This is my wife’s famous potato salad. Creamy and Delicious, this potato salad goes great with gumbo. Try it out. Recipe below.

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Potato Salad:

2.5 pounds of potatoes (peeled and boiled)
10 – 12 eggs (boiled, separated)
2 tablespoons yellow mustard
1 ¼ cups of Mayonnaise
1 teaspoon of Nunu’s seasoning
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon paprika

1. Boil the eggs and peeled potatoes (eggs boil for 10 minutes) until the potatoes are soft (about 20 minutes)
2. Peel the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites
3. Crush the yolks, Add seasoning, Mustard, and ¼ cup of mayo and mix
4. Mash the egg whites
5. Mash the potatoes, add egg whites and yolk mixture and mix thoroughly
6. Add another cup of mayo and stir. Add more mayo if needed to reach the right consistency.

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Hey YouTube last week was potato stew this week we’re doing potato salad this is my wife’s like Famous Recipe if you can say such a thing uh people always ask for it when we cook like gumbos and things like that so I finally got her to

Let me video her making the potato salad so she’s boiling about 2 and2 lbs of potatoes they’re rusted potatoes and with the potatoes she boils her eggs there’s 10 eggs and actually one that I left in here you can probably see it I didn’t see it till I poured them

Out all right so potatoes I let those boil until they’re fork tender so when you stick them in you stick a fork in them and then you pull the fork up if they don’t come out with the fork they’re done all right now they’re done so I’m going to strain

Them there you go always pour it away from you ignore the dirty dishes in the other sink there’s the egg so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take all the eggs peel them and then separate the yolks from the egg whites so once you get all the egg

Whites separate you want to crush the yolks um pretty similar to like you were making deviled eggs uh which is another recipe I’m going to be posting pretty soon so get them all mixed up like this all right so that looks that’s looking good now it’s

Time to work on the egg whites you want to mash those down you know break those up leave them as chunky as you want I like mine pretty small um I usually hit them with a potato masher a few times all right now we’re going to work on this it’s uh add

About two tablespoons maybe a tablespoon and a half it really depends on how much mustard you like if you like the mustard flavor add a little bit more I personally prefer less mustard more Mayo So speaking of that we’re going to add two tablespoons of mayo just to get it mixed

In we will add more Mayo later after we get the potatoes and everything mixed together so we can judge the consistency at that point uh usually add a little bit of no not much or you can just use straight salt and pepper I like no and a little

Bit of black pepper so what I did here was about probably a teaspoon of each teaspoon of black pepper teaspoon of no add a little bit of paprika a couple of dashes and then mix it all together I fast forwarded it because it takes a

Little bit of time to get all of the Mayo and mustard fully mixed in here we are now it’s time to mash potatoes hopefully you have some anger going on right now CU you can take them out on the potatoes um just get those mashed up real quick like this uh once they’re

Mixed in add we actually added that other egg the yolk straight in here go ahead and add your egg whites that you mashed yeah so get those once you get those mixed in all the way uh go ahead and give it a stir you know just to kind

Of incorporate the egg whites so get those mixed in here we go pretty much done mixing those now it’s time to add the um the egg yolk mixture so again uh get that added in there all right once you have it all added go ahead and mix it thoroughly as well

And it’s going to take a while just take your time it’s going to it doesn’t mix very fast that’s for sure but it’s coming together pretty nicely now uh as you can tell it’s starting to get that good uh yellow color for potato salad yeah I mean once you get here you you

Pretty much have your base you need to now add Mayo to get the right consistency I probably have another cup of mayo start at a cup add a little bit more um until you get the consistency that you’re looking for if you like relish or anything in your potato salad now would

Be a good time to add it and get it mixed in thoroughly so yeah guys this is pretty much the recipe it’s very similar to my mom’s recipe with some slight alterations it’s really really good it’s already actually all gone which is a bummer because it was really good so

Yeah guys if this video helped you out or you just like watching me cook or make these videos because I really enjoy them Please Subscribe have a blessed day thanks


  1. does it make a difference if I boil the potatoes then skin them, or just skin them first… for taste 😂

  2. Oh wow, this is different in that it is more of a "mashed" potato salad. I've always made mine with the potatos cut into medium sized squares, but this is different, seems simpler. Only because when you are stirring the potatos, they tend to break up either way, thank you for this video, great idea, i will have to try 😉

  3. ima try this tomorrow. i suck at making potato salad but ima try this! looks so yum! ill let you know how i like it!

  4. ive tried potato salad before but sucked at it and haven't tried ina few years. i just tried this earlier today and its exactlyy what i wanted it to be!! our step mother makes this stuff and its awesome and nowwwww i can finally make it and it tastes just like herssss. thankkk uuuu so muchhh!

  5. This is a fantastic recipe. Really appreciate the upload…. however, watching her stir this huge bowl of salad with a fork was excruciating. i kept yelling: "just use the big spoon what you used to scoop the mayo"!!!

  6. My uncle lives in Dallas but had to travel to Southern Louisianna for business. He said there was a hole in the wall that served up the best gumbo with a side of potato salad. At first, I did not understand the appeal, but once I tried it I was hooked! This has a smooth texture which would go great with gumbo. Thank you for sharing, I am glad I found you Cajun Chef.

  7. Potato salad with big cold chunks of not fully cooked potato REALLY CHAPS MY HIDE! Whipped, mashed or stirred (not shaken lol) and served warm, well anything else should be outlawed! Thanks so much for this fine recipe and hats off to your wife, she rocks!

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