Of course native gardeners also have vegetable gardens! Theses are the veggies I’m growing from seed this year. Let me know what you’re planning to grow this year!

Want to grow native plants from seed? Check out this video!

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Look what I got I just love talking about these seeds okay how’s it look look good yeah okay this is my 2024 seed haul I have a lot of mixed feelings about haul videos like I don’t really want to encourage people to buy things that they don’t

Need right these seeds are seeds that have been working for me and my family for a couple years so I’m excited to share them with you they are from Johnny Seed company and they are an employee-owned company so I’m proud to buy their seeds the truth is that

Johnny’s is a little bit more expensive than the other brands they do sell to a lot of farmers and professional Growers you know I’m sure that their seed is very high quality I’m willing to pay a little bit more so that I can buy from a company that is employee owned so this

Year in my raised beds I’m going to be growing mostly native plants I don’t have a ton of space for vegetables this year year I’m going to be growing red oer dogwood some Elderberry cuttings lots of flowers and grasses so I’m going to have a little bit of limited space

For me to grow vegetables but I have a family member that does have property that has a little bit bigger space we’re going to grow most of these in their vegetable garden they’ve got space for things like pumpkins is what I’m saying if you’ve ever grown pumpkins at home

You know that sometimes they take over the whole yard that’s where most of this is going to go so I’m pretty excited about that and I’m going to divide these into the cold weather vegetables and the warm weather vegetables uh the cold weather ones obviously can be planted

Out a little bit earlier sometimes April and the warm weather vegetables you really can’t plant out until miday at the earliest some of them you will have to plant them out in June so let’s go ahead and take a look we have Sora radishes now these these seed packets

Don’t have pretty pictures on them but I am going to go ahead and put a picture up here so you can see what they’re supposed to look like radishes are great this one is a radish that’s he heat tolerant uh and that’s fantastic cuz our weather turns really fast here in the

Midwest I’ve also got Calypso cilantro I need lots of cilantro because cilantro goes to flour really quickly and the flavor changes into something that I don’t like you have to continually sew cilantro every two or 3 weeks so I got like a big packet of cilantro so that

One’s a little bit bigger than the rest there we go this Calypso cilantro is also supposed to be the slowest to bolt meaning the slowest to go to seed or to send up a flour and change its flavor next up on the list I have lizard spinach this spinach does really well

For us here because it doesn’t bolt in the summer so you can see a pattern here with my cold weather veggies which is that we really struggle with them after the weather turns warm here let me just draw for you exactly like what the problem is here in the Midwest we do

Have four seasons right but the problem is that our spring season and our fall season are very small so maybe we get just a week or a few days or whatever it is it’s small so it’s usually very cold which it is now and then it’s like sort

Of nice for a couple days and then in summer it’s like really hot and it’s hot for the entire summer until Halloween and then on Halloween it gets freezing cold that’s just how it is it doesn’t matter what you know temperatures are changing it’s still going to freeze on

Halloween we’re just cursed that’s why I am looking for cold weather vegetables that can tolerate a little bit of heat because once that weather changes I don’t want to lose all these plants next up we have the allstar gourmet lettuce mix uh this is just a nice baby leaf

Lettuce kind of mix they’ve got red lettuce green lettuce romae lettuce all different kinds of lettuce in here it’s just a nice mix and you can cut them and harvest them several times which is really nice they’re not for growing head lettuce necessarily but we don’t really

Do that it’s a challenge to grow lettuce here uh and then my last cold weather seeds are going to be the these Avalanche snow peas I just love the name Avalanche cuz it just makes me think about like I don’t know just an avalanche of snow peas coming at you

These are fantastic my nieces love the snow peas they’re very easy to grow but here we do have lots of squirrels Chipmunks and like other little Mammals they somehow know exactly when I planted the snow peas so I have to cover them with like some kind of wire mesh really hold the mesh down at ends to make sure that the mammals don’t get into the snow peas sometimes they take them out and they plant them elsewhere

And then I find them growing you know in pots and stuff uh but yeah these These are great snow peas they do last into the early part of June but then after June it does get too hot for them that’s my cold weather seeds oh something that’s kind of in between

Are the aliums that I have so I’ve got shallots and green onions these shallots are ambition shallots these shallots have a great shelf life I have used these shallots into like late spring the next year it’s pretty amazing how long they last I found that they tend to be

Kind of small so this year I think I’m going to treat them a little bit better and see if I can get them to grow a little bit bigger give them a little more water a little more early fertilizer little early nitrogen to see

If I can get them to bulb out just a little bit bigger because they are kind of small but they’re delicious I mean I I love them on everything and they last way into the spring these bunching onions are also great uh this is supposed to be a very cold hardy

Bunching onion called Evergreen Hardy white I should be able to harvest these into December of next year that’s the experience that I had this year I grew bunching onions and I was able to harvest them in October November December now it’s January they are wilted kind of done for the season but

Being able to harvest green onions into December is really nice I like toart onions indoors really early They Don’t Really require a lot of care they’re so tough you can probably just grow them in a window I grow them under grow lights and in the next video I’ll show you what

The grow lights look like but I grow them under grow lights for many months before I transplant them out they are just really tough you can plant them really close together and then just pull them apart their roots are very strong now we’re going to move into warm

Weather crops this is where we’re having a little bit of fun speaking of warm weather crops there’s two crops that I’m not going to be growing from seed and that’s tomatoes and peppers what now I know every everybody else does this and I did this for 3 or 4 years last year I

Went to the Garden Center I found them selling six packs of airoom varieties that I really wanted so I think what I’m going to do is I’m probably going to buy the sixpacks and then I’m going to finish the plants indoors under lights if you know anything about seed starting

The hardest part is getting it from seed to like 4 we old seedling that is a very precarious time where they need the perfect amount of water a lot of care they need to not be too close to the light not too far from the light there

Just a lot of work early on if I can bypass that process and just get the six packs I’m going to do that I have to pick and choose what’s going to take up space under my grow lights so I’m just going to buy those things at the store

And tell me in the comments if you think that’s not a good idea okay next I’ve got these Renegade pumpkins super excited to grow these they’re supposed to give you nice round mediumsized pumpkins that you can carve into a Jacko Lantern but they’re not the huge ones

The issue with me for pumpkin is that they just take like 110 days to grow and that’s fine but there’s a lot that can happen in that 110 days we can have pests we can get bugs I really want to make sure that I get a pumpkin that’s

Going to grow in a shorter amount of time that’s not going to be so huge these just look perfect they look like these perfect little Jackal lantern pumpkins the website says that they’re perfect for the Farm Stand if you’re selling at a farmers market something like that eager to try Renegade pumpkins

Tuscany basil if you’ve never grown lettuce leaf basil you’re really missing out because I love lettuce leaf basil imagine it’s like basil with really thin leaves and then they’re crinkly and they’re just like a they’re huge they’re huge crinkly leaves they taste delicious they don’t have any bitterness to them I

Really like the lettuce leaf basil I love growing them and I bought a ton of them so that I don’t have to worry about uh running out during the season which kind of happened to me last year let’s see what else we have okay banar’s giant mix zenas if you haven’t grown zenas

Before they’re an annual flower with very large blooms very showy uh they start blooming mid June maybe depending on how early you start them you can definitely direct seed these outside they just have really really showy flowers it’s an annual it is not a native plant these uh are basically from

Central and South America I think is their native range so they’re not from here the pollinators really do love them and the bees are always on them monarch butterflies are always always on my zenas I see a lot of butterflies on there so for me it’s really worth it to

Get these because they’re so showy in addition to having lots of native blooms we also grow uh big patches inas they’re just stunning hopefully I can show you some pictures from last year okay next unagi cucumbers so this is an Asian cucumber that’s kind of a long and

Straight cucumber very green on the outside they don’t have spines which is kind of nice cuz if you’ve ever gone out and had to harvest your cucumbers they can be pretty spiky so these don’t have any spikes the seeds are pretty small this is a hybrid cucumber most of the

Time I like to get heirloom varieties but with cucumbers I’ve really struggled to grow them because they have been getting disease and then I don’t get any cucumbers because they just die before I can really Harvest anything so I decided Well I’m going to try a hybrid that has

Some disease resistance so that’s what I’m going to try this year is the unagi hybrid cucumbers for my last one I have Purple Haze carrots a lot of times it’s hard for me to justify growing carrots because well they’re inexpensive at the grocery store let’s just face it it it

Can be kind of hard to justify but these carrots are a brilliant purple color I love them they’re so delicious they’re purple it’s super cool when kids come over I always have them harvest the carrots because they love pulling them out because it’s such a surprise when

You pull out the carrot maybe you get a small one maybe get a skinny one and the fact that it’s purple just makes it really exciting they love harvesting the carrots I can’t say whether or not they will eat the purple carrots you know disclaimer so that’s it that’s my seed

Haul for 2024 in the veggie garden if you’re looking to grow plants from seed you might want to check out this video next

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