Tortellini in Garlic Butter Sauce

19 ounce package frozen cheese tortellini
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
4 Tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon minced garlic (2 cloves)
2 teaspoons dried basil
Parmesan Cheese, for topping

In a large pot, bring water to a boil to cook the tortellini as directed on the package. It will probably take 3 to 5 minutes. Tortellini will float to the top when done.

While the tortellini is cooking, begin making your garlic butter sauce. In a large measuring cup whisk together the chicken broth and cornstarch; set aside. In a large skillet, over medium-high heat, melt the butter. Add the garlic and basil. Cook two minutes.

Add the broth/cornstarch mixture and bring to a boil; simmer until the mixture just thickens; about two minutes. Do not overcook or you will burn the sauce.

Add the cooked and well drained tortellini to the skillet and gently coat the tortellini in the sauce. Spoon into a serving dish and top with grated Parmesan cheese. 

Come Sit At My Table
P.O. Box 1041
Mt. Sterling, KY 40353

#pastadinner #quickdinner #fastdinner #simpledinner #tortellini #cheesetortellini

Hello everyone welcome to come sit at my table today we are going to do a really quick and simple main dish that you can have on the table in no time and all you need to go with it is a little simple salad and some bread we’re going to make tortillini in

Garlic butter sauce let’s talk about what we’re going to use today to make this dish first we’re going to use a pack of tortillini now I’ve got cheese tortillini as you can see here but you don’t have to use cheese tortillini you can use any flavor you want this is a 19

Oz bag and I wouldn’t go much bigger than that with the amount of sauce that we’re making today you could even go a little smaller if you find like a 16 oz bag but up to 19 Oz will be fine the second thing we’re going to use is a cup

And a half of chicken broth and into that chicken broth we’re going to whisk in 2 tblspoon of corn starch of course that’s going to be a thickener to help thicken our sauce now to start our sauce we are going to melt 1/2 stick of butter that’s four tablespoons so we’ll

Just melt that in our Skillet and once it’s melted we’re going to add two teaspoon of basil leaves and if you want to use fresh basil you can certainly get fresh basil at the store chop that up and put it in actually that would be really good

But today just to show you how quick and easy this is we’re using dried basil we’re also going to add two cloves of garlic minc now I’ve already I’ve got a jar of garlic that’s already minced and two cloves is equal to one one teaspoon so we’ll use one teaspoon of that and

Then once we get the entire dish made we will grate over top of our tortillini some fresh parmesan if you have the green tub of craft parmesan there’s nothing in the world wrong with that you can use it instead of grating up fresh parmesan if you want but there’s just nothing better

Than fresh grated Parmesan so if you’ve got a block of it use it a wedge of it all right we are going to start by mixing our chicken broth and our corn starch we need one and 1/2 cups if I can find the one and 1/2 there we

Go 1 and 1/2 cups of chicken broth right there we’ll sit just a little bit left and we’ll SE that over there and into that we are going to whisk 2 tablespoon of corn starch now I know there are people that use other things in place of corn starch

And if you’re somebody that uses one of those alternate thickeners then use it whatever works for you but I always just use corn starch now you want to whisk that really well because you want to make sure that corn starch is dissolved no lumps left in there and it dissolves

Pretty quickly so just whisk it up really well make sure it’s all dissolved nothing laying on the bottom and I’ll probably just lay my whisk right here and hit it one more time right before I put it in okay we’re going to start our Skillet over here and put in our half

Stick of butter and let that start to melt and while we’re doing that we’re going to go ahead and put in our tortillini they will take this bag says it Cooks in 3 minutes but I have found that usually it’s four to 5 minutes by the time they’re done so

We’re going to go ahead and drop those in and get those started how do you know they’re done you have to use a knife or a fork to stick in them just to see if they’re these are frozen and you keep them Frozen until you put them in so in they

Go sorry Splash that a little bit I’m going to grab a spoon and I can stir that with there we go found it now we want to bring this back to a boil so I’m going to turn it all the way on high and let

That come back to a boil before we start timing it and while that is coming back to a boil we’ll get our butter melted here I’m just going to slice it into Pats because if you do that it melts a little faster so I’m going to do that and just get

That spread all over the skillet so it can get melted now this garlic butter sauce comes together really really fast if you like the flavor of browned butter then you can cook this butter until it Foams and begins to turn brown and that gives it a little bit of a

Different flavor I’m not somebody who’s crazy about browned butter so I don’t normally do that but if you like that the original recipe that I found in a magazine said to Brown the butter but I don’t normally do that so all right our butter has just about melted and we’re going

To make sure that it is cooking there let’s see I need a spoon to stir that with so now that it’s cooking you can see it’s completely melted and so I’m going to add in our two tpoon of basil and our one teaspoon or two

Cloves of garlic if you want to chop up fresh garlic that would be wonderful but you know it’s just not always possible especially for working parents who have a family and you’ve been at work all day you weren’t putting two in there right you were just

Finishing up or did you put two how much of the garlic did you put in one teaspoon okay two teaspoons of Basil one teaspoon of garlic or if you’re doing fresh garlic it’s two cloves of garlic does it look like I thought you’d put in there twice mine was well I didn’t have

The F you’re right I did talk but the first one wasn’t full I didn’t have a full teaspoon I’m going to turn that down because I don’t want that to burn okay if you’ll look at our tortillini you’ll see that they have started to float and that tells us that they’re about ready

Too now we need to add in to our B our chicken broth and our corn starch and we will bring that to a boil all that out there okay let’s turn that up as soon as that comes to a boil it should start to thicken okay I’m going to turn our

Toward leany down just a little bit it’s been about 3 minutes since you started those I’m telling you it comes together really quickly it’s an easy way to get a meal on the table okay now while back happening I’m going to open my parmesan cheese get that ready to

Grate I went to get my parmesan cheese out of the refrigerator this morning and I had used it all so I had to go buy a new one okay now you can see that our garlic butter sauce is starting to boil and it’s starting to thicken around

The edges you can see how thick it’s getting there that’s what we want want it to thicken so it will coat the tortillini when we put those in you see how thick that’s getting absolutely that’s the magic of the corn starch corn starch really helps to

Thicken up that sauce okay we are ready to move our tortillini and you can see that our tortillini are floating so they are pretty much done I will turn that off take my spider let those drain cuz we don’t want them I’ll turn my sauce down a little

Bit we don’t want this to become watery so we want to drain our tortillini really well now this amount of tortillini and I think this was a 19 o bag I just picked it up at Walmart um this should be enough to make at least three or four good

Servings I think the bag said it was a four serving bag so should be able to get four good servings out of it now all we have to do is Stir our tortillini into the garlic butter sauce and we’re ready to serve you you put that with a nice salad

And some hot crusty bread you’ve got a meal fit for a king and you can see how quickly that came together this is super easy fast meal and it’s delicious this is one of meals that we just really enjoy we had this well quite often when our kids were

Growing up still have it a lot too we still have it but now it makes more than one meal for us definitely more than we can eat in one meal yeah it used to be one meal when our kids were home but now we have leftovers and you know Melissa and I

Have fun being empty nesters but there are times we really miss our kids too we’re all always happy when they come home especially when they come home to stay for a few days okay let me let me grab a couple of oven mitts get all this stuff out of the

Way all right Melissa I’m going to put this right here I hope you can see me pouring it in let’s turn this off man I wish you all could smell this oh it smells really good doesn’t it that garlic sauce okay any chance you can grab that spoon

Right there without moving the camera too much scrape that out for me you’re assistant you can be my Sue Chef today okay thank you babe you’re welcome thank you thank you now we have one more thing you cannot forget the cheese so let’s get our parmesan go back to plastic cuz we sure

Don’t want the plastic in it we’ll use our micro planer and just I’m doing this backhanded I know I’m on the wrong side of you sorry it’s okay we’ll put some cheese right on top of it what do you think about that din looks yummy it does I’m going to grab a little

Plate so that we can taste it and of course I need to taste one that has cheese on top oh yeah okay are you going to take the first bite I think I’ll wait cuz that looked a little bit warm it is hot I

Know I tend to burn the roof of my mouth but I’m not really careful yeah I have to blow on it look at these they’re just like little pillows of cheese they have cheese inside of them nothing wrong with that h that garlic sauce smells so good oh my goodness these are so

Delicious and you saw how fast that was how easy that came together while you’re making that have someone else in your family chop up some lettuce and get a salad ready throw some bread in the oven before you start making this and it’ll will be ready when you’re finished it’s a great

Meal thank you so much for watching our video you sure could help our Channel if you’d go right below this video and click that thumbs up that like button and the Subscribe button that’s right below the video also remember that right below the video will be the title of the recipe if

You’ll click in that box where the title is anywhere in that box the Box will expand you will find the written recipe Melissa always puts the written recipe right there for for you so you don’t have to write it down as we go and under the recipe is our contact

Information and if you would like there is a place below that that description box where you can leave a comment we love hearing from those of you that watch our video so feel free to leave us a comment thanks again for watching remember you are always welcome to come sit at my table

Have a great day


  1. Excellent idea!! Thank you for sharing. So easy. I added peas and roasted peppers. Took it to a pot luck. Big hit!! Again thanks 😅😅

  2. Grew up in Clarksburg, WV. Home of the Italian Heritage Festival. Being an Irish family member I had never seen these made fresh. My friends Nonnies made these so quickly, they just piled up on the counters. So delish.

  3. Tom why the vest? This looks delicious can't decide which recipe to make they all look so good.😀

  4. Made this for dinner tonight. Everyone loved it and it will be a regular in rotation at our house. Even the 11 year old had seconds of it 💕✌️

  5. Can I come set at your table? My husband and I only live an hour from y’all. But I can’t eat pork because I’m highly allergic to it. Love y’all’s channel

  6. Thank you again for a delicious recipe , I made the cabbage and bacon dish and ate the cabbage core with salt and I'm completely hooked, absolutely delicious 😊

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