My opinion:
Bark 10
Flavor 6
Moisture 8

I smoked this point for 12 hours at 250-275 then wrapped with 2 spoonfuls of tallow until it reached 205. Not sure if the tallow decreased some of the flavor in the rub?

by GKILLA9000


  1. OddCockpitSpacer

    Wow!!! Looks great! I’m an offset user too, you happy?

  2. jnkbndtradr

    Man it looks incredible. I’ve never had tallow in the wrap decrease the flavor, especially with a bark as good as that.

    What did you use to rub? Beef can take a lot of salt. I usually do 2 to 1 coarse pepper and salt and just cake it on as much as possible.

  3. LimerickJim

    Looks like you probably should have wrapped it earlier during the cook. Other than that looks good

  4. LifeUnfolding54

    Take that meteorite to the Smithsonian. It’s worth tens of thousands of dollars.

  5. LillyNJosh

    OMG The Bark! Should be proud of yourself on this one!

  6. Looks amazing. Where did you buy this brisket and for how much?

    Only thing I see from picture #3 is that meat maybe could be of better quality especially with your great smoking technique. What do y’all think about meat quality if it’s even possible to tell?

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