It’s cozy comfort food at its finest. Find out how easily Mary Berg’s classic pot roast comes together to warm up your winter.


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[Applause] hi hi hi everybody oh my gosh I love this skirt how are you Hi how are you hi hi hello hi everybody hi everybody over [Applause] there oh my goodness hello everybody and welcome to the show today I’m starting us off with a stick to your ribs recipe

That is perfect on a cold winter day and it’s e easy enough to make any night of the week for your family but also like old school fancy enough for company we are making my classic pot roast it is so good and it’s super simple to throw

Together so the first thing right over here I have got a roast in a pan that I’ve been Browning for about 3 to 5 minutes per side now before I added it into that pan over about medium high heat I seasoned it up with a little bit

Of flour with some seasoning in it so in addition to some flour I added in some garlic powder little bit of onion powder and some smoked paprika just to build some flavor onto that delicious roast then I seared that off just until golden brown and I’m using a Chuck or a sirloin

Roast this is a sirloin tip roast usually you want to go for like a nice affordable roast when you’re doing a pot roast you want it to be something that takes a long time to cook up it’s going to get nice and tender as it Cooks in

The oven and uh saving money is always a good thing feel like we got lightning going on today this is so exciting okay cool all right perfect now I just got to get this baby out of this pan this is the only tricky part of this

Recipe cuz this baby weighs about a kilo and a half it’s a big roast this is going to give you delicious food and delicious leftovers which are always a good thing on a cold night so I’m just going to set that roast aside and you

See this pan in the bottom of this pan there’s all these little golden brown bits this lovely little flavor so I’m going to add some vegetables into there to bring things up cuz the best part about pot roast is it’s a one pot meal less dishes G what a delight nobody

Likes doing dishes so we’re going to save that for you so we need two yellow onions and I’m just going to chop those into about like six wedges each you want them to be nice and chunky because basically when you’re doing a pot roast you are brazing something you’re taking

A tougher cut of meat some tougher hearer vegetables and you’re cooking them nice and slowly and low to give them tenderness and give them flavor so just chop that onion up and then I’ve got some carrots you want about four carrots for this baby if you had

Parsnips Chuck them in little bit of celery honestly not the worst thing in the world fennel oo very Italian go for it but I’m sticking with the uh classic carrots and onion so just cut those into some just big chunks and I’m going to add all those veg on into that pan so

I’ve got some onion here as well that I’ve chopped up earlier add that on in and I’m going to turn that heat down to about medium so those carrots are going to go in to and basically as soon as these vegetables hit the heat of that

Pan it’s going to kind of start to steam and lift the like golden brownness off the bottom of this pan so give that a bit of a stir and I’m going to season that up with some salt and pepper anytime you’re cooking you always want to salt and season as you go cuz

Basically that’s not going to make your dish taste salty it’s just going to help everything cook up and taste more like itself which is a total dream if I were to like not season anything and season it all at the end it would taste like a

Salt bomb and you don’t want a salt bomb for various reasons flavor but also blood pressure nobody wants that all right give that a good stir up just to get that off the bottom and since I promised you a one pot meal we need to add some starch because like dinner is

Not dinner without some starch in my opinion so I have got 450 grams of baby potatoes here that’s just like a classic bag of baby potatoes if you wanted to you could also use like bigger potatoes just cut into smaller chunks add those on into the mix too again give that a

Stir I don’t know if you guys can smell this but like it’s pretty good in here it’s always very strange it’s bright and early in the morning and it smells like pot roast not the worst thing in the world all right so a little bit of that color

And that golden brownness is kind of getting lifted off the bottom of the pan but I want that to cook down for about 3 to 5 minutes while that does its thing I’m going to chop up some garlic so for this recipe I usually call for about

Three cloves of garlic but these are truly massive so I’m going to stick with two cuz like look at the size of this garlic it’s like the size of my palm so I’m just going to slice those up really thin if you wanted to you could totally

Mince your garlic but I really like sliced garlic in pot roast cuz it’s going to cook for a long time so you’re going to get nice sweet delicious garlic flavor all right seriously those are the biggest garlic cloves in the world feel like we just found elephant garlic in

The grocery store all right now I’m going to add that on into the pot as well as a little bit of some herbs so you could throw in Rosemary you could add some Sage I’m going to go with fresh thyme you want about four sprigs of thyme but I’m I’m just using this

Like kind of nice Fresher a little bit so I’m just going to give it a bit of a haircut and then stems and all Chuck them right on in any leaves that fall off good to go all of those little sprigs I’m going to pull those out

Before serving and it’s going to be delish so again give that a little bit of a stir and now I want to deglaze this pan so all of this like I don’t know if you can see it that golden brown stuff stuck on the bottom that is Flavor that

Is so tasty so I want to lift that off the bottom of the pan and to that I’m going to Chuck some wine in there cuz why not right it’s a good thing it’s is it Wednesday it’s wine Wednesday yeah all right so I need about half of a cup

Of dry red wine I don’t want to use anything too juicy or berryy cuz I just like don’t think that would be great but a dry red perfect so about half a cup of that goes into the pot and that’s going to kind of shake all of that flavor off

The bottom of the pan and start bringing everything together now into there I’m also going to add the classic ingredient this stuff Wooster sauce Worchester Shire sauce you know this stuff it’s in your pantry it’s probably been there forever um you use it for a Caesar

Delish but you can also use it in your pot roast so I need about two tablespoons of that so just give that a good old Shake in it’s a good way to use this stuff up because again if you’re like me you always think you’re out of

It and then you have eight bottles and you’re like what am I going to do with this all right give that a bit of a stir and now into there I’m going to add that roast back on in so just grab that baby any juive that I’ve collected just pop

Those in too already that looks glorious and then to braze this baby what I want to do is add in enough beef broth or beef stock to come about halfway up the side of that roast that should take about 2 and 1 half to three cups cuz basically when you’re brazing

You want a little bit of that roast covered but then you want some of it out cuz basically what’s going to happen is you’re going to get that steam convection heat it’s going to make everything beautiful and tender but you’re going to maintain that golden brown flavor that we worked on so now

I’m just going to pop a lid on that and this baby needs to go into my 325° oven for 3 to 3 and 1/2 hours which is a long time but guess what you get to do whatever you want during those three and a half [Applause]

Hours I am making my classic pot roast for you today it is cozy it is so good and it’s been cooking away for about 3 three and a half hours now I’ve set it aside for about 10 minutes cuz just like any sort of meat that you’re cooking you

Want give it like a little bit of a breather once it comes out of the oven it’s like the exact opposite of when you go outside and you’re like shoveling snow and you come in and you can’t feel anything and you’re just like this that little bit of relaxing just lets that

Meat do this and it’s going to be tender and delish and yes I know this looks ridiculous but I’m going to keep going okay so now we’re going to reveal this baby let’s take a gander at this beautiful pot roast I just had a light pot roast

Facial and I’m very excited about it that looks beautiful so now to ser serve this all I want to do is just transfer that pot roast onto a platter if you want to you could also just serve it out of the pot it is pot roast after all but

I’m going to make it into a plate roast there you go all right just pop that baby right on over hopefully not making a mess like I’m doing and then you just want to spoon some of those delicious potatoes carrots onions and everything over again get rid of those little sprigs of

Time and that to me looks like a feast it feels very yummy old school you know how like people used to be like oh you have your boss over for dinner I don’t know if people do that really anymore I don’t know why I I mean

It’s dinner’s always a good thing but uh it’s so delicious perfect for a week night and you are good to go you keep that gravy that beautiful thick sauce to serve alongside and it’s a total dream now if you want to you can kind of like

Pull this baby apart like look oh oh somebody’s here come in ah oh Cory hi hi hi Cory and here hello everybody Cory hi um you’re a little bit early your segments later in the show I am a bit early but I come bearing gifts oh okay you know I just

Couldn’t wait okay did you bring a gift just for me I brought a gift for everyone oh my gosh Cory oh my gosh that is so sweet of you so what did you bring today Cory this time of the year our wallets are literally wearing thin right so today

Everyone is getting this gorgeous wallet from a oh my gosh that’s stunning and also uhhuh everyone is also going home with a $100 gift card to shop the yeah Cory oh man you that is not too shabby thank you so so much you’re I like that

You bring a wallet with things in it to GI that’s the key that’s why you know what you’re doing I just gave someone an empty wallet no and you you gave me you gave us all a wallet so would you like it to taste this pot roast that smells

So good I mean okay cool so you just again just pull it apart look at that beautiful pot roast I’ll let you dig on into that this plate I I underestimated how quickly I could dle this up so we got a big plate for a little pot roast

We’re good to go how’s that tasting M right wow mat two shabs I’ll give e the whole thing there you go perfect that’s exactly what I want to hear well Cory you got to stick around because um it’s going to be amazing and when we come

Back you’re going to do some fashion but if you are watching at home and you’d like a chance to win just go to the good to enter our online contest and be sure to follow us on our social media platforms for bonus entries hey Mary here what did you think drop your

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  1. Great recipes and a great show! Congratulations on your success so far. Your positive energy is what we need more of in our lives. Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us.

  2. Could somebody please do not make one syllable words into two. Like oh ah good ah fine uh it drives me nuts actually so does she toooooo hyper

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