We are pressuring canning veg stock today, and of course it starts to rain just as we get everything set up.

by Big-Voice1396


  1. Numerous_Teachers

    Why aren’t you in the kitchen?

    I pressure can on a glass stove all the time.

  2. surfaholic15

    Nice! My canning setup is out on my porch. Canned up chili and salsa this past week.

  3. ElectroChuck

    We can outside exactly this way in the summertime when it is too hot to can in the house.

  4. HeemeyerDidNoWrong

    I can smell the propane and Florida from here.

  5. Is it very windy where you live? That would be my only concern…that the wind would cause issues with the flame and I would have to start over. I actually bought a Camp Chef portable stove for this purpose but haven’t had to use it yet.

  6. jacksraging_bileduct

    I can in my garage, more room to work 🙂

    The only thing I’d like to point out is you want to make sure the burner isn’t putting out more BTU’s than the vessel is designed for or it could warp.

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