In today’s video I’m sharing a healthy grocery haul with you. I’m also sharing some delicious meal ideas with recipes! Enjoy!

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#groceryhaul #recipes #mealideas

Hey cuties welcome back to my channel so glad you’re here today as always and I’m a little bit excited about this grocery haul this is a healthy grocery haul and I’m going to share with you all the macros for each item well the packaged items anyway and I am also going to give

You some meal ideas that are really delicious so I hope you stick around and watch the video I’m just going to start with produce like I usually do I just bought some strawberries I really wanted blueberries but they did not have them and the ones they did have were like part of a little container with cut up strawberries and I didn’t think it would

Be very fresh um by the way this is a grocery delivery service so some things may have been substituted I think I just had one item that was out of stock which was some kosher salt which was fine we have some I just kind of wanted to have

A backup so over here is just one red pepper so as you’ve probably seen in many of my videos I use this as part of my omelette in the morning I cut it up put it in mason jars so it stays nice and fresh longer and I just bought

One and next is some cake I think I had asked for the lacado kale which this is not but that’s fine I actually prefer this one you usually get more in a kind of a bundle it’s the curly kale I’m one of those weird people

Who loves kale and I’m going to tell you in a minute when I show you the other item what I’m doing with this kale so let’s go back here this is just the Cucumber one of the hot house cucumbers I like this one I love cucumbers so I always have them on hand

I like to use these of course in salad but also as part of a Greek Bowl dipped in some suziki woo delicious next up are some brussel sprouts and I have a really special thing I’m going to use these for so on Fridays my husband works from

Home now so I’m going to make us a pork loin pork Tender Loin and I’m going to make some Parmesan brussels sprouts and I am going to insert a picture of what they look like I’m not sure whose recipe I’m going to use or if I’m just going to

Wing it we’ll see next up is some baby spinach now I have not bought this in a while I enjoy baby spinach but I was finding that for some reason it wasn’t lasting very long so I stopped buying it for a while but I also have a recipe for

This and it’s actually what I’m making for dinner from for myself so when I get to the other part of the dish I will explain what that is and then back here something I buy almost every two weeks or so are some zucchini and I do cut

Those up and put them in mason jars for my omelets but I also use that in a Greek platter when I make it then over here is just one avocado it’s definitely not ripe so of course I’ll put it in a paper bag for a

Couple of days and I like to have that in the morning either alongside my omelette or in a little breakfast taco it’s delicious and it’s a good source of fat too healthy fat and of course just a red onion I love red onions I will cut a

Tiny bit of this up for my omelets in the morning and I’ll put it in a mason jar but I also like to roast it it’s absolutely delicious so that’s what that’s for and over here is a butternut squash looks like a pretty big one but it does

Look good so what I’m using this for is it’s going to go with the kale in a soup and I’m going to do a cook with me on that soup because I don’t think I’ve shown it on my channel years ago I would make it all the time not so much anymore

But it’s absolutely delicious my mom’s coming for the night on Saturday so I’m going to make that I think she’ll really like it so I hope you’re subscribed and hit the Bell notification so you can see when that video pops up I think you’ll really like it and over here are some

Lemons I always have to have lemons I drink lemon water every morning Unfortunately they didn’t have just like loose lemons these are organic God knows what they cost me but I need it I only have one left and I really need to have it in my fridge at all times I also use

Use it for cooking so that was definitely a must have and looks like yeah looks like the last produce item are some Tomatoes I think I ordered the smaller container of this but they substituted these which are fine I will definitely use them I use them sometimes as part of my

Omelette on the side of if I just make eggs I put it on Avocado toast whenever this avocado ripens um what else do I oh salads of course so yeah and here’s the pork tenderloin now usually when I buy it there’s two in the package there might be cuz this is

Pretty big yeah it’s over 2 lbs so there’s probably two of them in here and what I usually do is I use one for the recipe I trim it up I I’ll trim all this like bigger fat and then I put the other one away in the freezer for when I’m

Ready to use it or sometimes I do bake both of them up and just have the leftovers but because it’s just me during the week I’ll be eating this like every day and so I might just freeze the other one and what I’m doing with this

Is it’s going to go with the parmesan russle Sprouts it’s going to be delicious another cold item is a new item for me so if you’ve seen any of my videos you might have seen the one where I made a teriyaki salmon that was absolutely delicious I love salmon

Anyway but that was a total game Cher and so easy so I might have mentioned in that video or maybe I did a short but my husband gets the salmon fillets from probably Hawaii or somewhere like that mail order and they’re absolutely delicious but we don’t have any right

Now and he won’t be going to Costco anytime soon because we’re actually going on vacation in a week and a half but I really just wanted the teriyaki salmon so I’m going to give this a try actually tonight and I am going to sauté the spinach that I showed you the little

Baby spinach I’ll sauté that in some sesame oil maybe a little salt and pepper and oh maybe a little white rice on the side um yeah it’s going to be really good so let me show you the macros on these they’re really good of course so as you can probably see

They’re individually wrapped and each one is about 4 oz and it’s 150 calories for that zero carbs and 25 g of protein excellent right I mean we all knew that but I just wanted to show you guys these are the wild caught Alaskan salmon okay here’s my dinner so I used

That salmon fillet that I told you about I use the baby spinach I just sauteed the baby spinach in some sesame oil and then I have half a cup of leftover white rice and I made the teriyaki salmon I can’t wait to eat this I should have definitely had more

Spinach but that’s okay you know you never know how it’s going to will down and how much it’s going to look like but yeah so this is it and it’s a total of 345 calories 26 net carbs and of course that’s the rice mostly and a little bit

From the spinach and 29 g of protein so I am going to sit down and enjoy this keep watching this is another new item I have never bought the yaso my husband bought one for me a while back that was raspberry chocolate chip absolutely delicious I wanted to try this one it’s

The coffee chocolate chip and let me turn it over for the macros so one bar is 100 calories 5 g of protein 16 carbs so this is made with Greek yogurt I believe yeah Greek yogurt um so just kind of a little dessert maybe if I want

It I like to keep this because if I don’t eat it every day which I won’t I like to have mostly yogurt for dessert or apples and peanut butter but um you know it’s a quick little dessert if I don’t have too many calories left for

The day by the way I’m in a calorie deficit losing weight right now so that’s why I also pay attention to the um calories in items so this will be good to have there’s only four in there and I’ll just keep them in the freezer obviously and over here some non-f food

Items Listerine just needed a refill this is the big giant one and for Breeze I’ve never tried this Downy scent I hope it’s good I’m kind of particular with my scents but I like to have this just kind of freshen up you know some chairs the

Couch the bed so I believe it was on sale um maybe buy one get one half off or something like that and then here is some vanilla extract hopefully my husband’s not watching he makes his own vanilla extract but I just kind of find it a

Little strong for what I’m using it for I use it for my new obsession my green tea Machel lates um so this will be a little more of a subtle flavor so that’s why I bought that and this tea oh my goodness I’ve been drinking this tea for

Years my friend told me about it years ago and every time around this time of year in the fall maybe even late September I start to just crave it it’s so good it’s sort of like those little cinnamon candies but it’s just so delicious I put

It just a little splash of some either almond milk or like a chabani creamer that’s not flavored just to kind of give it a creaminess oh my gosh it’s so good so that’s what this is for I think I have two left and I didn’t want to run out

So and this is a repeat I buy it every single time I get a grocery delivery it’s just the seler these are Z 00 everything but these are actually from my husband I don’t really drink them so um I just thought I’d show you and now

I’m going to swing over to the other side of the island for some dairy products okay I just have some eggs I did not ask for the brown eggs really I I don’t see the difference at all I love to buy them from the farm but we weren’t

Going there so I got some at the grocery store so basically I eat an egg and two egg whites every day it’s kind of become the same breakfast almost every day I am changing it up a little this week and I’ll show you in a minute how I’m doing

That and over here is just some cold brew I buy what’s on sale I don’t I mean this one’s really really delicious so is the Starbucks one the blond roast um you know whatever my husband drinks it too I like to put my protein shakes in these

So I just measure it out because there are calories believe it or not so 12 oz is 10 calories two carbs zero protein of course but I use about 8 oz and then I add my quest protein shake to it absolutely delicious and it gives me so much protein so that’s another little

New thing that I’ve been doing and then over here light sour cream as I buy almost probably once a month um I use it alongside my eggs or my quesadillas in the morning also on chili and things like that so let’s see the macros this is light sour cream 2

Tbspoon is 35 calories 2 g of protein and one carb so yeah you don’t need much of this you know um 2 tablespoons is plenty sometimes I only use one it depends on what I’m having and just sticking with the dairy I bought some Vita slices oh my goodness

I I don’t know why all of a sudden I like this I never did I grew up pretty much eating like craft or my grandpa used to buy the deli American cheese which I loved but these are just probably not great for you but they’re low in

Calories let me there we go so one slice is 35 calories 3 G G of carbs and three protein and it melts really easily and I’ll show you in a minute what I’m going to do with these so then I just have some egg whites again I eat like one egg

And two egg whites almost every morning so I always have to have this and then I also put in my omelets and quesadillas I put just a tablespoon of this cottage cheese it just gives it creaminess and a little bit of extra protein so I only use a tablespoon but let me

Just show you what the macros are and tell you for one container this whole container is 120 calories 19 does that say 19 I think it does 19 g of protein and three carbs so yeah and you don’t notice it when you put it in the eggs at all it

Really just makes them creamy so I just like to use that I have have a yogurt that I used to buy all the time this is a little more of a Splurge today I just wanted something different I’ve been kind of having the FJ um zero sugar

Yogurt and I dress it up which I love but I just wanted something a little different so this whole container is 110 calories it has 11 carbs M that surprises me cuz it’s a little lower in sugar but 16 g of protein so that’s really good

And what I’ll do with this is probably cut up some strawberries maybe a tiny bit of granola or some peans and have a little parfait after dinner if I’m really hungry cuz that’s very filling and another thing I used to buy all the time which you guys might have

Seen in other videos is this zero sugar milk and cookies Greek yogurt I really like it I found that some people didn’t but this is 60 calories with the whole container and sorry I can hardly see uh let’s see I believe it’s five carbs 11 g

Of protein so that’s not as filling it’s a little less thick than the siggies is but it’ll be good with strawberries and maybe a little granola once in a while and then over here is some panti sauce I also use it for my morning casad along with the sour cream there’s

Something about that combination with the the um quesadilla that’s so good I think I had it in a restaurant once and it was just delicious so I pretty much always do that I passed right by this coffee item this is the hazelnut K cup Starbucks delicious I’ve been buying the

Cinnamon one and I think I bought the caramel only on sale because they’re expensive this happened to be on sale so I bought bought it and it looks like my last item are these English muffins so as you might know I’m in a calorie deficit I am following a lower carb diet

So if I have this in the morning and I’ll tell you what I’m going to do with it I will not have carbs for the rest of the day meaning I won’t have bread or rice or pasta I will still have fruits and vegetables which are carbs but I

Stay within 100 G of carbs usually a lot lower I’ve been really good about that so um I wanted just to kind of change up my my breakfast a little I’m getting not in a rut cuz I still love it but the quesadillas and the omelets I just wanted something different that’s what

It comes down to so this is 100 calories and it’s the light multi- green let me get to the macros here so of course it’s 100 calories 26 G of carbs minus the eight fiber so what is that 18 GS of carbs nut carbs and four gram

Of protein so again I won’t do this every day I um make the omelets every day but what I’ll do with this is I’ll cook up either some egg whites or just one egg I’ll put a piece of Canadian bacon and a slice of the valita and alongside with that for some

Reason I usually have some kind of fruit maybe some cut up strawberries or I have a kiwi in the fridge or some mango something like that I don’t know why it goes together for me but that’s what I or grapes grapes are like the best alongside this kind of sandwich but you

Got to go with what you have so so this ends my grocery haul I hope you enjoyed it I hope you got some meal ideas I hope you subscribe and like I said hit that Bell so you see when I’m going to make that soup and I’ll do a cook with me

It’s really really delicious so have a great night Everyone


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