Saw a college coffee bar setup so had to show mine
Bianca V3 White
Niche zero
Pullman Basket
SOE Spirit Basket
Normal Dose Tamper
Acaia lunar
Mwh bomber milk jugs

by 2DayUDie43


  1. MushyMushroomer

    I got the same Bianca, and I haven’t been to school for over 16 years. Bought the Bianca with some leftover money from the time I was a student. I really miss the unlimited wealth of a student 🙄. If I had never left the school, I’d probably have a Kees van der Westen Speedster on my mega yacht by now. Well, no yachts for me now 😔.

  2. Detgeromu

    These onlyfans earnings really skew the general state of college students…

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