[Homemade] Chicken Fried a Rice with sordid veggies (carrots, onions, peas, scallions), grinded Ginger, garlic, eggs, and a tiny splash of soy sauce

by fergi20020


  1. The_Safe_For_Work

    Sordid Veggies would be a great new-wave/punk band name.

  2. Those sordid vegetables have a story to tell. Don’t kink shame them.

  3. That’s how I make mine, except with peas corn and carrots (frozen from a bag), along with a smidge of toasted sesame oil. And if at all possible replace chicken with wild game, chukar or quail being the most tastiest of all birbs.

  4. WesternAd9077

    I do something very similar but add mustard. It’s so good.

  5. Poultrygeist74

    Looks great, but they don’t sell sordid veggies near me

  6. Due_Platypus_3913

    It’s the scallions that make the vegetables “sordid”!

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