Curious to know at what times do you think a A5 Wagyu cut is more desirable than let’s say a Prime cut, or vice versa.

For Example, when I’m going for a fatty cut like a ribeye – ever since I’ve had A5 Wagyu I tend to almost not even be able to enjoy a Prime or similar cut. Tastes fatty to me, not “buttery” – That being said, I actually prefer a well prepared Prime Filet over a Wagyu Filet.

I really don’t like any variation of a Wagyu burger etc (I know they’re usually American/Australian blends not Jap A5 Burgers).

Just curious if anyone has similar selections.

by TheMazi831


  1. sober-cooking

    Might be an unpopular opinion but I’ll take the prime!

  2. brokendimensiondoor

    Prime. I feel the Wagyu should be a special occasion steak. I’m more inclined to experiment with the Prime and I am more comfortable with it where the Wagyu I feel like It would be A a waste of money to fuck it up and B disrespectful to not do it perfectly. So all in all those are my personal hang-ups

  3. I think Wagyu is an acquired taste. I would much prefer a well marbled strip steak or ribeye.

  4. Reasonable-Parsley36

    Wagyu is a different experience. Can’t do it all the time but it is amazing.

  5. xterm11235

    I’ve always felt Wagyu is overrated and would take prime over it every time.

  6. furthestmile

    Prime. Wagyu is overrated. I eat steak not only for taste but for protein content. If I want pure beef fat luxuriousness I choose marrow

  7. Esseldubbs

    I’m probably a fool, and have no experience with Wagyu, but just give me the prime.

    Obviously I want marbling, but everytime I see Wagyu I just wonder where the meat is. I’m sure it’s packed full of flavor, but I’m happy to stay ignorant with this one

  8. Alpha_Msp

    If price wasn’t a factor, wagyu every time. If it is, a nice Choice will do great.

  9. TheGoteTen

    Wagyu is great but it’s like eating meat flavored butter. A little goes a long way.

    A prime steak is good eating on a more regular basis.

  10. allanmuffins

    I think Australian wagyu MS 7-9 is the best of both worlds. Definitely my preferred.
    “American wagyu” just seems like a scam to me.

  11. slipperycanaloupes

    You can mail me both and I’ll let you know which was better :^)

  12. jwalker3181

    I like the taste of the beef, Wagyu is awesome it’s just TOO much in general.

  13. I know wagyu is considered the best of the best when it comes to steak but it looks so unappetizing. And personally the fat texture makes me gag😅

  14. xenomorphonLV426

    Bruh, the left steak is fat with a tiny bit of meat marbeling

  15. PeanClenis

    Prime. Japanese wagyu straight up hurts your stomach if you eat an entire steak.

  16. I actually work for a wagyu beef ranch. We breed full blood and angus/wagyu hybrids. There is a distinct audience for both. It’s not about costs it’s about the flavor and texture. Some people love that butter. Some people want less umami and a more traditional flavor but they like the marbling in what we call American wagyu, our hybrid. So it really is preference.

  17. ToxicManlyMan

    Wagyu is supposed to be eaten like candy, tiny cubes or slices. You can’t eat a whole steak. I never get an upset stomach, but wagyu gave me horrible acid reflux. And I want a whole steak.

    When I eat steak, I go for a nice porterhouse 9/10 times. Nothing beats the beefiness of the strip plus the tenderness of the tenderloin.

  18. FrattyMcBeaver

    A couple slices of seared Wagyu as the appetizer then the prime for the main. I like my steaks rare with a good sear on the outside.

  19. canada1913

    Idk, paying a shit ton of money for fat seems weird to me. That wagyu looks gross, not saying I wouldn’t eat it, but…it kinda resembles the moose brain I scooped out of a skull this season.

  20. Wagyu is good for eating a couple bites.

    Prime is good for eating an entire steak.

    I think both are great.

    Gimme steak.

  21. YouSaidThereWasTrees

    Prime…all damn day! Real a5 Wagyu is good for 1 bite

  22. dadsquatch101

    I think wagyu is just another trendy nonsense fad. Personally i like my steak to have steak not just have ridiculous amounts of buttery fat and look like someone genetically modified a container of spam. Ive had delicious variations of both ive cooked different variations of both, my stance stays the same. Bang for buck ill always stick with the prime cuts verse the wagyu

  23. The_Wrecking_Ball

    For a Ribeye – prime. I like thicker 2” plus cuts for ribeyes. Waygu wouldn’t render the center.

    For a Denver – Wagyu. Thinner cuts 1”, cooks nice with a sear, and dirty secret goin almost medium renders the fat quite nicely

  24. americanairman469

    Wagyu like this is like triple chocolate cake. Really tasty, but can only handle a few bites before it becomes too rich for my blood.

  25. I like prime better. I had wagyu once. I felt I was eating butter instead of meat.

  26. No_Coast9861

    Prime all day. My gallbladder would.murder me if I ate the wagyu. I can at least cut some of the fat off the ribeye.

  27. Slowclimberboi

    Prime. I can only eat a little bit of wagyu knowing that it will make me sick later. I puked up about 12oz of it one time and realized I’d rather just have a 12oz prime ribeye

  28. inverted_peenak

    Wagyu sucks (yes I had the real A5 deal). Just eat ribeye fat if you really like it.

  29. cheesemakesmepooo

    I’ll take the one that actually has some protein

  30. Really personal preferences IMO, there has been a debate if Korean beef is better since its in between a wagyu and regular beef

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