This was the first sub that came to mind after seeing this video. I wasnt sure but i think this was a stupid food. What Do you folks think?

by SkazyTheSecond


  1. TimesUpForZionism

    There should be a name for this silly trend. Oozeporn?

  2. Hangry_Squirrel

    They’d be delicious if they were the size of a mini-eclair.

  3. Responsible_Bar_4984

    Far far too much too much filling. If you feel absolutely sick by the end of what’s meant to be 1 serving, then it’s stupid.

  4. Overall-Scientist846

    More stupid food eaters than stupid food. There’s a way to do that sensibly. Then there’s whatever they did for the video.

  5. PrettyPettyPisces

    Meanwhile that looks good to me 😭 I wanna bite

  6. wasabinski

    I don’t think it’s overly stupid, they just don’t need to smash it like thah

  7. Omgletmenamemyself

    They’re drowning in chocolate and way overfilled. Seems like a waste of otherwise perfect croissants.

  8. TheForgottenAdvocate

    Does it have to look like a swamp bug

  9. CurlSagan

    I’d eat this with a knife and fork and a tall glass of insulin.

  10. BigBoiSouth

    Looks good to me, but I’d probably only eat a quarter of it.

  11. MyCatHasCats

    Yes. Why do they have to crush it like that while the insides ooze out?

  12. VirtuesVice666

    I think most of these “Culinary creations” on Tic Tock are fake af. It’s for views. Most people never take a bite. I’m going to do one where I bake a cake and put cat litter, and dryer lint in the mix. YUM! :/

  13. Dry_Station7706

    This just seems like so much to eat, especially as a breakfast. I’d have to spend the rest of the day processing what I ate in bed

  14. Awkward-Ad4942

    That’s probably about 2 days worth of calories..

  15. ElectricBoogieOogie

    No. I, too, like to bathe my hands in chocolate for breakfast

  16. Gurkeprinsen

    I’d accept it if the serving was like 1/3 of one of those

  17. lysinemagic

    Idk with a lot of hot tea and a fork and knife bc I hate getting my fingers dirty……challenge accepted.

  18. p0ta7oCouch

    If that is stupid, I want to be stupid, just once with all three kinds!

  19. dbthelinguaphile

    No, but crushing it with your hands like a giant baby is stupid

  20. TheeExMachina

    Mfs in this sub got weak ass stomachs. I’d devour that. Croissants the French Way are dry & have like 1 knife wipe of filling.

  21. doggo_on_ice

    nah it looks pretty good imo. maybe kinda big for what it is tho.

  22. Ninjamanct

    The fact that they’re breaking it is stupid

  23. I-hate_dopamine

    I know it’s stupid and all but as someone who is high right now I would eat all of those in two minutes

  24. ReRevengence69

    Not stupid if I have knife and fork with it.

  25. Artijeanne

    My main point is that it’s a waste of food, like after boiling the croissant he’s going to eat it… when I think back to when I was a student and I ate a maximum of one meal a day, and it was usually bread with a bit of butter…

  26. Kenta_Gervais

    This is WAY TOO stupid food.

    Perfect if you like diabetes however

  27. Inevitable_Silver_13

    Just too much. You’re kinda ruining the outside of the croissant which is the whole point of laminate dough.

  28. Novel_Durian_1805

    What I hate about all of this is NOT the amount of filling it’s the fact you used your DIRTY FUCKING HANDS all over it!

    Look…I know I’m not like most people…I eat pizza with a knife and a fork. I get that that is weird, I’ll admit to that.

    But for fucks sake, all that chocolate all over your hands?! Why?

    Please don’t do this!

  29. PhotonBath

    Why do people feel a need to fuck with a croissant? It’s so good as is. I hate this performative sauce bullshit.

    This one might actually be true neutral, which is probably why it makes me so angry. It’s not trying to be stupid food, it just is.

  30. Mais qu’est-ce-qu’ils osent faire à mon cher croissant 😔

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