use it for other things specifically making Charles’s nut Butters cuz it’s a lot cheaper and better than what he was buying you know I realized I was throwing out so much plant milk cuz I don’t drink milk you

Know I don’t make smoothies you use a splash here a splash there once in a while a cup in one of my Blended soups so you know I buy boxed milk you know and it’s not perfect but it’s like you know what’s that saying don’t let

Perfect be the enemy of the good exactly it’s like if you if you want to have you know shelf safe milk and it’s just it’s sitting in the you know your cabinets because you have more space there than you have in your refrigerator because I don’t think we ever have enough space in

The refrigerator do it I agree with that we probably go through we go through soy milk Jerry does soy milk but he does cereal in the mornings and he does oatmeal and those kind of things so that’s when we use it so nutritional yeast half a cup oops I just dumped it I

Tend to like things a little bit where it tastes a little bit cheesier so if you end up adding more nutritional yeast do it do you ever make cheeses like you know more like hard cheeses or slice I mean everybody mostly makes like cheesy type sauces or faux parmesans but do you

Ever make like actual sliceable cheese or like a vegan cheese of course I have I’ve made I’ve made ricot and I’ve made I made a cashew cheese I made like during like when we were doing um we’re doing community dinners and stuff I made a bunch of cheese balls um just made

Like with almond cheese and cashew cheese and walnut walnut cheese trying to think what else the mozzarella was the one that was the most interesting but that we end up making that on a pizza which was really good but it takes quite a bit of process yeah because if you go and if

You try to go buy them like now like if you go I mean I know me go out there those type of things they’re really expensive and they’ve got you know there’s not necessarily is all the right products in them there’s usually a lot of oil and things but you can make them

Um you know like fermented cheeses and things like that that are not that hard to make you just have to make sure you know you’re doing your soak in of your nuts and and all those fun things but they’re good they are good do you ever freeze your lasagna either before or after

Cooking I’m sorry I could it was the food processing noisy do you ever freeze your lasagna either before or after cooking I in this house no because Jerry eats it I mean he will go through like a lasagna that’s you know a pan 9 x13 and

Stuff probably 3 or four days so not but yes you could definitely I would say I would do it I usually do it in stuff after and then I’ll freeze it in like little containers and stuff so like it’s like meal prep type of a thing and then

You can have it but I’ve never had the chance to freeze my lasagnas because somebody eats them which is good that’s a good thing though right I just do this one more time and make sure it’s all good perfect so there’s my ricotta all ready to

Go smells good too because it’s got that nutritional yeast smell food processor out of the way I’m going to add my spinach and then my ratu is ready to go noodles are almost done spinach so put as little or as much spinach as you want and if you didn’t want to do

Spinach and you wanted to do you know want to do some other type of vegetable like maybe some other kind of green feel free depends on what you have in the house and this is like I said this is one of those those type of lasagnas that

You could clean out clean out the refrigerator which I love yeah this week and stuff like the last two weeks um Jerry and I gone really kind of like really basic on the foods you know sometimes I would you know I would do like the bigger dinners and

Stuff but we’ve gone you know more like the stir fries and the potatoes and you know just things like that and it’s been really really nice and it’s amazing what it brought it back what it brought back to me was that like what I’m using and then you’re

Like you know so you get your potatoes you have cooked up and then the next day you know you can make a hash and you can do all the things and stuff that you can because you kind of get away from this if you really start cooking a lot a lot

Of different dishes but it cleaned out my refrigerator so yesterday when I went to the store to buy you know the things that last minute things that I needed here it was like it was like replenishing the ref fridge all at once and I remember back when you know when

You’re making a lot of fancier dishes and stuff you have you know tons of stuff that’s sitting in your refrigerator and you don’t necessarily use all like all your carrots and all your potatoes and all those kind of things they kind of sit for a little while while so that was really

Interesting and it was actually really fun it was like I love the the no there was like no waste at all okay so there’s the Ratatouille all ready to go so it does have some moisture but that’s okay because all we will dip that and dip that out all right noodles are

Done here’s the Italian seasoning added at the last and if you don’t have just the Italian seasoning just of course your basil oregano little bit of a little bit of thy and a little bit of Rosemary don’t add a lot because it will overpower what what do you ever use

Herbs de provance and what is that I do I once’s in a blue moon I would say I think I’ve had like one or two recipes that have done that but I don’t know if I have I don’t know if I have it here to

Say what’s all in it is is it is it Lavender is there something different about it and when would we use that usually it’s I’ve seen it in more like um like Moroccan type of dishes and that type of thing is when I’ve seen it and I

Would say that I’ve used it when I used it before I’ve used it in I think I used it in a um what am I trying to say it’s got the mashed potatoes what is that a shepherd’s pie is where I’ve used that and then there

Was one time where I did some roasted vegetables and it called for that but it’s not and it’s got like I think like a little bit of um is it like I can’t even remember Jerry can you Google it’s been a while since I’ve used it I mean we’re talking a long while

It’s I’ve got it down in the basement and it’s not something I use a lot oh you you got to keep it in the basement well that’s because I ran out of space I mean you know I got cabinet space and stuff but I run out of space

Of like how many spices I mean you can you know if you just you know just that and I got the top shelf but you can’t reach it but it’s I put all like the main spices that I do and then the other ones I don’t use I have a rack that goes

On the back of a door instead of putting on the pantry door I put it on the basement door and it just has all the the different spices that I need once in a while or they for bonds h r BS D and all right let me clean out my sink

Real quick because I’m going to do to the noodles is Jerry a good cleaner upper um I would say he does like the he’ll do like the dishwasher and those kind of things but I’d say I and we I know we talked about this last time or we talked

On one of my other um things that it’s a lot of times and stuff I think everybody has their own way of wanting to do the to load the dishwasher and so I end up even though I’m cooking I end up loading the dishwasher just because I like it a

Certain way and I know I can get more dishes in it all right let’s just get these going so we can start building lasagna that was aan bath sauce is simmering looking good all do is putting water cold water on the noodles just so that you know it

Can touch them because when you when you’re making that when you’ve just got them done like this if you uh touch them ex stff they’re really hot I just want to be able to pull them apart and this is one too that if you

Didn’t want to do if you wanted to say I don’t want to do noodles you could actually not do noodles you just leave it and just do all vegetables really that’s yeah without the noodles good way to do it right let me grab a all right so then we got the

Sauce I’m going to add that right here now I’m going to grab my hand blender just a little bit over here easier ‘s a little bit of the hand blender Kelly do you know how to create a bitly have I done that before the thing is is you’ve given me the recipes but

They’re just too long for the for the show notes they only give us 5,000 characters and I can’t get them in okay so I don’t know what to do I could put one of them in like the lasagna and just I can do that we can create a bitly

Link for you we can do that or the link and maybe you get people then they can sign up for your newsletter just I I just can’t fit it in even if I take your bio out it’s just it’s way too long gotcha so I’ll just say recipe coming soon and

Then yep we can do that and I can send it over to you and okay sorry about that it just doesn’t fit oh that’s okay that happens yep all right so now we’ve got the sauce all really good as far as taste you can taste so it’s got It’s

Like you’ve got you know the the sweetness of the tomatoes which are just yummy and then you’ve got the little bit of that basil but then you’ve got the Capers and you get a little bit of the um colam olives and stuff so it kind of

Gives a little bit of that kind of that vinegar tape FL flavor a little bit but then the kind of the garlic meshes it all really together it’s really good you have extra left over freeze it so just dish it in all right then we’re going to grab the noodles

Any special kind of noodle you like to use I think that you know there’s there’s so many different types of stuff I use the um which ones do I use the Berea the burill can’t even say burilla we use that one which is really good but there’s there’s tons of them that are

Out there you can also get the um the bonsa which is the the chickpea and they tend to hold up really well I remember when they first first came out with all the gluten-free and then the chick bees and stuff they didn’t hold up well but they’ve actually done a really good job

With that lately you ever use the boil the no boil noodles I have used those before um sometimes what I find with them is that when I’m making the lasagna they tend to they’ll do this they’ll like bubble up on that so that’s why I usually when I

When I’m doing something like this I’ll do I’ll usually just do the the regular noodles and I don’t know why that that does that and it’s like I get a lasagna and it’ll be like this it’ll be like a bubble yeah they have to be really ins sconed in the

Sauce yeah there’s and I even though I put like a lot of sauce on them they’re still every once in a while they’ll Bubble Up on you so I’m just going to do a little bit at the end here and you always have a pan that’s a

Little bit bigger than what you need okay so then we’ve got grab my spoon and my spatula then you’re going to do your ricotta so just kind of dish it on and you’re going to spread it out and you could put as much or as little as you

Want so if you want to make you know if you’re thinking oh geez I don’t want to have to go buy the silk and tofu and I don’t want to have to buy you know the regular tofu and make all this up if you want to skip one then you can skip the

Silk and tofu and just use the firm tofu and make it up that way but just make sure when you’re when you’ve got it in the food processor that you really let it blend a lot because otherwise and stuff it’ll kind of be chunky which is little bit more then we’re going to

Put the vegetables in to pull be a to rine this cookie all right so then you got all these beautiful vegetables make sure you don’t get you know try to get the Liquid out as much as you can rad this over so you guys can actually see

But think about this when you cut into this think about the bite you’re going to have with all the different vegetables and you’ve got the ricotta you’ve got the marinara which is a little bit spicy or if you don’t want spicy and I’ll show you here just a

Second before I pour them put the marinar on it really spread your vegetables out all the way to the end so do a quick tip so that’s before I even add the marinara and everything else to it wonderful right so then you just drizzle marinara but make sure you save some of

The marinara for the end because the way you’re going to Plate it is you’re going to have you’re going to have the mar you’re going to have it basically sit in the marinara and then the pesto sauce we’re going to make here in just a few minutes you make it look so

Easy thank you lot of practice all right then we go the noodles on the other other side so as you remember I put the I put the small noodle on this side so noodles are sticking together just a little bit but I now I go on this side

Overlap and that way it goes everything overlaps which is really nice finding one that’s broke yeah the no the no boil are really easy but like I said I’ve sometimes had issues with them so that’s why it’s like nope for the show we’re making the real ones okay so same thing

Ricotta dollop dollop dollop and then the last layer that we’re going to do is the Beautiful layer and I’ll show you why because there’s one in the oven and you’ll see that I put it on a baking tray and the reason why I did

That is because if you go all the way to the top to you go all the way to the top to your with your lasagna a lot of times in stuff your tomato sauces will start bubbling over and then it gets all over the bottom of your

Your um your stove it’s not fun cleaning up so put it just put something underneath it like if you’re doing pies and those kind of things if you have anything that goes right to the top and it’ll save you a lot of trouble of having to clean little bit more all right

So then as you was W you were watching vegetables next so think about how hearty this this bagna is you’ve got all the vegetables and all the good things for you our household how now has almost two two of these one today one tomorrow one today one tomorrow and then Jerry gets and

Then we’re going to leave the we’ll leave the one over at uh Jerry’s daughter’s house because she loves all the lasagnas and things that we make so we’ll leave that there so her family can enjoy it and then Jerry will have he won’t have to worry about trying to uh

Steal a piece there he’ll have a appal lasagna here that he can eat so this will be his pretty much his lunch for the for the entire week he’s really good if I make lasagna or something like that he will actually eat that for almost the whole week there’s a

Lot of people I know that like I don’t like leftovers but as long as there’s things like this you’ll eat it okay little bit of leftover you could actually just you could actually just use that as a suit which would be really good that off all right last layer so got so now

We’ll add the little bit of the Mariner sauce We’ll add the last noodles and then we’re going to decorate oh decorated decorate we’re going to make it we’re going to make it look like eye candy right so grab the noodles I would that that way so now

I’ll go this way so I’ve got everything kind of lay over that way when you cut into it you don’t have anything that breaks up which is really nice you’ll see I’m overlapping just a little bit there and then we’ve got last piece for the end voila of course when you’re done you

Need to wipe down all the sides and all the fun thing and then place it on the recipe you’ve got all these little vegetables that you’re going to want to do so you’re going to grab some of your marinara sauce this marinara sauce smells so good and always like I said make sure

You leave the marinara sauce you want to be able to add it onto the bottom of the dishes but the nice thing about it too is if you have extra marinara sauce and somebody wants some you’ve got the extra we’re going to get this in the oven

Okay all right so then grabbed your zucchini the way I did it is I just went all the way down the row nice little circles they’re probably an eighth and a quarter to a quarter inch thick so I got that then we’ll do Japanese eggplant Jennifer says she always gets

Intimidated to make veggie lasagna she did it once and it was very watery because it had lots of zucchini she should try again if you cook the zucchini first it probably would Kook the water out don’t you think exactly and if you’ve got you know if if if a

Even tends to have because a lot of times they’ll say make like zucchini noodles um you’ve got to make sure and stuff that you really Pat them dry because yes if you do like zucchini noodles and things it will get really watery and then just it’s not good so

Yeah cook it and then Pat it you can even Pat it dry with one of those um like the cotton towels like these type of things like that all right so keep going I’m just doing so I’m doing zucchini no Rhyme or Reason depends on what you guys want to

Do and then I’ve got eggplant you could do two of each you could do one of each I got yellow squash you can see why I did the Japanese eggplant it’s because I wanted the circles to to all match and then if you have extra left over stir

Fry Tomatoes Roma tomatoes because they have a nice round circle have you ever instead of using noodles used like um very thinly sliced butternut squash or zucchini as noodles I have I’ve used that and there’s also one time I made of henta so there’s all kinds of different ways that you can do

Lasagna so yes you could do that without doing the noodles um you could also make it you could actually spiralize in here if you wanted to like your spiralized zucchini noodles you know sweet potatoes are good there’s all kinds of different ones Jerry’s tends to be more of the

Traditionalist and likes likes a lot of the the um the noodles but grab my Japanese eggplant I miscounted on one I’m going to make this salad can’t have one off here we go right yellow squash you sure making it pretty that’s what it’s all about making it

Pretty all right the last thing I do just Italian spice just to just to add a little bit of kind of color to it too you could do the black pepper this is just a little bit more of the Italian seasoning all right there it goes it is

Heavy going in the oven oh my minutes do good very cool the way you did the top thank you and you could do you know instead of doing the rounds you could do slices so you know you can almost do like what I thought about and stuff this morning was doing one where

You do like a what am I trying to say like a Tic Tac Toe you know where like all the you know when they when they do like um turkeys and they line them with bacon but they overlap everything I was like you can do that with vegetables that’ be really pretty parment

Paper little aluminum foil on the top 350 45 degrees going in and it’s heavy the other one’s ready all right salad see I do have some extra zucchini and yellow squash that’s going to be stir fry later which is going to be great this is my favorite

Salad there’s so many good things in it so I’ve got Roma lettuce and you know but you could use any of your favorites you could get the ones that have the the little containers and stuff where it has like the five different colors of lettuce and then it has red leaf lettuce

So those are just the two and then I’ve got roasted red peppers so those came out of the jar so that’s a shortcut or you could actually roast up your own and I just did them in nice little kind of like little strands but then I also cut

Them in half because I like to like if you’re you know got a bite of lettuce and you’ve got a bite of of the roasted red peppers it’s really nice and stuff to have them all where they kind of match like the mouth feel all right we’ve got cherry tomatoes

They had s um s San marzaro tomatoes and stuff the for cherry tomatoes yesterday in the store and I was like those are beautiful love it all right going to do a little bit of Basil here in a second hikma hikma is great for you it’s one of those ones

That you know if you buy the hikma you can also buy it just already chopped up you can do that or you can chop up your own but it’s really refreshing and it’s really nice I remember remember when we were in h Rancho lorta what did you eat with your cheese

Sauce oh yeah I have the Hippa sticks because I didn’t want to eat their greasy salty chips exactly we were all eating the carrots and the celery and the hikma sticks and all that which was really good I was glad they had those yeah because they’re yeah they’re chips

To any chips in in Mexico are I’ve never not good always greasy I I can understand the people needing the salt but like why the oil because they make the Guerreros here that are they do have salt but they but there’s no oil I don’t know why people want those oily chips

When you have them in a bag they just the bag just gets all oily is they’re really yeah we always even if we go to when we go to Mexican restaurants here we actually take our own chips so I’ve got so I bake them so I’ve got so corn

Tortillas already baked up so there’s no there’s no salt or anything like that on them so we’ve got those so they they’re we’re kind of known now in the restaurants of you know they bring out the chips and salsa and they’re always like how come you not eating the chips

And they’re like oh you’re the ones and stuff that bring your own chips we’re like yeah we are but it’s good for you colam olives garbanzo beans something Jerry never used to eat on salads when we go places hated garbanzo beans on the salads now we eat garbanzo beans with everything artichoke cards

So just Jarred can archo cards or you can get the frozen ones which are really good too and then just chop them up because you want to make sure that you know they’re not the big pieces so you have the smaller pieces with everything else little bit of Basil little bit of scallions

Gives you your onion flavor which is really nice and then we’re going to moop this up look at the colors on that and you got the crunch of the hikima You’ got the sweetness of the roasted red peppers you’ve got the artichoke carts which which give you that volume you got these

Really sweet tomatoes garbanzo beans and I’m not a fan of col I’m okay with them in the sauce and stuff so I will be giving those off to the side but they’re good in a salad it’s a very popular salad when you take it places people love it because

They like all the vegetables and the different things archo carbs that are in there you don’t see a lot of salads with artichoke hearts all right last thing is and then we’ll pull out the lasagna then I’ve got to do the pester real quick so dressing this is what we call the crack

Dressing the what so good crack dressing craft you so it tastes like craft Italian it’s just it’s just it people are just so addicted to it when I make this dressing they’re always like oh my gosh this is so they said it’s like crack so we had a friend that gave I

Thought you okay crack I thought you said crack like you know crack no crack sorry crack all right so we got um in here we’ve got the B so we got two got balsamic vinegar we have shallot in there and I when I make this up I’m

Making this small for here but when I make this up I make it up by the Mason jar just because we take it for like all kinds of things and we eat it for all the time okay then I got a little bit parsley ran out of little dishes so I’m

Just adding the parsley in there gray Pon love gray Pon then I have um what am I trying to say stone ground mustard you have two how come two different kinds of mustards just it’s it’s a great flavor so usually I just do the gray Pon when I just do a regular

One but when it comes around the holidays and stuff it just adds that extra kind of to it because that you know when you get that stone ground mustard it just gives a really nice flavor so I just add it you don’t have to you could just do grap Pon or or just

Don’t grab mustard or yellow mustard is another one sometimes they’ve actually added yellow mustard in there too and so then it’s a really mustardy dressing which is really good and then just red wine vinegar a little bit of that and the last is ground flax seeds that’s going to give it so what

It’s going to do it’s going to be probably a little bit a little bit runny when it first do it and stuff but the flax seed it’s just like it’s like an egg and stuff and it’s going to it’s actually going to make it where it’s really thick so you don’t have where

Like runny balsamic which is really nice just a little bit of the the blender pesta really quick and then we are PL that’s amazing that you have all those different mustards I oh if you have you ever tried there is I mean it’s just any dressing

That has like if you like mustards and you do yellow mustard stone ground mustard and grape Pon in something like this it’s unbelievable the mustard and you don’t put very much sweetener in it at all I’m surprised you don’t need it you’ve got especially if you’ve got the right

Balsamics I mean if you buy you know the the very inexpensive balsamics you know they’re very tart but if you buy the ones that are have you know that you add a couple dollars to your bottle your your balsamics especially like even your reduced ones are very sweet and so don’t

Need a lot of sweetener so there it is so already just just getting it ready so you can see it’s a lot thicker than just a regular balsamic taste wise it’s delicious got a little bit of C because of your mustards and stuff but on a

Salad like that when you’ve got all the garbanzo beans and everything else wonderful all right pesto really quick so we’re going to Plate up and you’re not going to make a lot of pesto just because you don’t need a lot of pesto you just need enough for just a little bit of the

Flavor so on this on this thing you got A4 cup of pine nuts and that’s why you don’t want a lot of pesto because things like pine nuts and things like that can have a lot of lot of calories but just a little bit you don’t even have to do the pesto if

You don’t want to but it’s just something that we’re going to make up because it’s just really pretty little bit of water garlic I remembered I had this other little um quinart multi multi- Prep Plus and stuff in the basement I was like Yay because then I don’t have to clean out

The the other food processor all right and then we’ve got got garlic in there got a little bit of miso and what else we got basil and the pesto is for what the pesto is just for to add a little bit of the flavor and stuff to the to the um

Lasagna so it’s going to be on the bottom of the plate so it’s just more like you know when you go to places and stuff and they’ll have like a a red sauce and a green sauce that’s what this is for yeah and it is Christmas so we want red and green yeah

Exactly just have a bit that all right all right it’s been a long time since I’ve use this one so let me over been in my basement forever what’s been in your basement now I’ve got to see this basement of yours maybe we can do a video from there there

Is people are always like you know I don’t need to go shopping I should just come to your basement that is crazy you know it’s it’s all the cooking classes because you know we used to do all the community dinners and all the face tof face cooking classes and all that so there’s

A lot of stuff down there that that I need to probably start purging yeah I think in California we don’t have basement or at least I’ve never lived anywh anywhere with a basement I have at least probably 15 shelves four shelves high that have stuff on it

So you’re ready for the apocalypse down there all right now we’re going to plate so let’s say taste wise tastes like basil pestl all right let’s get everything out of the way so um herb Bond margam rosemary thyme basil oregano Savory and bay leaf maybe it’s the sa different I

Think it is the sa I’m not a big fan of it as like I said because we used very little of it but the I think it is the Savory and stuff that I’m not a fan of all right let’s there we go let’s get it out room another heavy

Lasagna is that ailia lasagna pan this you’re talking about the glass or yeah yeah it’s a Pyrex right yeah just a regular Pyrex 9 by3 so there is lasagna I’m going to tip it just a little bit so you can see it and then we’re going to get the white plate it look

Pretty it looks gorgeous it’s like you don’t want to even like cut into it it’s like all right plate and usually want to let it rest a little bit but since I forgot to take it out of the oven to let it rest a little

Bit it’s like you don’t want to cut into it no you want to give it like 10 or 15 minutes to yeah you do but I’m gonna show you how you’re going to want to Plate it so you’ve got your sauce make the circle big or small depending on how

Much how much lasagna you’re going to put so you could take this and you could do like the you know the famous swish if you wanted to right through it or doops that way you’re getting the flavor but not necessar all the calories which is the got to go right in between the

Eggplants I’m GNA do all right now wish me luck good luck hope it came out a little bit on the bottom right do some basil but set just a little bit longer it would hold up a little bit better go salad dressing then we will be ready to

Eat this is one of my favorite salads has all the goodies in it which is nothing better whoa I love those bowls aren’t they pretty makes a salad look so good guys what do you think of this put it in the chat what you think of Kelly’s Artistry doesn’t it look delicious even

Though it’s a little early for that right now salad yeah beans which balsamic did you use I used Napa Bley Naturals that’s great yeah that’s very that you know I didn’t always know Thomas from California balsamic that’s what I used for years it’s wonderful it’s got a great price point

Yes and you can get it at the regular store you know they have it at seen it at Sprouts whole I’ve just seen it at regular grocery stores not even the you know the more Natural Grocers exactly it’s it pretty much is uh Gone mainstream which is really nice now all

Right here we go I don’t know how you have time to make such beautiful food and I mean you really you like work fulltime fulltime not as a a vegan Chef you have like an 80 hour a week job don’t you I do I have I work a lot of hours

But at the same time as cooking you know cooking is one of those things that like relaxing and so you know being able to cook and and do things like that is fun that’s why do you think ify I’m curious I because I I’ve worked in a restaurant

And it people always think it’s so glamorous and when you do something like for your job it’s never as glamorous as it looks on TV if you do you think if you could had to do this not had to but if you decided to do this 80 hours a

Week like your regular job you’d it as much I think so I think that you know the only thing that you think about when you’re when you’re cooking and stuff you know the people and stuff it’s like you’re on your feet 100% of the time and

That’s tough on you you know it’s tough on your body but as far as you know being able to create create things and having people go oh my gosh that’s the best thing that I’ve ever tried yeah I think so you know it’s that kind of that

You know they get the light of they’re like oh my gosh you know that’s so wonderful and it’s so good and they how we get you out of this job and into this profession I’ve been been of your biggest fan I am not one of I’m your

Biggest fan for years I’ve tast I know I know what your food tastes like I’ve tasted it so how do we get you what do you want maybe there’s an angel you listen if you don’t my my business law teacher at the University of Pennsylvania Murray B dolphman used to

Say you don’t ask you don’t get and you know we’ve had shows where like for example you know obviously not everybody watches every show but when we had Pete my friend who’s a quadriplegic on and he needed a van and an Ang investor a vegan we can’t say who like came by and

Provided that for him I mean we had we we raised we did not raise enough in the Indiegogo maybe there’s somebody watching that either lives in Colorado that can taste your food or that I mean we you you what do you want you want a restaurant do you want a food delivery

Service do what what do you want to do let’s get you this come on next year is is in a week we let’s create this right now guys everybody that’s what we do on New Year’s Eve we never drank anyway so we don’t go out on the road with you

Know drunks we make a vision board let’s make your vision board verbally right now what does Chef Kelly want to create in this space and I’ll help you and we’ll all support you right guys yeah I would rather I would think that you know having a restaurant and stuff is is very

Tough business now and there’s so many restaurants that go in and out all the time um and it’s hard to find people and stuff you know good people to work with you and and all those kind of things so I would you know I always wanted to do

The food delivery because I think that you know have it in town and stuff and having people that to be able to have things with their friends and family and and you know if they’re homebound or whatever that they have really good food and they don’t have to wor you know

Worry about things like U Meals on Wheels and those type of things but they get really healthy food and it’s and it’s good and it’s pretty um it’s all you know it’s like all about eye candy I think would be the most fun and would you want to do that locally well then

Could you talk to somebody like Mark Gosman you know from Whole Harvest somebody that’s already done it so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel yeah that’s something that I’ve been looking at yeah because it’s definitely a there’s a lot of businesses out there but there’s a lot of businesses that are

Not necessarily healthy and that’s a lot of the things and stuff you know so you can you can order you know through all kinds of things but they you know they ship you oil they ship you you know all kinds of things harvest whole Harvest is ornish approved It’s Gold Hammer approv

It’s it’s it’s always oil free and then they have an SOS free line so why don’t we have you talk to him because if you just do it in your town then we don’t get to eat it true that’s true and it’s and it is a it is a big business and

Stuff boy if you start shipping things and stuff you really got to make sure you’ve got it down pat because otherwise and stuff you know people return it and don’t like it or it doesn’t get them time and all that kind of stuff so it’s

A lot it’s a lot of work but I have a feeling that I have I don’t know why I think that Mark actually lives in Colorado so will you talk to him he does uhhuh he lives in Fort Collins yep so what’s what’s going on here let’s get

You guys together at least have a conversation would you guys buy Kelly’s Food if it was widely available yeah Dixie says hobbies are more enjoyable than a job okay that’s true very true um Gina said I’ve had whole Harvest it’s great and it’s enough food and I agree too you

Know I mean I eat so simply that I don’t I don’t necessarily need the services of a food delivery service because I can eat the same potatoes and broccoli every day and sweet potatoes Jeff says he’d absolutely buy it but for a lot of people if they could have I mean they

Can see how beautiful your food is but if they could taste it like I did then it would be so easy for people to be healthy and vegan in caps with three exclamation marks Jesse says absolutely would buy Kelly’s Food you know um Lori would you know so Nancy would Randy

Would Colleen would so uh heck yeah says Randy um Lori says definitely need healthy on meal me Meals on Wheels Jennifer said I’d buy her food why not so you got enough people you just I I I’m not I’m not a business Maven I just

You know I’m a connector of people so so I can tell you who to talk to and let’s get this cuz I mean unless you your job isn’t watching this right now probably right no like unless they know I cook yeah they know I’m a Sha but unless you just

Absolutely love that those 80 hours a week and what I mean if you just love it then I’m who am I to tell you to stop but I see like how much you love this so I’d like you to make money doing what you love you know thank you yep I will

Definitely I will definitely reach out to and talk to him nice guy I’ve met him I’ve met him once on just on a phone call because he shipped us his dinners just to try one you know what I’ve done him a bunch of favors I introduced him

To everybody so not everybody but the people he wanted to be introduced to which is quite a lot and I’m going to send an email and say I want you to talk to my friend he will he’s super nice I can do it on text too so anyway that’s

Point Chef AJ live connecting great people with other great people like the great people in the audience many of whom are future and past guests of the show and I really appre appreciate it well Kelly merry Christmas happy New Year can’t wait to see you next year Kelly show is moving to Friday

Afternoons at 1 pm Pacific Time Gustavo who’s the last Friday is moving to Sunday we’re making a few changes next year shake things up a bit but Kelly will be back so thanks so much Jerry enjoy your food for the week thank you happy holiday we should

Have an episode where Jerry just comes on and eats everything I think they call that a mukbang and then he can just sit there eat he would he would definitely do that he’d be like yeah this is good and that yeah yeah Jerry’s Jerry’s a good eater

Yes very good eater all right you guys are great love you so much and guys thank you so much Merry Christmas or Merry Christmas evees Chef AJ doesn’t take a day off and we are having two live shows tomorrow 8 A.M Pacific time I know it’s a bit early but my guest Shane

Martin from Shane and simple wants to be able to spend the day with his family so he’s going to make what he’s making for them which is a vegan french toast cat and then at 3 p.m. I know there’s some people that maybe don’t have places to

Go and are kind of stuck at home so I’m going to be coming on with some friends of mine people that you haven’t met or maybe you have but they’re the moderators of my Channel Jesse and Susanna and then Pam and Zena who are the moderators of all my programs so

We’re just going to do a hangout just chat you can ask me anything I’m pretty much an open book happy holidays Kelly and Jerry happy holidays love you take care love you too bye bye bye bye

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