Good afternoon YouTube friends this is recovering Yankee and I’m I made some chopped liver uh for food today I’m not going to eat it all right now obviously eating liver if you eat too much you can waste the nutrients so I made some chub liver and I’m going to show to

You excuse me now let me tell you what the ingredients are before I show you a chicken livers B eggs I put three eggs in one 1 and 1/2 lb of um chicken liver I put uh a thir of an onion in I cut up a couple sprigs of parsley

Maybe 10 sprigs of parsley or five eight sprigs of parsley and um I chopped up a little bit of Ginger and I chopped up some fresh garlic uh two cloves of fresh garlic and about a thumb size of ginger and of course I cooked the liver until

It was browned I I cooked the onions I cooked the um Ginger and the garlic in the and the butter once those were done cooking I took scrambled I took the eggs scrambled them I I think I used three or four eggs three maybe and uh I

Scrambled them put them in with the onions and let it all cook together and then I added the chopped liver which was already which I cooked uh just previous to cooking the onions I took the chopped liver like I mentioned mixed it in here added salt

And pepper and um added some fish sauce because I love fish sauce I learned fish sauce when I was in Thailand and uh anyway so mixed it all together and it looks good and it tastes good here it is now I’m letting it cool down because

I just took it out of the oven it kind of looks uh from this appearance it just looks like hamburger with some eggs and some parsley in it and a little bit of onions but it actually tastes very good it’s delicious I saw some YouTubers uh making

A recipe for chopped liver and I copied it they wanted me to use hardboiled eggs I chose to use uh scrambled eggs so I guess it’s the only difference and the YouTubers that I watch the video of they did not say put ginger or garlic in

Or fish sauce they just said salt and pepper so I made it my own it’s really good excuse me and also um I weighed myself this morning 23.4 hasn’t changed the hasn’t changed an ounce so um uh anyway uh oh oh the hot dogs and the turkey bacon casserole that I made

The other night it was was delicious I wanted to tell you my son who’s kind of picky gave it an eight out of 10 uh it was good I didn’t eat all six of them the first night I ate three of them the first night and three of them

The second night because I was so full after I got the three are those large hot dogs um the hot dogs that Whole Foods they come six to container so one PB equals six hot dogs you can tell they’re pretty big but anyway it was delicious the this chopped liver is delicious the

Chopped liver does have some carbs in it if you’re going to put onions in it if you’re going to put garlic and if you’re going to put ginger so I probably have already exceeded my maximum amount uh I don’t know how many carbs that is so cuz like there’s no way to

Measure how much I put in but I didn’t put too much in so the carbs shouldn’t be I I don’t think they’re higher than 20 carbs anyway uh it’s really good I hope you guys give it a try thank you very much today is the 20th of De December thank you peace


  1. hey 🙂 maybe the cheese caused a weight loss stagnation? did you ate it in the first part of your program?

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