Hello and welcome to our channel! We are so happy to have you here! In this video, we will take you around our food storage room to see what we need to add to our Walmart grocery order. We will also share with you our meal plan for the week and our grocery haul. Hope you enjoy this video! Please let me know if you have any future video suggestions or prayer request.
Many blessings!
Amber ❤️

Music: New Horizons
Musician: Rafael Krux
Site: https://filmmusic.io/song/5458-new-horizons-
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Twinkle
Musician: EnjoyMusic
Site: https://enjoymusic.ai

Hello sweet friends welcome to the farmhouse table if you have not been in our food storage room we call it the market around here and today I’m going to take you along we’re going to um I need to make a grocery list place a Walmart grocery pickup and then we’ll do

A menu for the week and a grocery haul um for the week all right so you guys are going to help me along in the market and let’s see what we need write some stuff down and I’m also going to um pull things forward so during the week we use

Ingredients we take items from the front because those are the ones that expire first but sometimes we need to um you know get back in here and pull things forward so that’s what we’re going to do today come along let’s have some fun thanks for joining us awesome here we

Go all right I’m just going to kind of organize our spices kind of pull things up you may hear laughter and and talking in the background which is a wonderful sound to hear um Joey’s side of the family is here right now they usually visit on Saturday mornings

And I just dropped the everything but the bagel seeding hold on no we’re not going to edit that out look it’s in a glass um container and it didn’t break but a little bit of the lid did wow lucky that could have been really everything bagel seasoning everywhere

All right just going to go down here just kind of organize these pull my stuff up here y’all that was the Wasabi okay let’s get I’m going to get my life together real quick I’ll be right back okay I think I got my life back together

I think so all right so I’m just pulling things forward we have some macaroni cheese with our family we with some leftovers we eat three boxes of macaroni cheese um like if we’re making Mexi Mac or something like if we make fancy macaroni and cheese and we have

Leftovers with it so I have one meal of that left just pulling my Rices forward um let’s see that looks really good oh I know what I have to look for I have a recipe I think I’m going to make quinoa here it is I just wanted to make

Sure that we had it before I ordered it because I saw it online and it’s like $8 for a package and I don’t think I paid that when I bought that so I wouldn’t have um all right just looking in here we only have two nors pastas left so

I’ll probably get some more of that oh just going to sorry if I’m shaking you guys around a lot it’s hard to do both things at once I mean I could put you on the stand but then it’s like you know it’s hard because I have to keep you moving with

Me Lord look I had to fix face the label the right direction we still have a good amount of penai pasta and and spaghetti and lingu Linguini all right let’s go down to our salad dressings cuz I have heard people say you have too much stuff and you’re

Not using it and you’re wasting food they don’t know me very well that’s okay everybody has their opinions right um just going to pull this ketchup forward parmesan cheese okay I’m just kind of like putting a list in my head right now I’m going to do that next

Um sauces we look we have enough zesty steak sauce because that’s that’s what I like um and we do still have some balsamic glaze so that’s good oil steak sauce okay last thing of peanut butter this shelf is pretty empty over here so might have to get a few things there and I’m

Just going to come over here pull these things forward so we have our chicken broth over here pull those up you’re going to have to take a dram I mean before you watch this video apparently sorry about that all right pull this good gravy up I leave the cream of

Mushroom back there because we keep like odds and end cans in the front so we don’t forget about them like artichoke carts um probably going to need some more sliced olives and those are mushrooms back there I we get those from Aldi it’s just these M you y’all know

How I feel about the mushrooms if you’ve seen my other videos I don’t know why just the mushrooms get me worked up all right so we’re pretty good on black olives and then our canned corn can get moved up the thing is a food storage room is

Wonderful but you can really do yourself an injustice by not keeping up with it and you’re just you know money’s just going down the drain as they say because you know you’ve got got to keep up with the expiration dates um so everything looks good on this shelf look I just

Noticed this Mr Jay’s he’s only got one can of chicken noodle soup left we’re going to have to we’re going to have to change that so I will let me I’ll have to write that on my list I’m pulling everything forward first and then we’re going to go through and write things

Down so I only have one can of diced tomatoes left I’m going to pull these guys forward this one’s these are actually all the same extra setion date so I’m putting that there don’t come after me all right everything looks good here oh on the bottom shelf I do know yeah we have

Three jars of pasta sauce left so I want to get a little bit more to have some on on hand even though I make my own a lot of times I don’t know why those got moved over there we go all right moving along to our baking I haven’t done a ton

Of baking lately so things are looking pretty good in here after the holidays it’s like okay I just need a little bit of a breather all right sorry I’m like I worked out really hard this morning so I’m like still out of breath sorry about that um yeah our baking stuff looks good

Okay so I am going to get my pen and my pad and we are going to write some stuff down that we need okay so this is where we keep the individually wrapped snacks like goldfish or whatever for the kids for their lunches um so I’m going to pick up some

More of that I’m writing that down um usually we have just snacks here on this shelf and I’m just really buying for the week if I was going to Costco I’d do more of a stock up um but I want to make sure that I get some more of those

Individually wrapped snacks now if you look on the bottom shelf we’re good there with the granola and everything we have plenty of drinks there’s all those clear Americans that I can’t stop buying um and I will show you over here um we definitely need to make a Costco run

Because that lonely there’s like two rolls of paper towels paper towels down there um that’s supposed to be full of paper towels from Costco we’re good on toilet paper but we will definitely need that all right so we have three boxes of tissues so I’m going to go ahead and put

That on the list and then I want to look at our okay we’ve got Fork spoons I want to make sure we have all the sizes of the storage bag so that’s what are those quart hold on what is this oh those are gallon so that’s good those are

Quart those are quart so we don’t have any more snack size these are also the gallons are supposed to be with the gallons so let’s move that over there um so it looks like we’re going to need some sandwich bags and I’m not seeing any parchment paper just seeing aluminum

Foil and plastic wrap so I’m going Tod um I’m going to put parchment paper and um what was it uh the sandwich bags oh and I’m also going to put tissues on there too okay let me write that down okay so sandwich baggies my handwriting’s

Atrocious I know it it’s okay I’m not in denial parchment paper and then tissues I mean I know we still have three boxes but um we do have company a lot and uh we go through tissues especially this time of year with the cold weather we all got to

Sniffles sniffs okay moving on I’m going to add some of those nor sides to my list nor side I’m running it down okay then we’re going to move over here okay I’m going to add some more sliced olives we only have one can I like those for like nachos

Or um certain salads and that kind of thing oh we can’t forget the chicken noodle soup for Mr Jay’s okay let me write that down chicken noodle soup Okay and then we could use more mushrooms remember on my other video if you remember I did see that they they were cheaper to buy Aldi but it was only by a few cents so I think I am going to pick up a couple more cans of

Mushrooms mushrooms oh and I think I need a cream of chicken for an a recipe coming up so let me write that down um sorry it’s really hard to write on cans cream of chick all right Perfect all right everything looks good here we have our Margaret Holmes Italian

Style green beans which we absolutely love we have enough of those um our beans are looking really good plenty of tomato sauce actually we only have well those are diced tomatoes we have three cans of DIC tomato so that should be good oh I need to get more pasta sauce I

Was going to stock up on that pasta sauce sauce There we go perfect and I think we’re definitely good on salsa we got the old salsa Supply going there all right we’re good on croutons we love the garlic seasoned butter uh croutons they are super tasty um if you’re looking and they’re cheap

Obviously because they’re or cheaper because they’re great value still have our bacon bits there all right okay now we’re kind of in like the animal cleaning section of the market all right so we still have a big bag of Friskies that’s for the neighborhood cats that

Stop by and want a bite to eat on the front porch and then we have two bags of the cat food that we feed our cats and it looks like we’re still good on kitty litter guys special kitty kitty litter it’s the cheapest I found you can

Sometimes you can get a cheaper price at Costco when they sell the 40 pounds um but this stuff works great we really like it so um I did notice in our laundry room that we are low on laundry the powder that we get from Costco but we’re not going to be able to

Get there um this week so I’m just going to write laundry detergent and then when we make our Costco list um we will add that to the list okay I don’t know what this random thing is here just a piece of paper we’ll throw that away all right this

This shelf’s pretty empty some sponges and some Mr Clean um what are they called Magic Erasers um and then this and I want let me share this with you let’s let’s share okay so this is linen fresh odor eliminator we use this the kids have to

Change out for PE and we use that in their PE bags and then throw we spray it on their PE bags then throw that into the dryer and they smell Super Fresh all right now we’ve got our bleach spray let me pull that forward we’ve got enough of this three

Bottles and we also you know have one under the kitchen sink that we’re that’s in use we this Oda band stuff is really good um spray and then we’ve got this is enough soap and then y’all know world’s best glass cleaner love that stuff plenty of furniture polish um

We’ve got disinfectant this stuff is good toilet bowl cleaner we have our dryer sheets and um plenty of dishwasher detergent because we also have these okay kind of looking at this shelf I’m going to get these are all baby wipes I’m going to get some more of these um

Wet ones we use these often um just for wiping the kids stuff down from school like their lunch boxes and stuff so I’m going to get a little bit I’m going to order a couple more of those and I’ll probably go ahead and order some more of

The soft soap we use this for our bathroom um soap dispenser oh and I’ll share this with you and I’m sure I’ll be doing the video I have done a video but I think I’m going to do an updated video I am so old school when it comes to Face Care

Um or facial care I use um the what is that so that’s like the Neutrogena acne wash but it’s the equate version you know cuz it’s cheaper and then I use baby oil on my face I know and I use um vaseline on my face and then I also wash

My face with this Pon Cold Cream we’ll get into that another time but anyway fun fact the lighting is really weird in here I’m like Shadows anyway um so I’ve got my items listed down I’m going to go ahead and put them and I have already added other items because

Of our menu for the week but I’m going to go ahead and put the ones that I just wrote down on my Walmart grocery order and then Mr Joey’s going to go pick that up uh tomorrow morning and we’ll do a haul we’ll share our menu for the week

And share a couple recipes throughout the week anyway let’s move on to the next day here we go all right let’s get into this week’s great grocery haul y’all know me and my roasting of the vegetables every week we have three packages of baby carrots um that’s three I believe three

Broccoli crowns in there and then two packages of green beans we have some celery for recipe tonight and we have some green onions for a recipe these I love these tomato Blends um this is for a recipe tonight as well and this is for a recipe tonight no this

Is we’re making um chicken salad sandwiches so we’re using this butter lettuce which I love on those plus we use this for the kids um sandwiches for their lunches and then we’re using these Brio style buns for the chicken salad sandwiches for tonight we have an onion

Two cucumber we just like to have cucumber for salads that we make throughout the week and then I also roast brussel sprouts we have two limes for recipe for tonight our regular old bananas and a green pepper for recipe and some basil for a recipe this stuff

Is great I’ve tried different brands but I like this one um the most all right we’re going to go back here we have um not the healthiest stuff in the world for you but it is for a recipe y’all I go on to like all recipes I go on to

Different pages on Facebook to get easy new to me recipes and test them out um groceries are expensive and so I’m trying to find meals that can also be served with vegetables and salads um you know that are easy on the wallet so anyway this is for that we’re having a

Mexican pasta this week and then next to that we have some let’s see those are DIC Tom with the green chilies that’s also for that Mexican pasta cream of chicken soup and then you know Mr Jay’s and his chicken noodle soup got four cans of those now when I was going

Through my market I said good we’re good on quinoa I don’t need to order any because it’s too expensive now anyway I forgot to take it off my grocery order now we have another pack of quinoa all right my Joseph peer bread that I love I have that for lunch every

Day and then we have um two bags of this butter lettuce uh one bag is good for a salad for us at night um with our dinner so yeah 273 a bag not the best deal in the world but we just love this lettuce and it does some like salad kits and

Bags of lettuce even though it’s not expired yet it looks really crummy and like gets that nasty lettuce juice gross um these seem to last a little bit longer so that’s good all right so I just stocked up on some nors pasta sides um we usually well we

Usually have the Mexican style um for a side dish um with dinner sometimes but I just went ahead and stocked up on those um got two cans of sliced olives ah better and um we just use those for you know different toppings Mr Jay’s loves

His olives so we got to have the olives I stocked up on pasta sauce I normally make my homemade pasta sauce but it’s nice to have on hand especially like if you’re making homemade pizzas which we’ve gotten into a lot lately um it I really don’t think you need pizza sauce

For pizza because it costs more and it honestly to me it doesn’t taste as good um we have two packages of gummy bears here we have um here I’m going to take you up and across the kitchen let’s see if you can see from here oh let’s zoom

In that jar on the right there the middle one’s Kodi uh treats and then the one on the right we keep gummy worms and gummy bears just what to share that with you okay so we have that then this is an easy chicken salad that we’re having

Tonight so I am using the help of rotisserie chicken which is awesome you could also buy a rotisserie chicken and pick it off but I’m even going easier than that okay so now we’re going to go up we’ve got some orange juice we still have some so I just picked up one

Cranberry sauce is for the chicken salad sandwiches for tonight now this next item is completely new to me so I posted a video on these um ham and cheese sliders and one of my subscribers said you would love it with this Cavender’s um seasoning I had never even heard of

It before so I looked it up because I had an order that I knew I was going to get picked up today so I could add it to my order and I sure did um so looked it up and it’s a Greek seasoning I cannot

Wait to try this out I love Greek style food so thank you sweet subscriber for that suggestion can’t wait to try I’ll let you know when I do um and we got one can of mushrooms now these three sorry Ellie cuz she loves chocolate these are

Actually for a um event at school for Valentine’s Day and down here we have two rolls of ground turkey I’m making I even have it down as beef strogen off on the refrigerator it will be turkey strogen off it’s just like those ground beef prices if we’re not getting it from

Costco I’m just like it’s so hard hard for me sometimes to buy ground beef cuz we like you know the roline kind and it’s just like Beyond I think it would be for two packages like $4 so anyway got ground turkey this time and then y’all know I love my goat

Cheese so I had to pick up another one of those and then we have Mr Joey and Ellie’s milk on the left the vanilla almond milk and then Mr Jay’s drinks the whole milk um we’ve got some tissue paper this is actually for Jay’s and Ellie’s Valentine’s Day gift this year

And then coming on down here I am going to hopefully hopefully get in a uh decorate with me Valentine’s video and so I thought that this was cute um to decorate the house with we’ll see how it looks when I take it out of the package

And then I also got this was a substitution and I told him I didn’t want it but they gave it to me anyway they’re just like little heart picks with a bow on them and they’re pretty cute I’m going to actually use those now y’all you know people are like well I

Don’t want to do a grocery pickup I like to pick out my own produce and get my own stuff I do understand that big time especially when it came to this item so these are beautiful little fake flowers I really love the color and the shape of them that’s why I got

Them you know when you have the little ones that you don’t pick because they don’t have um flowers on them yeah there’s two of them that are missing flowers but you know what we’re just going to suck it up and move on all right I’ve got two more packages

Of Wet Ones use those all the time for everything basically and then in um our master bathroom we use the soft soap and so I got a refill situation there do I need to explain don’t be shy we all have this issue all right all right there you go moving on so I

Ordered um cubes and I didn’t realize that they were going to come in rectangles so these will not fit into my tissue dispenser holder thingy on the kitchen counter but I do keep a box of tissue next to my bed so that’s what that’s going to be for and then we’ll

Just have to pick up more um of the cube shaped tissues all right got another package of the two good I still have two more packages in the fridge so I only picked up one got some sour cream I like to just have it on hand but we are going

To be using it for a recipe for that stroken off and then picked up some cinnamon rolls the kids like to have those once in a while so just picked those up now look now look look look I told y’all I like to make my cookies my

Baked items I do like to do it homemade okay but things get busy whatever last week I picked these up on the grocery haul lucky charm cookies well the kids went wild and they’re like please can we have those again so you know they’re such good kids

It’s hard to say no so got those all right here’s another item okay Pop-Tarts they’re not even Pop-Tarts they’re great value pastries if you will um some days we’re running real behind and grabbing breakfast is hard to do so they will grab like a banana and a poptart or a

Toaster pastry and um eat it in the car on the way to school so yeah they’re not the best but but we do a lot of fruits and vegetables around here and you know keep active we’re good we’re good we’re good all right I picked up a container

Of laundry detergent because we need to do a Costco run so we can get more um of the kind that we get there but this is just in case we run out before we’re able to get to Costco just in case just in case and then we have some Goldfish

And then the variety packs of um chips for the kids lunches and then moving down here I just noticed in the market that we ran out of parchment paper back there so I went went ahead and picked one up same here with the um sandwich baggies so went ahead and got those uh

These are the cheeses that I used for my um my little I call them quesadillas but they’re not really I used the Joseph pita bread and a slice of this ham slice each of this cheese put it in the pan it’s like a grilled cheese but it’s on

That Joseph’s peer bread so anyway that’s what I eat for lunch every day if you were interested and then I got some uh string cheese for the kids lunch boxes and then we got two um boxes of these turkey sausages I believe I believe I mentioned

Everything on this table if I didn’t I do apologize okay so here is everything and today’s grocery haul is uh $270 so that’s what it buys you all right let’s have a pet moment just because that was a little painful saying the price of the

Grocery haul so let’s just have a pet Mo moment and Enlighten our heart with warm and fuzzy feelings hi mix say hi people a oh here comes another one anyway um uh we need to get to the menu for the week um so I can share that

With you and I believe there are a couple recipes that I’m going to try and share with you um as we go through the week mama kitty say hello people all right we’ve got all the stuff to go in the market on this table and we’re going to get it loaded In all right oky doie this is the menu for this week okay now when I say I’m going to try to share recipes with you life happens guys and you know I don’t want to feel horrible because I couldn’t share a quinoa recipe with you you know

Um so the idea is to share these with you um anyway so we have easy chicken salad sandwiches this is for tonight and dressed up quinoa so it’s just like quinoa with spices some lime um some veggies in there and then we’re going to have a salad uh Monday we’re going to

Have Mexican cheesy chicken pasta and then Tuesday I beef strugging off but we’re making with ground turkey like I said we’re going to have biscuits in a salad Wednesday is leftovers Thursday is easy chicken parmesan which I’ve already shared on this channel garlic bread and salad Friday’s leftover and leftovers

And then Saturday is family night can you tell what we’re doing on that family night Valentine’s Day falls on a Wednesday so it’s like you either do it next weekend or the weekend after so we’re going to be doing it this um coming weekend anyway that is our

Menu for the week I hope you enjoyed this grocery haul um subscribe if you’re new and let me know where you’re from we’d love to hear from you anyway I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed week we will talk to you soon bye


  1. Hello, I always order 2 of the all size ziplock bags and 2 of the box tissues at Sam’s and when you get down to 1 then I order another one. Just a idea to share. ❤

  2. Love the pantry. I happened upon your channel a couple of weeks ago and I'm hooked. I use Cavender's frequently. I keep regular and salt free.💙

  3. We love your pantry. We are a small family, but we prep for those rainy days. Please note the people who are positive about your stockroom. A lot of us do this sort of thing, more now than ever. Stay strong and believe in what you–and so many others–are doing.

  4. I grew up with using tomato sauce for pizza sauce. Then sometime later we switched over to using spaghetti sauce as pizza sauce on pizzas. I feel marinara sauce is bland.

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