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It’s time to shop with me at Costco and pick out the best things to but in 2024.

UPDATE: I was happy to find out the Kerrygold uses milk from farms where the cows enjoy a diet on average of 95% grass or grass forage. This is fantastic news, and as always their dairy is Bobby Approved!

It’s that time my friends in the New Year I’m going we walk around my favorite stores and show you the top 10 things to buy there well we’ve already done Walmart and ALDI now it’s time for the mothership Costco we’re going to do what we always do show you what to buy

At Costco for the new year and we’re talking the top 10 Bobby approved items how to read the ingredients on the back and why they’re so darn good for you and also it is 2024 it’s a new year I highly recommend checking out shopf Flav if you need to load up on my besin class protein powder smoothies both whey and the plant-based version dropped this week if you need supplements if you need vitamins if you need electrolytes all of them literally have best-in-class ingredients 100% Bobby approved they’re all at shop Flav and there is some nasty stuff going around so many people I know are really sick with the same symptoms is kind of weird I have immune boosting products vitamins supplements all that shop less talking more shopping let’s go longtime viewers of the channel have heard me Rave about this especially

This Kirkland 100% Italian extra olive oil for years why because it’s real lab certified Evo at a great price I believe the price has gone up recently but the olive Harvest this past season was horrible the big news is that 80% plus of the olive oils in the grocery store

Are fake fake fake fake fake we’ve talked about that for years I first made a video back in 2018 about that now lots of people make videos about it so how do you avoid fake olive oils well the first thing is traceability so this is an extra virgin olive oil but riddle me

This you there’s a key on the back of the bottle here and it says the olives are from four different countries Argentina Chile Spain and Greece when you have olives from four different countries madeen in another country the traceability is gone when you have single Source Italian in this instance

Olives you have much better traceability and because so many of them are fake the origin is not just the issue sometimes the olives can be rancid a lot of times the olive oils are cut with seed oils like peanut oil canola oil this is been

Tested as one of the best ones on the market this is the one I cook with or make dressings with it’s a fantastic price here at Costco I would scoop it for sure this is a tuer cuz two of the best cheeses on the market are at Costco

For a ridiculous price I love having this in my fridge this is Cary gold Dubliner cheddar for $6.99 a pound yes it says milk from grass-fed cows but carry Gold’s interest because they abide by Irish Dairy law meaning they can feed the cows uh grass 80% of the year but in

The winter they can give it grain but it’s non GMO grain for North America so this is a ridiculous cheese at a ridiculous price and talk about ridiculous prices this is parmesan cheese this ain’t domestic parmesan from Wisconsin this is parmesano regano from Italy Real Deal Parma cheese aged 24

Months go to any store this is e easily 20 to $24 a pound here $179 a pound unbelievable hack don’t throw away the Rind when you’re done save the rinds and then toss it into soup and it infus that nice salty nutty flavor this is great

This is great saving money is great too I always find that amazing that 40% of Americans have never tried lamb well if you want your gateway into lamb it’s rack of lamb because it’s not game and it’s an amazing source of protein and normally it’s 20 to $25 a pound well

Hello $12.99 a pound for Australian rack of lamb it doesn’t say it on here but these are almost guaranteed to be 100% grass-fed it was about 5 years ago I went to Australia the meat and livestock Association flew me out there and I went to the Farms I went to the processing

Facilities amazing stuff there and it’s all grass-fed and fun fact because it’s vacuum sealed and then shipped all the way here you get get a free wet age I’m going to make these for dinner tonight on the grill it’s an amazing source of protein but if you don’t want meat or

Lamb there’s a great other source of protein right there here we go wild caught salmon for a shockingly low price of $999.99 a pound how shocking is that well this is farm raay salmon here which is inferior in every way $112 a pound my friends this is great just because it’s

Here it’s not fresh it says previously frozen it’s almost impossible to find fresh salmon unless it’s salmon seasoned by the way let’s just compare one of these things is not the other this is the wild cut salmon look how big and fat the farm raay is why because the farm

Rays are grown in these pens in the ocean and they’re bred to get really fat and these are actually gray they have to add beta katene to the color to make them orange nutritionally speaking uh wild cot salmon is so much better it’s better for your wallet it’s unbelievable

Grab this grab the lamb you’re good to go if you’re looking for the best sweet snacks here at Costco well pick up these scan them with the Bobby approved app and it comes up as approved and you might be a little confused at first because there is cane sugar in here but

Let’s break this down cuz this is an interesting one this is basically a Mounds bar but a really clean one that has coconut the primary sweetener is cassava syrup and yes there’s a little bit of cane sugar but one bar which is a decent size has three g of sugar let’s

Figure two of those are cassava one is can sugar is it perfect no but it’s still Bobby approved cuz if you pick up any other chocolate thing here like these are chocolate covered berries they have 17 g of sugar desie and Rose love these I love them too they’re one of my

Favorite things when they went away for like 5 months in 2023 it was Devastation back at the house and then if you need a crunchy treat these are coconut rolls they literally taste like sweet crunchy coconut milk the primary sweetener once again here is coconut sugar then there’s

A touch of regular sugar and it has organic eggs but nine sticks only has 4 G of added sugar which is barely any so once again this is Bobby approved and the price is unbelievable when you compare it to the coconut rolls at most grocery stores so this is solid for

These that’s solid for chocolate also solid is the Bobby approved app go on the Google Play or the Apple App Store search Bobby approved it’s my free app you can scan any barcode at any grocery store it tells you if it’s good or bad it’ll highlight the bad ingredients for

You and give you better for you option it’s like having me go shopping with you want to see something crazy carry gold 724 a pound the price has really gone up Kirkland grass-fed butter $4.95 a pound and guess what this is the better Bobby for you Bobby for you the

Better Bobby approved option why well both are Bobby approved both are mostly grass-fed and the supplemental feed is non gml grain but Cary gold is8 % grass-fed 20% grain fed and fun fact in North America KY gold the supplemental feed is non GMO but this is 95% grassfed which is slightly Superior

And the 5% supplemental feed is non GMO but to save 724 $225 a pound on Superior butter don’t even bother buying the Cary gold anymore the Kirkland one is where it’s at and by the way if you’re buying like the organic American ameran style butter I would stop American style butter has

More water European has more fat butter is fat fat is Flavor this is the one you want if you ever noticed there’s a lot of people sick lately which is why I busted out Desi’s big like 56 oun container this is elderberry immune tea this is on my website it’s my daily

Defense elderberry tea and then if you happen to succumb to one of the many bugs going around I have a turmeric ginger tea that’s amazing on shop play but I came here because we go through oh wow gobs and gobs of mayonnaise at the

House and I didn’t know this was a sale but this is $2 off of here of best-in-class mayo at your Costco you’re either going to have chosen Foods avocado oil mayonnaise or Primal kitchen why is that a bag big deal because yes this is cheaper this is bring out the

Helmet and bring out the best at 15 cents an ounce and yes this is 24 cents an ounce here but helman’s number one is made with soybean oil GMO hi the processed highly inflammatory oxidized oil also has in here sugar and something called calcium disodium ETA or horable preservative and natural flavoring this

By the way at4 cents an ounce is more than 50% cheaper than any grocery store they swapped out the cruddy soybean oil with avocado oil they have none of the other bad ingredients here this is fantastic we use it on sandwiches for dips and everything at that price load

Up my friends if you Wander over to the Savory snack section here these beef sticks from country Archer are one of the best and what’s interesting is if you look around I’ve never seen more beef sticks pork sticks and steak strips it keeps expanding but this is still the

Top dog it’s country Archer grass-fed beef sticks which are great because yes they’re 100% grass-fed but the rest of the ingredients are phenomenal often times you’ll find caramel coloring sugar natural flavoring they have none of that what’s great is they’re mini sticks but they still have 4 g of protein they’re

Keto they’re paleo and they’re a great price proteins are great because when you’re in the store with Leilani filming for 2 3 hours for YouTube and shorts and Tik Tock you need a protein boost which is why I also have the flave City protein smoothie with me today and the

Bobby approved Tumblr really helped to keep the uh protein and the flavor satiated but if you come over here just in case your Costco doesn’t have country Archer they have Chomps which are 100% grass-fed too both the jalapeno the regular are approved and they’re $16.99 so these are great for on thee-o protein

Snacks while I’m still waiting on Costco to make a Bobby approved potato chip cooked in avocado oil or olive oil they finally have a chip that’s cooked in avocado oil and it’s at every warehouse now it’s cete tortilla chips but they’re grain-free paleo chips what does that mean well unlike most tortilla chips

Here that are made with corn these are made with cassava but more importantly they’re cooked in avocado oil bonus points because they have cassava flour and chia now at any grocery store these are A1 an ounce they’re 49 an ounz here they’re half price and if you just

Compare it to this this is an organic tortilla chip which is nice cuz the corn is non GMO but the oil here is vegetable oil sunflower and or Canola that’s par for the course for almost every other chip and yes these are 17 cents an ounce but

If you can 49 cents an ounce is a great deal for anti-inflammatory avocado oil with literal best-in-class ingredients and maybe our resolution for 2024 for Costco can be how about a potato chip that’s also about approved wow this is breakfast nook here in the frozen section you have frozen coffee and

Frozen chicken sausages this is honestly in my opinion the best find in the frozen section when I saw these years ago I never ever ever ever ever thought a frozen sausage would be Bobby approved cuz organic is nice that means the chickens are non GMO but I thought for

Sure there’d be sugar and mystery meats and whatever in there nope Chicken Salt spices and lemon peel powder classy AF you make these on the weekend you put them in a breakfast burrito these are delicious and $6.99 a pound for pre-made sausages are great and this is so interesting this is

Coffee I’ve actually ordered them online warning it’s very strong coffee I have to stop drinking it actually gave me an ulcer but this is super high quality coffee brewed into a concentrate put into an aluminum pod they don’t Brew it in the pod and then you just throw that

Pod into a cup of hot water it’s really good coffee but it’s super strong but that with some chicken sausages sounds good this is for the meat lovers if you want beef sausage or chicken sausage they got you covered here and these are just so delicious and so easy to throw

On the cast iron pan or the grill these are grass-fed beef sausages from Tieton Rivers now normally these are made with like GMO beef unsavory cuts of beef like I like to say lips and butth holes and sugar and wole no none of that stuff in here so grass-fed beef yes but all

Spices Real Deal ingredients no sugar no BS keto paleo friendly at 770 a pound unbelievable price now let’s say you don’t want beef you want chicken you’re going to save a little more money cuz chicken’s a little cheaper 666 well an interesting number 666 per pound here

But it’s not just chicken it’s organic chicken why is that important cuz that means the chicken has a non-GMO feed we double check all the ingredients here lovely flavorings like black pepper oregano onions garlic no sugar no BS both Bobby approv both keto paleo both great prices beep beep beep let’s park

The ship here all right my friends that is it I don’t know who’s buying bathing suits in the middle of winter but that is it for the top 10 items to buy a Costco in 2024 I’m sure longtime Watchers of the channel have seen these items repeated over the years but for

Those new or those need reinforcing that’s what you should get at Costco I’m going to finish and get a few more items do check out shopf all of my products are Best in Class whether it’s protein powder smoothies supplements for cold and flu season staying hydrated electrolytes I make the

Best items and I’m for people over profits I will not cut any quality cuz I love you guys but that is it from Costco my happy place I leave you like I always do hash keep on cooking may love and peace later


  1. Bobby you are rich you can buy these expensive foods, what about me that earns minimum wage its not possible.

  2. For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.

    16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

    20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

  3. The biggest mistake people make when shopping at Costco these days is Shopping at Costco. Costco sells way too much over-price junk food and AWFUL produce and bakery products. 🤑🤔🤐😵‍💫🤢🤮

  4. Do you ever worry about eating too much processed foods though? Seem like everything is in a package. How about fresh produce? Fruits and veggies at Costco? I know organic is best, but are there any recommendations?

  5. YOU SAID: SALMON is Not PINK its GREY; NOW You OKAY That Color You have in Your hand???🤔🤔🤔


    WAIT🤚; JUST TAKE THE 5th Amendment!!!

  6. Since when Organic Corn 🌽 is automatically non-GMO? By definition all modern mass-farmed corn is GMO.

  7. You mention ppl been sick with same symptoms. I believe I am one of them. Can you recommend what has helped the ppl you know to finally get over it?

  8. Just discovered your content, thanks to Dr. Berg. Singing in my Rihanna voice: where have you been all my life? 😂 I've got some catching up to do. 😬

  9. Hey Bob love the channell. I know you did a vid on Packaged Coldcuts like Oscar Myer but what is your take on Deli meats do you have a vid on the Deli cuts from Boars head, Thumanns and Black Bear even store bought

  10. Costco is great if you want crap, processed food in plastic bottles. No thank you. And eat whole foods and you won't need expensive supplements like protein powders.

  11. People going on cruises buy bathing suits in the middle of Winter.
    (Also, swimming lessons at rec centers for kids are sometimes discounted in the Winter term.) 🤣

  12. One thing, you’re comparing Sockeye Salmon, and Atlantic Salmon. Both have pretty different colours. Even the wild Atlantic salmon is lighter.

  13. I was very surprised to see these healthy options at Cosco. The Avocado Mayo is the best out there. . The only thing I would question is the beef sticks you mentioned. It is my understanding that "celery powder" in products is naturally high in unhealthy nitrates.

  14. “I don’t know who’s buying bathing suites in the middle of winter” 😂
    That made me laugh. I’m renewing my Costco card cause of you, Bobby 😊

  15. Bobby you have an app!!!! I just downloaded it and it's great! I like to scan the food in my cabinet i know you won't approve. Like Pearl Milling Company pancake batter…LOL So funny, but I really like seeing the specific ingredients that are not approved and the alternatives. Great job!

  16. I cant lie im from UK and used to think our foods were so much better than america and all your food were super processed and filled with chemicals/gmo but my god i found this channel days ago and i already wish i lived in usa! This guys a literal god he even has an app! If i ever win the lottery i am 100% moving to america in a home close to a costco, wholefoods and a aldi lol and i would download the bobby aproved app as soon as i landed! I am going to start putting the lottery on in hopes of living this life!

  17. Grass fed is a scam. It has to be grass finished. All calves are grass fed until a certain weight and then put on the gmo food to fatten them. Whole foods lies. Can buy online.

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