The easiest and most budget-friendly pie recipe ever! Grandma made mouthwatering greens pie on the wood stove with few ingredients. Don’t miss the recipe you must try. If you are looking for the most delicious pie recipe, you have come to the right place.

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☑️ Other delicious recipes:

⬜️ All of Grandma’s Best Recipes:

⬜️ 15 kg of whole lamb meat is roasted in the oven for 4 hours.

⬜️ 100 kg Apple Harvest – Granny made compote and soft apple pie.

⬜️ Grandma cooked a giant pizza in a wood oven.

⬜️ Grandma catches huge fish from the lake and cooks them in a wood oven.

⬜️ Baklava – Traditional Dessert of Azerbaijan.

⬜️ Juicy lamb stew with vegetables in a clay pot.

⬜️ Whole chicken fried in mud.

Thanks for watching!

#pie #greens #village

All you need is greens and flour! Try grandma’s cheap & easy pie recipe! Flour. Salt. Warm water. It should be kept for half an hour. Homemade butter. Salt. Spinach. If you chop it too small it won’t be good. Scallion. Coriander and Dill. Salt. Let the greens release their juice, then I’ll squeeze them.

Sunflower oil. Flour. Homemade cheese. Red pepper. Black pepper. Egg. Sunflower oil. Egg. Black cumin. Melted butter. Pumpkin. Sugar. Walnut. It needs to cook a little more. Flowers. Tea. Ice cream. Don’t forget to like the video and comment. Thanks for watching.


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  2. Господи дай бог вам ,здоровья и сил,творить такое чудо.Показывайте ешё вкуснятину,будем делать по вашему рецепту.❤🎉❤🎉❤😊

  3. Дай Бог здоровья хозяюшке! Столько труда! Хотя я не считаю этот пирог бюджетным, особенно для городского жителя. Все ингредиенты нужно купить.

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