Learn how to make creme brulee sweet potato desserts with my easy recipe. I tried to recreate those viral Imo Pippi crème brûlée sweet potato desserts from Japan – something I was unfortunately unable to try myself due to a small series of mildly unfortunate but not critical events. It’s made with roasted Japanese sweet potato and a creamy custard filling, with torched caramel on top. I’m pretty sure I got close – one day I’ll return and try their sweet potato crème brûlée desserts and know for sure! In the meantime, my creme brulee sweet potato recipe is, in itself, super delicious.

👓 Get the full breakdown of my creme brulee sweet potato recipe on my blog:

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Video contents:

00:00 – Intro
03:21 – The type of sweet potato you should use
05:17 – Roasting the sweet potatoes
06:52 – Making the creme brulee filling
09:22 – Putting everything together
12:24 – The slowmo


Music: Wallflowers by Bad Snacks, A Caring Friend by Bad Snacks, A Night Alone by Track Tribe, Walk In The Park by Track Tribe, Easy Stroll by Track Tribe

#japanesesweetpotato #cremebruleesweetpotato #cremebrulee

I came back from holiday the heating isn’t working we don’t have any hot water and our balcony door won’t closed so you can hear everything that’s going on and there’s a construction site going on outside so sorry for all the Noise hi everyone it’s Tasha and welcome to another recipe video and today we have caught up with my back Vlog so this video is much more recent and we’re going to be making cremet sweet potato I’ll admit this is another Japan inspired recipe I know I know I can’t

Let the trip go but this time it’s because I missed out on something there’s a in Japan a chain now actually cuz they’re doing really well they’ve gone viral called EO pee pee and they specialize in all things sweet potato they do a classic baked roasted sweet

Potato with butter they do one with ice cream on top they do one with Creme Bret which is the one I’m going to mix today and they do one which is sof ice cream with baked sweet potato chunks at the bottom and sort of like a Mont block

Sweet potato paste pipe on top so while I was in Japan of course I wanted to visit them sounded amazing and what I really wanted was that cremet sweet potato so I got to the shop and I ordered it in my broken Japanese and the cashier no down yep one cremet sweet

Potato and then she added but did you know that our Mont Blanc style the piped sweet potato on top of the ice cream is our best seller and I did that awkward thing of when when you know something someone’s telling you but they’re being really nice you want to humor them so

It’s like oh oh really and she said yes yes everyone loves to try it’s really popular on social media and my brain was like yeah I know but she was really nice and you know what when it comes to food I’m a pusher but I’m easily sweet I was

Like yeah yeah well you know what add that to my order to why not absolutely great choice so that’s one CR sweet potato and one soft serve sweet potato ice cream so I waited for them and they showed me how they did they have a little machine where they extrude the

Sweet potato paste on top of the soft serve and that was pretty quick they gave it to me and I was enjoying that and waiting for my crolet sweet potato which never came Mr Tash kakes and I are pretty chill people and we were just

Happy to relax and enjoy our SAU and we were looking at Google Maps because we’re going to Kad Temple later to see the aumn illuminations at night beautiful by the way I really recommend it and then we noticed our loads of people are getting crolet sweet potatoes

That came after us and I remember oh yeah I should check on that so I went up and said excuse me uh we’re still waiting on our cremet sweet potato and the cashier she was really sweet she went just a second I’m really sorry and she like tapped on the computer and then

She went to the back then she came back she said I’m so sorry when I was recommending that ice cream to you I accidentally switched the order instead so you only paid for the ice cream and we only made you the ice cream I’m really sorry I totally didn’t notice I

Only got charged for the one thing usually I’m really good when I pay for stuff I make sure it all adds up but in the moment I was really tired we had walked nearly 30,000 steps that day I was exhausted also still a bit jetlagged excited about kadai Temple excited about

The ice cream bit fluffed so I just took my card and beep I didn’t really question it at the time so partially my fault to too and unfortunately because it was already getting quite late and we needed to make it in time for the kadai utum illuminations I didn’t have time to

Order it again I wish should that don’t don’t worry it happens it’s absolutely not a problem we really love the ice cream and so we left cremet sweet potato less however since I have the capacity to make this at home potentially why not make it at home and we’re going to do so

With this thing this is a Japanese sweet potato it is denser starchier and paler in size than an orange sweet potato I like to think of them as American sweet potatoes and while American sweet potatoes are a bit gooey and squishier inside when you roast them Japanese sweet potatoes are more the textures

Almost cakey like a really moist cake not saying that’s a bad thing for the American sweet potatoes I love American sweet potatoes these are just different and since Emil people use this type to make their cremet sweet potatoes and their regular roasted sweet potatoes of course I’m going to use this one there’s

Just one thing that Emil P do that I cannot thow and that’s honey age them I don’t know exactly how they do it but a lot of press releases about Emil P say that they both age their sweet potatoes some say at a a low temperature 11 to

13° C at a really really high humidity and they don’t say how long or how they store them and that process of Aging the sweet potatoes increases the sugar content inside because the starch is converted into sugar while it ages but also some people say that it’s aged with

Honey I’m actually not sure if this is a euphemism because when you roast a sweet potato any sweet potato really it does get a little bit gooey syrupy honey is and other press releases are kind of rolling with it and say oh it’s got a high honey content instead of a high

Sugar content and people are getting a bit confused I’m confused cuz I i’ I haven’t been able to get a straight story about how they age their sweet potatoes so I’m just going to use the sweet potato as is it’s still going to be super super sweet still going to be

Super delicious but it probably won’t have that almost candied sugar content that Emil PE pece potatoes have and if I ever do find out how to Honey age a sweet potato I will share that information with you but for now normal off the-shelf sweet potato it is so with

All that said let’s go to the kitchen and see how it’s done first things first we’re going to preheat the oven to 160° C so a little bit on the cool side as ovens go so here I’ve got four Japanese sweet potatoes I’m probably only going

To make cup two with the creme Rolle filling but I’m going to roast all four because seems like a bit of a shame to put the oven on for so long and only roast two potatoes plus they’re very easy to reheat after so um yeah I’m going to have two sweet potatoes two

Roasted sweet potatoes as a snack for later or you can just make all of them and put all the creme Rel filling inside because we are going to make enough creme Rel filling for four but I’m only going to make up two anyway let’s prepare all of them let’s um cut off

These um stringy bits at the end of of some of these here you don’t have to do this but I need mine to fit my little baking tray I’ll just do this one as well that’ll do and now we’re going to get stabby to um help the potatoes

Release some steam when they bake cuz we don’t want them to split and explode and all I’ve done is I’ve popped them on a foil Lin baking tray now some people roast these just bare as they are some people roast them in foil I don’t know which one’s best so I’m going to

Roast half of them in foil and half them Naked and now all we have to do is pop these in the oven for an hour and a half that’s uh 90 minutes so yeah a nice slow roast at a lowest temperature to make the no bake Bret topping we’re going to need two egg yolks 30 G of castor sugar

10 G of of corn flour half a teaspoon of vanilla extract let’s give this a bit of a mix before we continue don’t want any lumps and finally I’m going to stir in 300 mL of double Cream I’m just going to pour this into a small pan I do have a small sauce spin but I’m currently using it for soup so um My Little sauce pan my little frying pan rather will do as long as you have a like a relatively deep small pan doesn’t

Matter right let’s thicken this up on the stove what I’m going to do is I’m going to pop the heat on low to medium and I’m going to keep stirring this until it’s thickened and this is going to take just a few minutes maybe 10 minutes no more than that by the way

Don’t do what I’m doing and use a metal utensil on a non-stick pan cuz that can scrape the bottom off that nonstick stuff off if you have a silicon coated whisk then use that instead a TKE y this is all I have at the moment so I’m just

Being very careful not to scrape off that Teflon coating cuz that’s quite bad now that it’s just turning I’m going to turn a heat right down cuz I don’t want those eggs to scramble lift it off the heat a bit give it a bit more of a

Stir as you can see we are just about there just a little bit longer let’s see two more minutes right that will do so let’s switch this off take this off the heat and we’re going to transfer this into a bowl we’re going to work relatively quickly here because this is hot cream

And hot cream and custard things form a skin when they cool down and we want to avoid that skin so um we’re going to flatten this out a little bit here and what we’re going to do to avoid that skin is we’re going to cover it with

Cling film and we’re going to make sure the cling film sits on top of the actual custard and uh well to be honest it doesn’t really stop the skin it just makes it easier to lift that t protein skin that forms as it cools down

Off of the custard when we take it off when it’s cool thus preventing an actual skin falling to bits and flaking off into your custard and making it not smooth right so that part’s done we’re just going to let this cool down to room temperature and um it’s a nice time to

Take a break because all we have to do is wait for this to cool and for our potatoes to bake it’s been an hour and a half so I’m going to rescue our sweet potatoes and oh my goodness they smell like caramel my we’re going to let these

Cool down for 5 to 10 minutes cuz they are red hot I’m going to very carefully cuz they’re steaming here unwrap these foil ones otherwise they’re just going to stay red hot and let’s let these rest for 5 to 10 minutes cuz they are piping hot at the

Moment too hot to handle I’m going to use one of each type of potato here’s one that we didn’t wrap up and here’s one that we did this one’s juicy I’m going to cut both open just in the middle not going all the way down to

The end I’m going to see if there’s any change any difference rather in texture here we are remember we’re not slicing right down to the very bottom we’re just creating an opening wow this one’s very moist like I said it smells like caramel it smells utterly Divine now let’s open

This one Skin’s little drier Skin’s a bit like paper inside ooh inside is Fluffy like cake it’s uh less squishy moist than this one little drier but not dry yeah like cake now we’ve got our lovely creme bruet topping let’s peel off the top so we won’t have our skin get rid of

That and we’re going to very generously spoon some right in the middle oh gosh look at how luscious that is right in the middle remember this is enough for the four of the potatoes but we’re only going to do whoops we’re only going to do two of them clean that up a

Bit I’ll clean up in a Minute oh I’m not sure if I recorded that I just took a little bit of kitchen paper towel and cleaned up for the surfaces and now I’m going to sprinkle a little bit of cast sugar over about a teaspoon per potato and we’re just going to sprinkle it over carefully that’s

Cremet topping that wasn’t very careful was it went everywhere there we go I hope you have a steadier hand than me now we’re going to torch it you can do this under the grill but I have my handy Cooks blaz watch If I thought it smelled good before it smells even better now right let’s serve these up these look and smell amazing I wish the lighting were better then you could see how glossy that brulee top is anyway we’re just about to dig into it well I hope this makes up for um my

Loss in Japan so cheers it does it makes up for it that sweet potato flesh that’s really awful way of calling it but n the sweet potato flesh is so sweet because we roasted it so slowly for so long and it just gave all of those starches a chance to break

Down and caramelized absolutely wonderful has a little bit of a multi taste to it that sweet potato multi taste and it just goes so well with the cream that is pretty epic because the sweet potato is so soft it’s so easy just to scoop up and as you saw we have

The two different textures from the two different ways we roasted it the one that we roasted uncovered was a little dry it wasn’t dry it was so moist inside but it had a fluffier cake like spongy kind of texture and the wrapped up one because we didn’t let any steam or

Moisture Escape it became really fudgy kind of super super moist so it’s up to you what kind of texture you want I’m not entirely sure how emo PE bake theirs I think they just bake them uncovered so they have the more cakey texture but I really like the moist creamy texture of

The covered ones too so there you go cremola roasted sweet potatoes thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed today’s recipe video and I hope you’ll join me next Wednesday for my next one get the full written recipe on my blog Tash cakes.com follow me on Instagram on

Tash. tastes and find me on Tik Tok too I’m Tash kakes there too but my handle is food and slow motion subscribe and hit the notification Bell if you’d like to see more give this video a like if you like to help other people find it

Comment down below if you’d like me to make anything in particular and I’ll see you all next time be good be nice and have a good week I’m resisting the urge to just eat the other one now


  1. Sweet potato creme brulee sounds really divine. I usually prefer the wrapped one just because of the more gooey texture. I'll give it a try when I get go grocery shopping

  2. 🥹 Honey-aging sounds really fascinating and fancy, like it seems as tho it would be really complex. Love that. But – Hate that you're the second person online who's talked about a letting agents' ghosting. This was great and I hope your agent turns up XD

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