Potato Salad with Cilantro
1 lbs. Potatoes boiled.
¼ cup Limon Juice {half a large Limon or to taste}.
1tsp. Salt.
½ cup Extra virgin Olive Oil.
1 punch Green Cilantro chopped.
4 cloves Garlic peeled.
Peeled the Boiled Potatoes and cut them in a small bite size put in a bowl.
In a mortar put Garlic and Salt smash them to paste add the Limon juice
and the Olive Oil and mix well pour them on the Potatoes and the chopped
Cilantro and mix all and serve.
Serving: 2 to 3 servings, Double the recipe for more.
Can be eaten with Pita Bread as a light dish Vegetarian.

Welcome to the cast iron Lebanese cooking and more hello my Dutch oven lovers if you are not one of them hope you will be soon my dish to you today is about potato with the cilantro salad green coriander uh potato salad we have two kind with the cilantro and another

Potato are with the boiled eggs and onion and my next video will be about the one with the potato and the Egg today is about the potato with the green cilantro very simple to make really can be and as a as a dish on its own beside

It’s a salad and you can eat it with Peter bread it’s okay I mean for lunch will be perfect let me show you the ingredients here is my ingredients I have here three potato rusted potato boiled but you can use any other kind of potato it’s boiled I want to peel them I

Have one small bunch of green cilantro washed cleaned ready to cut I have a half lemon a half lemon juice I have four gloves of garlic small teaspoon of salt and a quarter extra virgin olive oil that’s all you need for this one now

Let me show you what we have to do here first I want to take this out clean them take all these the skin probably better with hand it’s boiled and cold it’s not hot this is the last one what I want to do here with my bowl I will cut those like

This small pieces put them in the bowl is these are ready to go here now what we want to do is take the garlic with my Mah head here and the salt and smash them become like a paste this is good this is very good we’ll take these We’ll add the oil We’ll

Add the lemon and then we want to make them all together this is our dressing we want to add this to the potato and we’ll let it all mixed now the last thing is the cilantro we’ll chop the cilantro very small you need about a half a cup of

Cilantro this small punch is okay this is nice we add this here then we mix all again together here you have it potato and cilantro salad hope you enjoyed this potato cilantro salad and it’s really delicious it’s a refreshment salad it’s refresh your ability to eat

As an appetizer or can be with P bread as a dish for lunch will be perfect hope to see you on the next video and thank you for watching bye oh oh sh


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