How to cook Authentic Kenyan Beef stew. Beef stew recipe. Delicious and easy to prepare, perfect for lunch, dinner and Christmas celebrations. It can be served with rice or chapati or one can consume it like that. I hope y’all enjoy this delicious meal ❤️.

Hello and welcome back start by adding your beef into the pot and then adding some water take your lead and cover our beef so we going to allow this to boil at least for 15 to 20 minutes until the water is completely done so here we go

Ahead and take our spatula and we are going to mix mix mix mix I like the texture of the meat here because it’s completely cooked it’s very very soft even for a child then add in your oil and continue to stir so I like when my

Meat is properly cooked and then add in your garlic yes you know the flavor that the garlic adds into your meat yeah that was me adding some salt into our beef go ahead St stir it and then you cover it with the lid now open after it has been

Cooking for 3 minutes take your spatula continue to mix mix mix mix at this point I was so craving that I wanted to eat this beef like that then go ahead and add in some onions today I was using plenty onions I took like three pieces

Go ahead and add in your carrots some Tomatoes continue to start combine and then we are going to take a lead and we’re going to cover this so have you subscribed to my YouTube channel and what are your plans for Christmas I’ve been sharing amazing a recipe for

Christmas and I hope you guys are going to rate them during this holiday season so for this two I know it will come in handy for the festival season or the the Christmas season because most of the homesteads in Kenya they love to cook these um a recipe because it’s a must

Have in your kitchen and then we’ll be adding in some spices so those are my spices that I’ll be adding in and also the black pepper so leave a comment below if you really enjoy this recipe and if there’s something that you want me to show before Christmas and I’m

Going to get back to you but don’t forget to share my video subscribe comment below and we going to add some tomato paste oh that one actually flew away I don’t know where it was running to instead of of going inside the pot but it’s okay we continue to squeeze the

One that we have on the inside so continue to start it we want some thickness with our soup hence the reason why I adding in the tomato paste go ahead and add in your potatoes and then some water you know we need some stew we need some stew with that has some good

Soup in it because the soup is what we need to be eating it with the rice with the chapati and also you can consume this too by uh just like that without the rice or without the chapati but who is going to eat a Ste without chapati or

Some rice or you can make some pillow for this to also look at this look at this the meat was so tender look at this soup look at this m the aroma was so so good it’s smelling so so delicious oh my my look at this

Soup look at how thick it is I didn’t add anything then go ahead and add in your peas and we are going to mix our PE properly after we mix our PE and we stir it well we are going to cover this now to cook at least for another 3 to 4

Minutes and our our food will be ready to be served so now our food has been boiling and it has cooked uh my potatoes are well cooked at this point yeah it’s just for me to turn off the stove but before we turn off the stove we need to

Garnish our food now you go in with your fresh coriander you sprinkle on top take your spatula mix and mix and mix and look at this oh my my aren’t you salivating look at this you see the other day I just shared the recipe for chapati and now I’m sharing the recipe

For a good stew I’m coming through for you this Christmas season so I need you to up your game in the kitchen use my recipe surprise your family surprise your guest you know so I really hope that you enjoyed this recipe and here is the outcome I ended up serving mine with

Some chapati because I had made it for to consume with chapati so thank you so much for watching and thank you so much for your time don’t forget to subscribe share my videos and how can I end the video without testing this food I need

To taste me this food and oh this is me taking my first bite I told you look at this chapati guys go back and check my recipe for chapati so you can rece brate it at home so I really hope that you enjoyed until next time bye-bye let me enjoy


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