How To Make Barbecue Pulled Pork Taste Delicious
Hello everyone welcome to my channel in today’s video I show you How To Make Gina Young Style
Barbecue Pulled Pork Gina Young Barbecue Pulled Pork this recipe is amazing it’s so tender Juicy and so flavorful When I make this recipe my family gets so happy they love to eat this recipe and I love to cook it for them this is such a Easy Barbecue Pulled Pork Recipe anyone you feed this recipe to will love it Guaranteed if you love a good recipe I got you if you want to learn how to cook I got you until the next video God Bless Good night. In The Kitchen With Gina Young Pulled Pork Make you some enjoy the recipe. Bbq Pulled Pork


Pork Shoulder Butt Roast
salt pepper garlic and onion powder dreid parsley flakes
chicken bullion powder
sweet onion
peporchini peppers and a little of the juice
fresh garlic clove
warstshire sauce
liquid smoke
enjoy the recipe

Hi everybody everybody I’m back everybody jie young is back to show you all how easy it is to make a delicious pull pork roast this pork roast is absolutely amazing it’s so easy to make if you make a Gina Young style your taste buds will love you for this recipe

Here’s the ingredients you’re going to need you’re going to need a shoulder butt roast okay um sometimes is called just a butt roast or a pork shoulder butt roast that’s what we have here you can find them boneless this one has the bone in and I suggest you get the kind

That has the bone in more flavor you’re going to need your favorite barbecue sauce in case you decide to shred it up like I’m going to do today and turn it into H barbecued pulled pork my two favorite barbecue sauces we have a nice sweet Balia onion and we have a really

Interesting ingredient here Pepper cheny Peppers you can get the hot ones or the mild ones we got some spices to make this thing taste good if we start this way we have some dried parsley flakes black pepper and salt we also have wor toer sauce and we have Liquid Smoke be

Sure when you’re using this that you don’t use too much this will give a nice Smoky flavor make it feel like it was cooked outside on the grill we have paprika a large clove of garlic if you don’t have a large clove just use a couple cloves garlic and onion powder

Make sure your hands are impecably clean let’s get started with this amazing recipe Genie young step I’m going to be using two other ingredients I will be using chicken Buon powder it’s just a Buon Cube and the powder form it’s going to bring great flavor to your recipe

Also we’re going to use some water or chicken broth if you if you want to so the first thing that we’re going to do is let’s take this time to chop up some garlic and when it comes to the garlic if you want it to um you can chop it up or you

Can leave it into hole or half cloves and take a look here at my shoulder roast here and you can sneak it down into little nooks like that so you could take the garlic clove and literally just push them in there it releases amazing flavor into your pork roast I will be

Doing that so what I’m going to do when I chop this down I’m I’m going to have big pieces and then if you don’t already have slits in it you just take a knife just like so come on in and then you just go in make like a little pocket and

After you get your pocket you Nestle that garlic in there for great flavor that Garlic’s just going to melt in there and bring so much flavor to your pork did you know that this could be a recipe that you make for your Christmas absolutely it could it could also be a

Recipe for New Year’s you know how when it’s New Year every has fork and sourkraut try this for your New Year’s absolutely this recipe is easy peasy and I’m so happy today to bring this recipe to you all and guess what we’re making it in the insta pot everybody wants Gina

Young to make insta Pot recipes well here you go this is the insta pot recipe it doesn’t have to cook forever in a day and when you see what it looks like after it Cooks you’re going to be so excited to make this recipe so let’s get

Some nice onions nice and chopped if you want to use some bell peppers by all means you can you know this really for the onion just give it a rough chop it doesn’t have to be you know anything certain this right here is good enough

We’re just going to put it in the bottom of the pan to release some amazing flavor into the pork okay so let me show you what I want to do to the garlic clove come on in I always like to take the side of my

Knife give it a nice wax and what that does helps to release that skin that’s on there otherwise you’re going to be peeling for days trying to get it off okay so once you get it off let’s go ahead and put our garlic into you know somewhat sections so since I have that

Right there here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to make that little pocket a bit deeper and then I’m going to push that garlic in there get in there and just just marry with the pork and make great flavors just like so so if y’all take a

Look at my eyes you will see what the onions y’all it never fails me the onions they tear my eye I love onions but I tell you what they don’t like my eyes I’m going to fix my eyes and then I’ll be back get the garlic inside of

Here so let’s go ahead and take this time to put our chopped up onions into our insta pot and like I said if you want to put some bell pepp peer absolutely you can we’re going to go ahead and season the meat up but before we do that I want to talk about

Possibilities I always like to throw something extra out there so now if you wanted to rub some beautiful mustard onto your pork shoulder butt rolls it would bring so much great flavor I’m not going to do that today because I don’t have any Dijon mustard but if I had some

Dijan mustard I think I would I’ve made it with the Dian mustard and without mustard I like both ways so if you want to try it and you love like what mustard does mustard has like a acidity in it that will help to tenderize your meat as

Well but when we speak about the acidity um the uh pepper Chini is inside of a beautiful broth some of this broth just a little bit we’re not going to get like crazy with how much we use we’re going to pour some of this into our insta pot for flavor

And it’s also going to help to make this nice and tender and we’re going to throw about all maybe four or five of these beautiful pepperchinis right in the pan as well and let’s season so we’re going in with onion powder and you’re going to

Notice that I am not being shy when it comes to the seasoning don’t be afraid to season if you’re that person you’re afraid to season your food will be flavorless and it won’t taste like mine okay even though I use in a lot of my recipes I’ll use fresh garlic and then

I’ll turn around and I’ll use garlic powder people like to ask why well because I love what fresh garlic does and then I also love what garlic powder does so a lot of times in my recipes you’ll see me use the two for a boost the flavor okay and so now we’re going

To go in with Paprika this is not smoked and I don’t suggest you use smoked paprika in your recipe okay but let’s get it in there it will bring a great color okay and we’re going to season the bottom side as well I hope yall are having a great day somebody anybody in

The comment section let me know are you ready for the holidays and has any of Gina Young’s holiday recipes made you want to make some let me know what you’re making for your holiday that’s just around the corner gie Young’s been getting youall ready for the holidays

And I have so many holiday recipes for you all to check out and as a matter of fact I have a holiday playlist that you could check out um for great ideas if you’re just stuck and you’re like I don’t know what I’m going to make this holiday check out my holiday playlist

All you have to do say it right in your device or your phone Genie Young holiday playlist boom it will pop up and I have a ton of recipes just for you okay so we just went in with salt and pepper just like so and also what the

Mustard will do if you decide that you want to use it the mustard will uh help for your spices to adhere to the meat let’s put some parsley flakes on because I wouldn’t be Gina Young if I didn’t use some dryed parsley flakes in every recipe when I

Come back we’re going to flip this over get the other side seasoned just like so so now I wanted to show you all this this is what they call the fat I I just put a g there I literally just put a g there I guess it’s for Gina you can

Laugh with me but I wanted to talk about that fat right there that fat is called the fat cap and I’m going to suggest to you all if you decide that you want to cook this in the oven and make Panet okay that’s how um if you spoke Spanish

You would say this pork shoulder Rose Pine okay so if you wanted to cook that for your holiday in the oven leave this fat cap on because guess what’ll happen this that cap right here will turn into a crispy gorgeousness a beautiful flavor that you your family your loved ones

Will absolutely love so it Cooks up really beautiful it gets crispy you know how they talk about um the turkey skin getting nice and crispy if you’ve ever tasted that you could only imagine what this fat cap does in the oven but since I’m using the instacart guess what this

Fat does this fat it it kind of get get mushy it tastes good but it doesn’t get crispy so since we’re making it in the instacart let’s cut it off okay I’m not going to have you guys watch me cut the whole thing off but I will uh show you

How I like to cut some of it off you don’t have to cut it all off but cut a nice amount off if you are cooking this in your crock pot or your insta pot okay so this is how this goes and you can save that next time you make up a big

Old pot of green beans you can put that in there for nice flavor so don’t discard of it my family just made me aware that I kept saying insta cart so it’s okay just laugh with me laugh with me no stressing out no worrying ain’t nobody embarrassed

Hey listen I shop with instacart so much I’m liel to say instacart instead of instapot so it’s kind of funny to realize that I’ve been saying instacart this whole time but you all know what I’m talking about you know I’m talking about this inst pot right here so I’m

Going to cut this fat off and I’ll be right back and we season garlic and onion powder in an nice amount okay there we go it smells so good in here keep in mind we put those garlic clothes in there ha that’s like a gotcha burst of flavor all right salt and

Pepper and um we’re going to take this over to the insta pot there we go I think I got it right this time and then I’m going to show you how much of the liquid how much peppercinis how much pepperi liquid get that baby turned on

And when I come back we’re going to be shredding it apart it’s going to it just falls apart like butter let’s use some of our chicken Buon powder I do have two cups of the just cold water okay mix it just like so and then the end Ina

Pot okay so now we’re going to take our broth and we’re just going to put the broth kind of on the side so to speak because I didn’t want to you know rinse off all my spices okay so now let’s put some of that peini juice in oh that’s plenty enough

And then let’s throw a couple in for great flavor and also to tenderize our meat okay this is not going to make it spicy okay but if you don’t like heat then don’t put it in okay really it’s that simple okay and so now where’s the

Shear sauce a nice amount of it how much do you like put it in there and for the Liquid Smoke let me show you how much that’s enough don’t get carried away cover this baby turn it on when I come back I’m going to show you how

Tender just how tender this is take a look my goodness look look I I am pushing this so easily like we could do this with a butter knife this is just a fork and it will fall apart so flaky and juicy so flavorful my goodness so listen here’s what we’re

Going to do look it took it here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to turn around I’m going to pull all this meat off and then there’s a little bone in there that’ll just come off with ease and then I have this here cookie sheet

Come take a look after we get it all pulled apart we’re going to turn around mix in your favorite barbecue sauce and make barbecued pork sandwiches Gina Young style or if you don’t want to do the barbecue pork sandwiches you just shred this apart save the juice that was

In your insta pot or whatever pan you’re cooking it in amazing just eat it that way with some baked macaroni on the side you’re set for the holid holiday I’m super excited when I come back before we mix this I’m going to taste it for you

All so now take a look what you’re seeing here is just a little bit of the meat since I’m doing a video it take me for you know quite a while to get all that um pulled apart so what we’re going to do half of my family wants it nice

And safy without barbecue sauce right and then another half of the family wants barbecue sauce so I’m going to show you the barbecue sace sauce version Look oh but we got to taste we got to taste and see if it’s tender we got to

See if it’s juicy we have to see if it’s flavorful always taste your food know what you’re feeding to your family I’m going in y’all it is so tender it’s like it’s like butter oh so much flavor all right here’s what we’re going to do your favorite barbecue sauce I always have to

Have a barbecue sauce that I love along with open pit open pit is the barbecue sauce of my childhood I always have to mix it in it’s great but here’s what you definitely should do I’m going to suggest this to everyone that tries this recipe when you uh put your barbecue sauce on

Turn around and put this mixture that already has the barbecue sauce on it into the oven so that barbecue sauce can bake into the meat you don’t want it to be super duper wet right you want that barbecue sauce to cook into the meat for a little while on 350 okay don’t don’t

Dry it out or anything but you you get the just of what I’m saying so let’s get it nice and coated we’re going to make before I put it into the oven because I want to taste it for you all I’m going to make a sandwich out of

It but keep in mind that the big batch that I do it’s going into the oven so the bar barbecue sauce can bake in listen here everybody take a look at my sandwich take a look at my sandwich oh uh-huh if you enjoyed this video give

Me a thumbs up if you haven’t subscribed make sure you subscribe tell your family and friends and everyone you know tell the whole world what gie Young’s doing in this kitchen on a daily basis heavenly father I thank you for this beautiful meal in Jesus Christ’s name we pray amen amen once again

Oh my goodness look at the y’all take a bite this is going to be one of the best sandwiches of the year and as always God bless thanks for watching good night


  1. Happy Holidays Ms. Gina. Funny you mentioned the mustard. I actually cooked pork short ribs the orher day. I slathered them in mustard and seasonings and then foil wrapped. I baked them. You are so right. The mustard makes the meat so tender. I can't wait to try this recipe. My family loves pulled pork. Another wonderful recipe. I still can't eat some things after surgery (restrictions), but my family can. They will enjoy. Thank you again

  2. Hi Gina I made your pull pork it was so delicious and good my family loved it thanks for great recipe โค๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Hello Gina I so desperate needed this recipe I want to do a pork roast for Christmas this video is right on time I will be making this for Christmas! Thanks Gina you and your family have a blessed Christmas!๐Ÿ˜˜

  4. This is a delicious recipe. I love your pulled pork. I saw some regular onions in the produce section that they said were tearless. They were on the Kroger site. I might order them one day. I eat my pulled pork with what you do but I put French's yellow mustard on my buns. I make my coleslaw with salad cubes, Duke Mayo, salt and pepper and of course cabbage. and a slice of onion. It is so good. Sometimes i just eat your pulled pork on a plate with coleslaw, french fries, and hushpuppies. I put hot sauce on my pulled pork and sometimes on my coleslaw. Any way Mrs. Gina's can not be beat. Kathy and I love her cooking. If I get company I always do more because they eat up all or they want to take some home. They know that all of my cooking is Mrs. Gina"s because my foods had hardly any seasonings until Mrs. Gina explained seasoning foods to me years ago. We love this family. They mean the world to Kathy and me. Mrs. Gina Lord willing will be going LIVE tomorrow which is Saturday December 19, 2023 at 4 PM EST

  5. Hi Ms.Gina, I loveeรจ pull pork. Your pull pork looks dedelicious! I have a question, did you buy your pepperchini peppers from the regular grocery store?

  6. Hello Gina, Happy Monday. That pulled pork looks delicious for some sandwiches ๐Ÿฅช ๐Ÿ˜‹. I'm going to make your other roast you made last week for Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ โค๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™

  7. Good am Miss Young๐Ÿ˜Š I'm going to make your pull apart roast! I've try a few of your recipes.. They were are soo ๐Ÿ˜‹ you didn't disappoint๐ŸŽ‰โค๐ŸŽ‰ thank you sooo much and love your energy๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™

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