3 eggs (chopped)
1 teas. sweet relish
1/8 teas mustard
1/2 teas. sugar
1 tble mayo
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Hi welcome to Crisco for you too today I’m going to make one of my all-time salads or sandwiches that I eat a lot and I really enjoy it’s real quick real fast think you’re going to enjoy it nuts egg salad I always make me an egg salad

Sandwich on toast so let’s get started with the ingredients that you’re going to need to make this salad you’re going to need of course the egg and I’ve already started to chop I have three here so I’ll chop up the last one in front of you you’re going to need a half

Teaspoon of for three eggs you’ll need a half teaspoon of sugar you’ll need a teaspoon of sweet relish mustard just a dab of mustard and some Mayo real real quick work easy so let’s get started on how to do this you’re going to go ahead and chop up your eggs and whatever

Method to you in order to chop up your eggs just go ahead and do it that way a lot of people chop it up with a fork some may use a potato masher but I can just get it done with just using this knife so I’m going to go ahead and get

That all chopped up now once I get my eggs all chopped up and it’s just um if you look I’m just kind of dice chopping okay so it’s not a uniform chop and it’s not a real real thin chop it’s just a dice chop okay now once you get

That all chopped up like you want it okay and you’re going to go ahead and add your sweet relish your little bit of sugar just a dab of your favorite type of mustard so we’re talking really about a fourth there you go okay and that’s just a

Little damp enough that you can see it right there it’s not a lot and then you’re going to need about a teaspoon or tablespoon I’m sorry of mayo and then you can go up if you need more but it’s best to start off low and go up then to

Start off with a lot and then you mess up the whole mixture I’m going to add just a little bit more now that worked out look to be like two tablespoons of mustard it’s not a lot of mustard this is real real fast but I love egg salad

And I know anyone that tries this at home they’re going to truly enjoy it now your egg salad is made how quick with that now you can go ahead and allow this to marinate in your refrigerator whereas all of the flavors would absorb each other and you can just leave it in your

Refrigerator for a short period of time maybe 15 20 minutes I don’t even do that I just go ahead and make my sandwich which is exactly what I’m going to get here now now I demand on toast you can do yours on white bread so I take my egg

Salad and you don’t want it runny okay that you don’t want you want a little bit of thickness to the egg salad I’ll put it down on my bread if you stretch this you can get three sandwiches out of the one per egg if not you can get two

If you like it kind of healthy like I just did it and then I cut my sandwich and half now eggs is not just a breast to seal lets going to be lunch this can be Jenner this can be any of that there you have it how fast was that

We did that all in one showing chris is making egg salad sandwich and I made a toast now that’s one of my favorite things to eat you don’t even have to have what you won’t even have a lot of dishes in order to clean up behind it

Okay and there’s the leftovers which can make you another sandwich so there you have it that’s what I’m making today I hope you guys will try it I know you will enjoy it and two things I want to tell you before I go loyalty is rewarded

And pay attention okay you might see me kind of glancing to the sack because I had to rip so loyalty is rewarded and pay attention and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you – bye You


  1. I love this channel…and I love Chris. Such real, home cooking. I'm a grown woman who is willing to be adopted into her family. 😉

  2. the problem with this world one of them is pure sugar because you added sugar and sugar is in the mayo, the sweet relish and in the bread but good quick video I enjoy the signature bye at the end of every video haha

  3. For some reason scrambled eggs make me sick. I don't buy eggs unless I need for a recipe and I have some left and I toss them our after a while. I will try this to see if I can tolerate and stop throwing them out. Looks good!!

  4. Hi Chris! Man that takes me back to childhood! My Mom always made egg salad sandwinches…Just like you did it! Thank You so much!! God Bless you:)

  5. Just got back from The Dollar Tree…believe it or not they had everything to make this. I also picked up onion powder and paprika

  6. Hey Ms Chris how r u? I don't eat egg salad but I may try it the way you fixed it just too say I fixed Ms Chris eg salad 😀

  7. I love watching your channel and I absolutely love the recipes ❤👍keep up the great work and I'm a loyal subscriber 👐

  8. Was just thinking the other day I haven't had a egg salad in so long and then i saw your video 😊. You must have read my mind Chris.😀

  9. I haven't had egg salad in decades….i will be making that tonight! Thanks for the video.

  10. Chris, you are a blessing to us all. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. You are detailed, clean and soothing. What a blessing. You make cooking so much easier and tastier….. I watch the videos make a shopping list and then bring the computer or phone into the kitchen with me. Thank you. May God Bless you.

  11. Wow, this simple and low mess recipe is perfect for me right now (and always) because we are remodeling our kitchen😂 thanks Chris❤

  12. I just ran across your channel I watch this video and decide to make this today i did exactly what you did i add slap ya mama and cayenne pepper it takes so good you have a new subscriber 😍


  14. very good job sister, Lord bless you I need a live in cook want the job LOL, ONLY ADDITION IS I LIKE A LITTLE CRUNCH WOULD ADD A BIT MORE SWEET RELISH, IS CHOPPED CELERY WRONG TO ADD

  15. I don’t know why egg salad sandwiches have gone out of style. Anyone who love deviled eggs should love these sandwiches. I make mine with potatoes bread or rolls. Add a slice of tomato and shredded lettuce and you have a great filling and quick meal. Love your videos.

  16. Hey Auntie! (Wakanda style). I make mine without the sugar. But I use creamy horseradish instead of Mayo. Also I add a little onion and paprika. Yum!

  17. I'm a new subscriber and I love your recipes. It reminds me of my mother and grandmother recipes. The recipes have made my husband really happy 😊. I follow your ingredients exactly as you have indicated and my family enjoys every bite. Thank you so much. Please keep the recipes coming.

  18. Why cant anybody making an egg salad vidoe say how much mayonnaise and mustard to put in it? Everyone is like just put a dab of each in it that does not explain anything dumb azziz. And this vidoe is gross sweet egg salad 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 blasphemy and sacrilege.🤢🤮

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