In this video, I will be making a simple and easy healthy spaghetti meal with ground turkey, zucchini and bell peppers. This is one of my go-to meal ideas for when I’m trying to make a big batch healthy meal that is a crowd favorite in our home and also gives plenty of leftover for lunch/dinner.

Here are the step-by-instructions for putting this meal together:
1. Boil water for pasta
2. Heat up olive oil, add in onions and garlic and cook until soft
3. Add in 1.5 lbs of ground turkey and cook thorough. Set aside in a bowl once cooked.
4. Cook whole wheat spaghetti noodles according to packet instructions.
5. Dice 3 zucchini and 3 bell peppers.
6. Heat up olive oil and cook all diced veggies until softened.
7. Add in cooked ground turkey and 1 jar of pasta/marinara sauce.
8. Cook turkey, veggies and sauce together for 5-10 minutes.
9. Add in cooked pasta and mix together.
10. Top with cheese (if desired)

Time Stamps:
00:00 Introduction
01:13 Preview
01:36 Cooking ground turkey
03:23 Cooking spaghetti
03:59 Dice veggies
04:38 Cook veggies
05:50 Add turkey and sauce to veggies
07:15 Add cooked spaghetti
08:19 Final product


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Hi I’m hondai the dietician and welcome to healthy Made Simple where I show you how to make healthy eating simple in this video I will be sharing a quick and healthy spaghetti dinner now with this I’m going to be doing whole wheat spaghetti for some extra fiber ground

Turkey for that lean protein and lots of vegetables in there to create that Balan plate that we’re going for with about half of our plate to be vegetables a quarter protein and a quarter carbs so there’s going to be a lot of vegetables in this pasta dish if you like

Vegetables You’ probably like this one and if you’re not too big on vegetables but you’re trying to get more vegetables into your diet what you could do is just cook the vegetables as I will and then blend it up with the pasta sauce so you have a nice smooth sauce but you still

Have the veggies in there if you’re interested stay tuned for this quick and healthy spaghetti dinner that makes enough for some extra leftovers for the next day as well all righty let’s go all righty here is a preview of what I will be making this is the pasta with

Ground turkey veggies topped off with some cheese to create a really nice healthy balanced meal so I’ll be walking you through how I made this delicious dish we’re going to get started by just boiling some water for our pasta and once that’s going on the side I’m going

To put some olive oil in my hot pot and I’m just using the extra virgin olive oil from Trader Joe’s which is what I typically use at home and then to start flavoring of course my mix I’m going to start with some diced onions and these are the pre- diced onions from Trader

Joe’s that I love using to make meal prepping a little bit easier for myself anytime I’m stopping by Trader Joe’s and I’m going to cook that down a little bit just to help soften it up and then I’m going to go in with my crushed garlic and I use these Frozen grush

Crushed garlic cubes I’m going to throw in about four cubes in there and I get these from Trader Joe’s as well in their Frozen aisle and once that has cooked into my onions I’m going to add in my ground turkey and the coloring of my turkey is a little off because of how

Rapidly I brought it to temperature from Frozen but don’t mind about it it’ll cook okay all right let’s season salt first of course and I do like to season as I go along to really help build in flavor along the way black pepper is what goes in next and the seasonings

That you’re going to see are the same seasonings that I’m going to be carrying throughout and they’re very simple ones that most people have at home like garlic powder and I do I don’t typically measure my seasonings I just season with my heart and Italian seasoning of course

Since we’re making a pasta dish I do want to add those it Italian flavors in there and then I’m going to go in with these chopped onions and this is a big container that I get from Costco and it does add a nice little flavor to any

Sort of a cooking um dish all righty I’m going to mix all of that in there with my ground turkey and while I’m working on that my pasta water started boiling so I’m going to add in my pasta to that and I’m going to use this organic whole

Wheat spaghetti from Trader Joe’s you can use any type of spaghetti or pasta for this I always just prefer whole wheat because it tastes very similar to regular white pasta but um it does add more fiber to the dish and I’m going to go for about half of that pack that I’m

Going to be using for this entire dish and I do break my pasta up because I have a 4-year-old who does not like the really really long noodles all right I’m going to cook down my turkey until it comes to about this consistency where it’s really broken down and and then I

Will remove that from the Heat and in the meantime I’m going to start prepping my veggies I’m going to go in with that zucchini squash that you just saw and these bell peppers so three bell peppers and three zucchini squash is what’s going to go in as my veggies to this

Dish and I’m just going to dice those up into small pieces and um I’m going to do my zucchini first and then I’ll do my bell peppers next I’m just going to remove the outer layer of the bell peppers take out the membranes in the middle give them a nice wash and then

Chop them up into small pieces is until I get my nice big bowl of veggies that are going to go into my dish there we go lots of veggies going into the spaghetti all right so my ground turkey has been cooked that’s off in the side in a bowl

Now I’m going to add in more olive oil so I can cook up my veggies next and I’m going to throw in all those veggies that I just chopped up all that zucchini and bell pepper and I do like the color so I’m going to go in with the seasoning at

The same time the same seasoning that I just did earlier salt first and then is going to be pepper and with my veggies I’m always trying to go for that rainbow a variety of colors to hit a variety of nutrients garlic powder as I did earlier with the ground turkey and then after

The garlic powder I’m going to add in the Italian seasoning as I did last time just to help build in those flavors in there without having to use too much salt and then those chopped onions as well and I’m going to add all of that in

Give that a good mix and cook up the veggies a little bit just until they’re softened um I don’t want to overcook them too much and lose too much nutrient value but I do want them to soften up a little bit until right around there you see how they’re a little bit more

Softened up compared to before so right around when you get there it could be maybe like 5 to 10 minutes of cook time until you get to this point then you’re going to add in your ground turkey I’m going to slowly add in the cooked ground

Turkey into that mixed so that I can mix it all together add in my sauce and cook it down all right I’m going to mix in my ground turkey along with my veggies in there and then next I’m going to add in my jar pasta sauce and I’m going to use

This tomato basil marinara one from Trader Joe’s if I’m buying from Trader Joe’s this is the one I typically go for because it’s lower in sodium and lower in Sugar compared to the other options that they have if I’m not going to Trader Joe’s my go-to typically tends to

Be Rouse all right I’m going to mix in my pasta sauce in there along with every and I’m going to cook that down together for maybe about 5 to 10 minutes or so just to make sure that sauce Blends in together with the veggies with the ground turkey and it’s all nicely

Flavored all right I’ll put my lid on there and cook that down until it gets to right around there and you can absolutely gauge this based on how you like it but this is kind of right around when I would say okay this has been cooked down enough where my veggies have

Softened but they’re not so soft that they’re mushy um and that it looks like my ground turkey has absorbed some of that sauce to become a little bit more flavorful since turkey can be a little bit on the dry side all right in the meantime my pasta did cook on the side

So I’m just going to add in my spaghetti and mix it all around and with the filming time of everything my pasta did end up overcooking a little bit I typically do make my pasta on the softer side just because my toddler prefers it a little bit softer but um it did

Overcook a little bit but it still tasted really good and here is the final product once all that pasta has been added in those are my veggies my ground turkey and pasta all mixed around and cooked together and there’s a nice balance to this you can see how much you

Have in terms of the veggies and the ground turkey that are in there compared to the Spaghetti in there as well if you wanted to make this even lower carb you can absolutely do less of the spaghetti you can do maybe a third of the packet

Instead of a half of the packet I just think this creates a nice balance it’s probably not a quarter carbs I would say maybe this is like a third to close to half of your plate carbs but it’s still a really nice balance considering how many veggies are in there and that

There’s a decent amount of protein with the ground turkey now to make this extra flavorful I always like to add a little bit of cheese on top and it adds a nice little creaminess just cuz I’m not adding any other sort of creaminess in there with anything else so it adds nice

Flavor and creaminess and once you mix that around especially when it’s nice and hot and the cheese just kind of melts in there it all melts together beautifully and there it is there’s a nice simple easy healthy spaghetti dish for a quick dinner on any night thank

You so much for watching I hope this video helped give you an idea of how you can take something as simple as a spaghetti dish and make it into a healthy balanced meal and if you haven’t already done so please make sure to hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for

My future videos where I will be sharing more of how you can make healthy eating and Healthy Living simple for you thanks again for staying tuned and I hope you have a wonderful day Bye-bye


  1. Looks good!! Yummy 😋
    I love vegetables, good ideas!!
    The only vegetable I'm not crazy about is asparagus, i know it's healthy though..

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