Prime ribeye in my cast iron, how did I do?

by NateAP31


  1. motownmods

    Sear is a little weak tbh. But with the way you made it im assuming that’s not something u seek. To each their own.

  2. Next time get your pan as hot as possible before you throw it down on the pan, slightly less oil in the pan

  3. Decent-Efficiency-21

    Try rasing heat a little and pressing the steak down for 30 seconds not too much to ensure even sear on both sides

  4. Mammoth_Exam1354

    Delicious! And thank you for not showing any oozing blood

  5. RogueTBNRzero

    I hear that searing a steak in high temperature oil first until getting a good sear and then putting in butter after to baste is the best way to sear and baste

  6. jasonj1908

    I’m sure it tasted great. I like mine with a bit more of a crusty sear and slightly rarer. But I wouldn’t turn this down.

  7. saltyclam13345

    Looks good to me. I don’t know how to get a better sear without setting off my smoke alarm lol

  8. ChubbyWanKenobie

    Beautiful, and note that very few people get mushrooms right, like you did.

  9. WholeJingGang

    Try tying a butchers knot to compact the meat, the eye didn’t get good contact with pan for the sear.

  10. btcbulletsbullion

    You’ll get a better sear and crust with less liquid in the pan.

  11. LifeUnfolding54

    Looks like you were trolling, instead of casting!

  12. Slippy_Ostrich

    Try using about a knob of bacon fat next time. Sears and forms a very delicious crust.

  13. No_Tea_9845

    Never cook with mushrooms they will release water and hurt the sear

  14. Catfish_Mudcat

    Sear and cook the steak by itself first and when it’s done take it out to rest. Add the mushrooms, some butter and a little flour to the pan. Cook that down a bit and then deglaze with stock and cook that to whatever thickness you prefer gravy.

  15. AvalancheSnowman

    Fuck the clowns talking about sear. Sear doesn’t make a shit steak better. I’d hit this shit 10/10

  16. NCwolfpackSU

    Preheat your pan. It’ll get a way better sear.

  17. Duomo-192

    I’d recommend pre-heating the cast iron in the oven before putting the steak in. I have the same type of electric stove and find that it does not heat the skillet evenly

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