Foie Gras Macaron: Chocolate Ganache, Foie Gras Torchon, Raspberry Lychee Jam, Raspberry

by kytran40


  1. This looks and sounds amazing. I wish more people cooked with lychee. Only thought are, I’m not sure if this is an appetizer or dessert. If the former, does it need the ganache? Already sounds pretty rich. I would trim the foot of your macaron, as it looks just a little messy. Looks like more almonds then needed. It doesn’t look like you toasted them (but I may be mistaken). If not, I would definitely toast them.

  2. This looks and sounds amazing. I wish more people cooked with lychee. Only thought are, I’m not sure if this is an appetizer or dessert. If the former, does it need the ganache? Already sounds pretty rich. I would trim the foot of your macaron, as it looks just a little messy. Looks like more almonds then needed. It doesn’t look like you toasted them (but I may be mistaken). If not, I would definitely toast them.

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