Mary Berg just launched her third cookbook, ‘In Mary’s Kitchen,’ and to celebrate, she’s cooking along with 9 other home cooks across Canada and sharing two delicious recipes.

[Applause] Beautiful oh my gosh hello everybody look so beautiful oh my goodness hello everyone and welcome well we are celebrating today today I am so excited to introduce you to my third cookbook baby in Mary’s Kitchen I am so so excited about this new book it was such a pleasure to write

And to see it Born Into the world what an absolute joy and to celebrate launch day I am going to make one of my favorite recipes from the book but it’s not just me cooking today I invited all of you to cook along with me and we have

Nine super fans from all across the country representing hey everybody oh my gosh this is so exciting we have got viewers from the west coast to the east coast and everywhere in between speaking of which I recognize ryel you’re all the Mary oh my gosh you’re all the way in Edmonton it’s

Early for you hey oh yeah it is super duper early but you know I’ll wake up early to cook with you and bake I guess oh 100% And for those of you who do not know ryell was on cross country cake off and he makes one heck of a delicious

Cake so I am so excited to see how you do with this delicious Savory recipe R now oh yes last this last year has been all about cooking and baking I don’t know what’s been happening but it’s so good you know it’s actually really funny I was actually at the grocery store and

I saw your book no on like a stamp so I took a selfie with it oh my gosh we can add it to like our other selfies we have you bet oh my gosh amazing reell I am so excited well we are going to make my Mediterranean

Salmon with feta pickle and if feta pickle sounds confusing don’t worry it’s amazing it’s two of my favorite things together feta and pickles but the first thing we need to do is get started on the salmon so is everybody ready to go all right yes we’ve got this so in a

Pan I have got a 750 gam or about pound and a half hunk of salmon now if you’re making this for a smaller family or it’s a little bit less celebratory or we night or something you could totally do this with salmon fillets that will work perfectly so if you’re cooking for like

One or two a salmon fillet or two will be perfect but I’m going big because again we’re celebrating so in there I want to do a really quick marinade this is one of my favorite recipes from my book because it’s super quick and easy and totally delish so the first thing I

Need is half a cup of dry white wine because we’re celebrating today now whenever I’m using a wine to cook I always go for a dry one nice and kind of um more acidic than something sweet you don’t want to go with a charday something like a penino gregio or

Something and I use what I call a Tuesday wine does everybody have a Tuesday wine yes excellent answer everyone Tuesday wine is the one usually with a screw top and you don’t feel bad about opening it on a Tuesday you know all right now into there I’m also going to

Add in about a/4 cup of olive oil just drizzle that all over top and this is actually a really Punchy marinade so as opposed to doing like a better amount of oil or a bigger amount of oil I like that more wine cuz that’s a bit acidic

And it gets into that fish really really quickly which is a dream now ended there for a little bit of lemon flavor I’m going to add in the zest of a lemon everybody knows how much I love my zester if you don’t have a zester you

Could use a uh cheese grater that would work you could also just use a vegetable peeler and peel off that lemon rind and then chop it up finally that would work as well now if you didn’t want to use wine if you’re someone who maybe doesn’t have a Tuesday wine you only have

Saturday wine and you don’t want to put it in this salmon you could just use lemon juice instead you’re going to use less than half a cup but just the juice of one lemon will still give you that nice acidity which gets into that salmon absolutely beautifully all right

Everyone oh my gosh I love this screen of people zesting is truly my dream this right here is my dream come true who to thk 10 people zesting at the same time what a joy all right I’m going to set that lemon aside and then I’ve

Also got three cloves of garlic and now I don’t know about all you but is your garlic huge this year oh right they’re massive they’re like the size of golf balls I don’t know what’s going on with garlic but thank you to the ground I love garlic now I’m

Just going to smash this up and give it a little bit of a rough chop I don’t want to finely mince up this garlic cuz I just want a little bit of that garlicky flavor getting into that salmon let’s give that a rough chop up and then

Just add that on into that salmon dish now I’m doing mine in a baking dish but if you had like a pie plate that would be great you could even use a zip top bag that would work really well as well now I’m going to season that with some salt and

Pepper still with me everybody you’re oh my gosh this is so fun I love cooking with all these people this is a joy all right I’m also adding in a little bit of pepper and here if you wanted to you could add in some chili flakes that

Would be really nice oh my gosh you’re all keeping up too this is so nice also we have an excellent Flamingo shirt everybody’s bringing their Style Today nailed it yes sir perfect now into there I’m also going to add in some fresh herbs so I’ve got a little bit of Dill

Some Rosemary and some oregano now typically I would chop these up right but what I’m going to do is grab out a sprig or two of each and these are kind of classic Mediterranean herbs I love Dill so much oregano is really nice and Lemony and bright and then that Rosemary gives you

Like kind of a nice piny Flavor now instead of chopping these up this is what we’re going to do just muck them up muck them up a little bit and when you smell them you get that perfume all of those flavors come out you can give them maybe a

Little bit of a break but that’s just going to infuse into that salmon and look absolutely beautiful now all I want to do is give this a toss about about you know Classic Fish just flop it around give it a bit of a na

It all right now while I do this I hear that Leanne has a bit of a question for me hi Mary hi Le how are you good how are you oh I’m great so I’m so excited to be able to do this with you I’m so excited too now if people don’t

Recognize lean lean you got a new haircut lean was on the show recently and looking absolutely amazing celebrating your wedding anniversary it’s so good to see you again it’s so good to see you too and I love my new look and my hair is amazing fantastic oh my gosh so what’s

Your question Le I was wondering if I can marinate the salmon for longer than an hour so with this recipe I made it so it’s a quick recipe so it’s a quickly marinating so I do it for 15 minutes to an hour the reason you actually want to stick to

Under an hour is because of the acidity and salmon is really nice and kind of tender so that marinade gets in there really really quickly so to be honest no that’s the short answer of it I’d stick to an hour but if you did want to get

Ahead there’s two things you could do you could marinate it for an hour take it out dry it off and stick it in the fridge or you could actually just fully make this recipe in advance and keep it in the fridge cold and serve it cold so

Cook it up serve it cold it’s super delicious I’ve done this I did this the whole crew from uh Mary makes it easy came over and I served the it cold and they didn’t complain so clearly it’s tasty amazing that’s a great idea it’s super simple thanks so much Leanne good

Luck yeah thank you all right this salmon is looking perfect I’m going to pop that into my fridge for about 15 Minutes we are celebrating the launch of my third cookbook today with a CrossCountry cookalong look at all these beautiful faces I’ve got joining me in the kitchen hi oh my gosh I am so excited today we are making I’m going to get to the page my Mediterranean salmon with

Feta pickle I’m very excited about about this it is super tasty that salmon is marinating in the fridge so now it’s time to move on to perhaps the best two words that have been smooshed together feta and pickle very exciting so the first thing I need is a quarter of a red

Onion I’m using a red onion I personally love them if you wanted you could go with a sweet onion here you could also go with a shallot that would be really nice and a little bit French so we’re going to like the French Riviera if you want to take that fish somewhere there

That’s great but I’m just going to thinly slice this baby I love a red onion cuz it’s it’s really nice and kind of peppery it’s one of my favorite raw onions it took a lot of uh convincing of my husband Aaron he’s not a raw onion

Fan when we met but we just celebrated our seventh anniversary and now he is so that’s a win in my books definitely all right so that’s nice and thinly sliced and I’m going to add that onion on into a bowl if you’re a real

Onion fan you can feel free to go up to half of an onion but you know you do you as I like to say I’m not your mom I’m just your friend Mary helping you make some food it’s going to be great right now into there I’m also going to add in

A garlic clove and classic me I hate chopping garlic I’m going to use my rasp does everybody I mean I saw them earlier most people have a rasp going on in their kitchen what a delight yes love it so I’m just going to rasp that straight

On into the bowl I had someone one time reach out to me and was like why does no one use a garlic press anymore are they bad because I know a lot of like chefs often are like GH a garlic press we don’t like those but honestly any way

That you like to get your garlic into your food is good in my books I personally just don’t like chopping garlic because I don’t like how it makes my cutting board smell anyone else with me on that garlic cutting board not a thing the worst yeah all right so that

Garlic is just into that bowl with that onion and into there I’m going to add in the juice of that lemon from earlier the one that we zested now if you used the juice in the marinade you’d have to get another lemon but I’m a real waste not

Want not lady so this lemon that we zested we’re going to use the juice in here so just add that juice on top of those onion on and basically what this is going to do is it’s going to start to kind of pickle those onions and garlic

Anytime I’m adding veg into a bowl I want to start and and I’m working on pickling them I want to start with the kind of hardier veg the ones that need a little bit of time to kind of pull back the spiciness that is a good juicy lemon

This feels like a win you know when you get a good lemon and you’re like yes I didn’t waste a dollar what is a like do we all I feel oh man Leanne is ahead we got to catch up this is amazing all right that is looking beautiful full so into there to

Enhance that acidity I’m also adding in 2 tablespo of white wine vinegar now if you wanted to you could also use uh apple cider vinegar you could use white vinegar even red wine vinegar would be great I would just steer clear of balsamic because it makes this pickle go

Brown and that does not sound like a pickle that I want which is rare now season that up with a little bit of salt and pepper as well and then for a little bit of sweetness I’m going to add in about a teaspoon of honey this brings just a

Nice kind of floral sweetness into the mix give that a little bit of a stir up and already you can see that vinegar kind of changing color it’s getting a little bit pink and that’s from all that red onion that looks beautiful now into there I’m also going to start adding in

My veg and this looks kind of similar to a Greek salad so I have got a cup of cherry tomatoes here and I’m just going to have those babies and start adding those babies on in and in addition to those I’m also going to chop up a cucumber

Oh man okay this is one thing that I do on my cooking show and I’m doing it right now too I love having cherry tomatoes and I forget how long it takes anytime I’m writing a recipe and then we just get to hang out for a little second while I chop some cherry

Tomatoes I know I see all those hacks on the internet with those like plates and bowls and everything that people do but um you can’t take away chopp and cherry tomatoes from me slice them in half nice and juicy and delish Perfect all right now y’all keep going with those cherry tomatoes I’m

Going to move on to that cucumber so I would chop those cherry tomatoes up nice and haved and then I’ve got an English cucumber here I’m going to thinly slice mine you can also dice it whatever way you want and if you want it really nice

And fine you could also use a vegetable peeler that would be nice really light long strips of that pickle get that all chopped up I love a cucumber also anytime I find those like little baby ones those are my all-time favorite they’re so cute they’re like a baby carrot of the Cucumber

World add those on in and now for that feta so I’ve got some feta here about 100 grams and I’m going to cube this up if you wanted you could also crumble it but for me like a big old cube of feta what a delight and yes to all those

People who bulk at the idea of fish and cheese change the channel cuz like salmon and feta absolutely delicious all right chop that up add that on in along with about half a cup of calamada olives for nice salty brininess as well as a/4 cup of Capers

And I love Capers they’re super nice and delicious now I’m going to give this a toss up and add a couple tablespoons of oil but I feel like we’ve got a question from Sarah in Dartmouth do we hi Mary how’s it going great Sarah how are you

Oh my gosh is that a cookie jar behind you it is oh it’s so cute I love that oh my God there’s a cup how are you I’m okay how are you doing I’m doing great how’s the weather over in Dartmouth right now you know what it’s gorgeous it’s been you know

Hurricanes and fires and everything but today is beautiful so I’m gonna take it that’s amazing so what’s your question my question well first of all congratulations on the new cookbook because that’s amazing oh thank you so much you know to put out one let alone three is absolutely fabulous and you’re

Fabulous so congratulations you’re Fab um my question to you was what was your favorite part of the process of doing the cook from beginning to end like what what did you love about doing it honestly I think one of my favorite things is having my family involved in

This book there are pictures of my best friend there’s pictures of my husband my mom but I also love when I’m writing a cookbook I love thinking about what people at home are actually going to want to make not necessarily the fanciest thing in the world but what you

Actually want to get on the table at the end of a long day just to help you again I’m just your Bud Mary I just want to help you get food on the table Yeah for my two-year-old I will take that all day long I can’t even

Imagine how busy you are is she a good eater are they a good eater she’s yeah she’s pretty good she um you know it’s kind of a hit or miss every day is something different so it’s kind of nice because I get to try out different

Things I guess that is a glass half full situation and I love that look that is amazing working it I’m awesome thank you so so much for the question thank you congratulations thank you hey Mary here what did you think drop your comments below and don’t

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  1. I love Mary Berg show, I look forward watching her guests on her show. The only problem I have is her hair flying all over the food when she is preparing the ingredients, who is to say there is or not Mary hair in the ingredients. She should tie up her hair.

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