The Vegan Health Bundle 2024

I am excited to be a part of this year’s Vegan Health Bundle which includes over 130 contributions. Throughout the next seven days I will share some of my favorite content from the bundle on my Facebook page (5) Facebook. But Don’t wait for me to tell you what’s hot!!

Use my special link and purchase the 2024 Vegan Health Bundle now.

For my contribution to the bundle, I updated a favorite ebook I wrote years ago originally called “Great Salad Dressings from an Oil-Free Kitchen.” The updated version is called Chef Del’s Healthy Oil-Free Salad Dressings.” In it are 20 salad dressings and sauce to make your meals pop with flavor.

Here is a list of the recipes in my ebook:


Sour Cream

Horseradish Sauce

Tartar Sauce

Fresh Herb Dressing

Creamy Poppy Seed Dressing

Orange Dressing

Strawberry Tarragon Salad Dressing

Sweet and Spicy Mustard Dressing

Raspberry Vinaigrette

Balsamic Vinaigrette

Italian Dressing

Roasted Red Pepper Dressing

Fresh Tomato-Basil Dressing

Thousand Island Dressing

Creamy Olive and Dill Dressing

Southwest Chili Lime Dressing

Mango Salad Dressing

Ginger Miso Dressing

Avocado Salad Dressing

To Get Today’s recipe and to sign up for my newsletter:

St. Patrick’s Day Recipes:

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

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Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide medical advice. The content of this podcast is provided for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health issue without consulting your doctor. Always seek medical advice before making any lifestyle changes

Is Chef AJ live I’m your host Chef AJ and this is where I introduce you to amazing people like you who are doing great things in the world that I think you should know about well today is the first Sunday of the month which means it’s time for Chef Dell’s kitchen where

Chef Dell schro shows us amazing delicious Whole Food plant-based oilfree recipes and today he’s going to be doing some special recipes St Patrick day yumy because St Patrick day is I believe is it two weeks from 17th so we got four yeah two weeks two weeks from today give

You lots of time to prepare and he’s also gonna offer you a special offer if you want to support him in his work because he does so much coming on this show every month he’s part of the 2024 vegan Health bundle he’s got an amazing offering in it which he’ll tell you

About and if you just click the link below this video or in the chat you can support Dell and get the bundle from him with an additional 2,000 recipes it’s over $8,000 worth of content if purchased separately from over 150 of your favorite plant-based doctors chefs creators influencers and even vendors who have

Given coupons like $10 off for plant strong which I just used to buy their burgers please welcome Chef Dell happy one week after your birthday well thank you happy um happy happy belated birthday to me I’m excited to be here and um still kicking on the planet Chef

AJ it’s so good to see you you’re you’re a real cheffy Chef did you do anything special for your birthday no I no I literally laid on the couch all day and watched movies and such all day long I was very it was and I wanted to I needed

To be getting ready for the bundle because I came in late to looking at all the content but I said no I’m going to taking my day I’ll do some work on Sunday and make the magic happen then what kind of movies do you watch when

You lay around and watch movies I pretty eclectic taste but I’m a big sci-fi fan so I’m always looking at sci-fi um yeah I love it if you like sci-fi are you familiar with a show that is actually my favorite television show called resident alien I’ve heard i’ I’ve heard it I

Maybe have seen it on the episode or so but I’ve never watched the whole series well it is on Netflix now season one and two and I really recommend it he he is the most delightful actor Alan tudk who plays Harry I really I don’t watch a lot

Of shows but I’ll tell you that’s my fav okay all right I’ll check it out check it out hey rich rich is here in the house watching from Sacramento so St Patrick’s Day we think of corn beef we think of cabbage we think of anything green like Shamrock Shakes and we do

Things but I I wanted to do something different from last year’s offering and I forget what that was last year but um I know there was Irish soda bread in the mix so this year I thought I would do cabbage rolls and a lovely Irish dish um

And then we’re doing this this new recipe I’ve not made this I I I never do this I rewrote this recipe and um said okay let’s let’s make it happen there’s a dish called gir cake gir cakes an Irish confection consisting of two Thin shortbread layers and sandwiching a rich

Filling that’s made with breadcrumbs of all things dried fruit and spices so um you get to watch me either pull off a recipe that I’ve never tried before or fail miserably I I think it’s an easy recipe and I’ve gotten pretty good over the years at being able to look at a

Recipe and say okay this will work this not what we did though we had to find a shortbread crust recipe that was oilfree all that kind of stuff and there are lots of of new creators out there that are creating some of these Confections oil free so my hats off to them for

Giving me a little support without even trying and making it happen I’m starting off though with cabbage rolls so if you want to get some things into the oven and make all the magic happen there and get them out for you and time to see

Them I did some things ahead of time I’m starting here with my miroa sautéing my onions my carrots and my celery now i’ also ahead of time I am I cooked my millets we’re using Millet as a bathe you can use millet or you can use

Um bger you really for this you could use almost any grain you’ll need three and a half Cooks of whatever you use so it’s up to you right you want to use buck wheat go for it I I have Millet in the house more than I have almost any

Other thing I use it a lot I love it it’s such a healthy BR I know it’s one of your favorites what about rice though for some like not everybody has at the house could you use brown rice if you didn’t have or bu usually three and a

Half cups of brown rice um bulgar wheat is what’s called for the other one called for in the recipe anything like that and of course for those of you that are new here you’ll see that I’m I’m sautéing this no oil and we’re starting off with a dry Skillet a lot of people

Do no oil they start off by adding a little liquid in the pan first I started off dry um with the right vegetables so that they can Brown and then I only add water if I need to ahead of time I also did the Cabbage leaves um I went and and

Put those in boiling water for a few minutes to soften them up so that they’re easy to work with so um that that will save us some time there and then I made my tomato sauce with the cabbage roll ahead of time the tomato sauce is it’s just an easy to see most

Of these dishes are Easy by the way guys and you could use canned tomato sauce if you wanted to but here’s the deal the tomato sauce starts off pretty much like the cabbage do you sauté your onion you add some garlic and tomato paste and oregano and cook out for a minute then

You add your crushed tomatoes and just let it cook for 20 or 25 minutes and and off you go there’s no reason to buy a tomato sauce when it’s that easy to make right so do that for yourself the other thing I did so we’re making this this

Crazy gir cake um calls for soaking breadcrumbs in black tea I I think that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen but okay we’re going to do it um soaking breadcrumbs in black tea and then you refrigerate that uh for an hour and I did that already I used a

Sprouted grain bread because I’m trying to keep it healthy I took a crust off and then I’m going to use the crust for um I’m using the crust for oh to make croutons for salads duh so I’ll do that ahead of time so while my vegetables cook here I’m going to go

Ahead and and do finish making the um the filling for the gake which all I need to do is add some my spices where do they go AJ where did I hide them where’ your spices go I don’t know you didn’t do your Misan plus I did my Misan plus and

There’s spices around here somewhere did I already add them I hope so oh good lord oh yeah oh my God that’s going to be good spices are already in there and then to that we’re going to add that’s it you got whole grain bread you got your black tea I put apple juice

In there for those that don’t want to do black tea you could also do decaffeinated tea U maple syrup you could do date paste raisins Ginger cinnamon cloves uh nutmeg coriander and then um baking powder and that is it but I’m looking to see I don’t think I put my baking powder

In I’m going to do that really quickly you know AJ the 63-year-old mine it’s a little slower you’re still younger than me but um I’m going to keep trying I honestly thought you were only in your 50s I didn’t realize you were honey you keep saying that because my little my

Little brain loves you every time you say it I really did I thought you were at least 10 years younger than me so good for you yay I’ll take it so while that um I got my gir cake filling ready to go and then to make the um the shortbread

Crust find we’re just going to oh you need to see this don’t you guys I don’t if I can show it to you and cook and not burn at the same time all right so I’ve got um almond butter you could use any nut or seed butter that you

Like I’ve got maple syrup I think you could use I’ve not tried it for this shortbread crust you could use um uh um you could use date paste I’m sure Chef AJ has shown us that you can use date paste for almost anything and then you’ve got almond flour baking

Powder and sea salt and you’ve got H whe pastry flour you could use a gluten-free blend if you want to and then mix that up and that’s and I should have what I did not do is mix up my wet ingredients first and then add my dry ingredients but oh well we’re not

Going to we can’t un do it so we’ll just keep doing it and then I’ll show I’m stirring that together and I’ll show you the dough here in a second and then my cabbage rolls I’m adding my garlic in my herbs and basil um there’s um nutmeg nutritional yeast and then chahini

Sauce or chahini sorry in my community in CA kitchen I’ve got a diverse group of people and one of them was making her own tahini today and showed me a picture of her toasting the seeds and I love that kind of um of uh do it yourself mentality that

You you don’t have to depend on store bought for anything so believe it or not making your own tahini from ground toasted sesame seeds is going to be a lot cheaper than um would be buying it um in jars B want to save you some packaging too I wish I had

Another camera that I can move over here and show you my already growing stack of dishes so we’ve added all everything but the Millet and salt and pepper and then we add that um in so I’ve got and I tell you what I had had a discovery I don’t

Know what’s going on with this last batch of millet that I bought it um it’s it I’ve never heard quick cooking Millet AJ have you I have never heard of quick cooking Millet no and take that long though something’s going on in the Millet world because traditionally I’ll take my Millet and I

Will um I will uh oops that’s that’s done take my milet and you add um two to one ratio of water to Mill it and let it cook for 15 20 minutes or so that how you do yours a or you do yours inst the pot I do mine

In the in the rice cooker actually just regular rice cooker where you take you know the certain amount and then it goes to the line like if you have one cup you put it that’s how I’ve always done it okay but you could do in the instant pot

Too oh yeah well well for some reason this Millet and the last time I think I did it on your show it was done way too quickly I don’t understand why and there was extra water in it and had a little bit soggy or something so I’m not so

Sure what happened with this B I just ordered a new bat so hopefully it’ll get back to normal or I’ll have to start adjusting what I’m doing and you guys I always I I always taste as I cook do you AJ not all it depends Dell if it’s a

Recipe I’ve done a lot no if it’s a new recipe yes let me just say yum it’s a delicious filling just like it is by the way if you want to eat that just like it is you’ll be very happy there’s a million things you could do with this

This you know this is kind of the foundation for my Millet loaf for my the Millet loaf that you you’ve made it oh yeah I love your Millet Loaf and you know you used to sell it in mixes you don’t still do that do you they the

Wellness form still sells it in mixes my former business partner and her her roupies um still do so it is still available if you want to buy a mix that um yum this is good I can’t wait I love cabbage my mom used to make of course we

Did the hamburger version and this is a much healthier much much healthier version so the next time you’re making Millet loaf cook some extra Millet so you can do this and by the way you could use the midle loaf recipe itself to do this and I’m only going to

Put together a few of these so you can see them but I’ll you put some tomato sauce or our pre-made tomato sauce in the bottom of the pan let’s see if I can do this how easily this is to do I’ll set this aside and I take one of my my cabbage

Leaves and I’m just going to eyeball it about a third of a cup of your filling that’s probably more like a half a cup and you’re supposed to cut the uh the the rough stem off if it’s if it’s not tender but this one doesn’t need it

I think I got these just about right so you take it and you can see it there where see how far you in the menu there you go you take that you fold the top over your filling fold your in your outsides in the wings as we call them and then roll it

Up and that’s that’s one done easy right I’ll show you again this one I am going to tear out the that stem right there throw that into some soup or something later or stir fry there’s nothing nothing at all wrong with it he’s he’s not going to come out that easily

All right and then put a spoonful of our magical filling in there roll that over the top pull the sides in and and there you go right doesn’t have to be pretty or perfect you’re going to pour tomato sauce over that and make some other kind of magic happenss

And see if I can get this St out of there knife there you go one more time all right guys ask questions in the uh in the comment box if you have any by the way um I know these recipes are not in the bundle you’re getting them anyway but here’s the

Deal in my eBook The that I put together for the book The bundle which is a a collection of salad dressings Etc um there are two sauces that I would serve one with this dish um which is my uh horseradish sauce oh no no no sorry horseradish sauce I would start not with

This dish but with um the potato cakes we’re going to make a little bit later so if you’re getting that bundle I get another one rolled up let me do one more for you and set these aside this by the way took me two heads of cabin because as you get down inside

The uh the head then it tends to um they get small and they get they get dence there there there roll that up and voila so there you have your cabbage rolls and then all you’re going to do is spoon some sauce over that

Oh I’m going to be so happy later when I come home for dinner I’m leaving immediately after this to meet a friend for coffee so I won’t get to have this for lunch but I am going to have after for dinner so there you can see the before oven view I’ll throw those

In and I tell you what I did not intend supp to be an all oven day AJ where everything finishes up in the oven but oh well I missed the days where I had a three ovens one of the few things I miss about a commercial kitchen is 10 burn stove

And three ovens I don’t cook that kind of quantity of food anymore but man actually we can’t see stuff anymore it moved away a little bit there is nothing happening I just cleaned off the counter well that’s why we’re not seeing anything yeah yeah yeah we’re just I’m cleaning up for you

Because if my mama were still here she would insist and just making some room nobody go anywhere you should show the Cabbage rolles again yeah when they come out of the oven I’ll show them is that okay yep all right so here we are this is the short break crust for the uh

G cake and if I if it weren’t so inconvenient to do so I would really get in here with my hands and um put this together well and we may have to anyway uh just so that it all comes together easily and if it seems a little bit dry

If it won’t hold together when you put squeeze it between your hands like that it should hold together that that that will um so we’re okay and I’m going to taste a little bit of that in great flavor I don’t know how short ready that’s going to be and then I’ll pull

Our are filling again and then half of your shirt bread dough is going to go to the bottom here and I’ve got parchment line I didn’t have a uh I usually use a s pack but I didn’t have a s pack that would um fit my 8 inch pan I assume they make

Them and if I were baking them more you know I don’t bake a lot anymore AJ even though even though you used to have a bakery yeah it’s just a trigger food for me you know what I mean I know flour man flour sugar and so I um I’m trying to get

My Breads and flour consumption down to a manageable place so you gotta sometimes you just got to take it all out I’m going to add a little bit of water to the rest of this uh so that it holds together better when we put it on top right so

That goes like that and this looks very wet like I said this is an experiment so if this works out well I’ll be happy if not I tell you what I might um I imagine there’s gonna be something edible out of this one way or another

Don’t you AJ I think so sometimes you’ll take your messes and turn them into new things and that be what happen so then there’s a question from Debbie about your cabbage roll she says they look do they have to be cooked no once you cook

If you so if you did everything I did everything ahead of time but if you did everything all at once um and your millets hot and everything’s hot uh you roll it up and and put it on a plate and uh top it with sauce and serve

It good question Debbie would they get softer though if you cooked them a little longer well you probably what you want to do is when you’re cooking to soften your um your cabbage leaves right when you’re cooking to soften your cabbage leaves cook them longer so that um they get more tender

The Cabbage leaves that I cooked or just about tender enough to eat I left them a little bit um firmer so that um what am I saying so that for for the Bak purposes all right this is our our gir cake um if if this fails we we’re going

To have to talk about a revision which means I’ll probably post a video of me remaking it at some point but we’ll all know together here shortly so that goes into our oven oh we’re doing pretty good on time after we uh get everything in the oven

AJ we can chop more bundle M yeah find out what your contribution is and what you like yeah so let’s make some magic happen here all right up next is um my mother made potato cakes often I don’t know we there’s no Irish in her family though

There is in my father’s family but she she made them and we loved them and she would take leftover uh leftover a whole week potatoes or ho potatoes leftover potatoes and make them happen with with those and I think her may have had egg in them too egg and green onion if I

Remember correctly um we’re going to do a of course a a vegan version we are starting off with some hly pastry flour oh my gosh that poor sink and then baking powder sea salt you use salt right and we’ll just mix those together and then we’re going to add the

Remaining ingredients so it Cooks I I had to cook ahead of ton of course mashed potatoes and you’ll notice I do leave the skin on my mashed potatoes because nutrition there I buy organic potatoes so I’m not scared to do so almond milk unsweetened plant milk of

Whatever kind you use um that one is almond milk and then we’re going to put in a cup of so you can see me doing it a cup of um grated potato too which I an interesting part of the recipe uh Nan Simmons is watching she

Says you’re going to be cooking on her channel on Friday I know Nan what should we cook something good I will figure something out I may do something from the bundle I haven’t done that yet all right so there that’s probably enough to a cup and then we’re just going to mix this

Up so guys let me just talk about the power of Mison PL you see how quickly we started at about 10 after and almost everything is is ready to go you see how quickly that all happened this is a wet pancake right here so let’s get our baking

Sheet you could try these in your favorite nonstick skillet I’ve learned the hard way that the nonstick skillet works best without oil if you cook it on love and I know I tend to be one of those chefs that cooks everything on high I’m always get it done quickly blah blah

Blah but um I I saw some going to do this on low and it worked out beautifully so look at this these are our boxy it’s a lot like a pancake I tell you that I so that’s the that’s like the lka of the Irish this is the Irish

Lockas I I used to make lockas every year for my business partner Dr poer our friend Dr poer she uh always ran Hanukkah I would surprise them with her and her dad yeah she made them and or had them ordered them and got them for

Her dad one year and he said they were the bestes he’d ever had which I I found to be a great compliment because you know people think their version’s always the best all right so that is our alas oras our Irish loas it says 12 pancakes obviously I

Made them bigger and we’re getting six that’s okay but they should cook pretty quickly because I turned the oven up higher uh for that very reason let me go over here while we’re chitchatting and I’ll make me larger oh magic magic of television and do I look larger on screen

AJ now you do because you’re full screen and let’s talk bundle so I have to say I watched your presentation with Mark reinfeld yesterday Chef Mark and I ate in one of his restaurants years ago might have been in Portland I think uh it was fantastic

Food um but I was thrilled to hear he’s a chef like we are like he grew up through the ranks uh you know my my cooking experience is 34 years in in vegan and vegetarian kitchens so it’s it’s amazing to me that a such a talented talented Chef as tea uh and his

Food the flavor of his food the presentation all of that uh made me want to Aspire to be a different um kind of Chef so there you go um where are we seeing me at are you seeing me right there I I I mean I’m looking at you I

Mean okay so I’ve got another camera on I don’t know where are you I have three cameras going on here one that you’re apparently seeing is on the computer again and I guess that’s just the way it’s going to be that’s so funny as long as you can

See me yeah talk about the bundle in general what you’ve seen what you like and what you contributed well so I contributed um a book that I created many years ago the original version is uh still available at the wellness form but I updated it um to include some new

Recipes including an Italian dressing and a um another vinegret that I like a lot um and I one of my secrets one of my discoveries for me I’ve used applesauce as a fat substitute and an egg substitute for years and in baking but um never thought of it as an oil

Substitute and a salad dressing and it works really well again for the same reason it works in other recipes because the pectin and the applesauce especially when you puree it in the blender gives you that sort of texture that that that CL to it in this

I don’t know how else to say it that oil does right so it works really beautifully so any recipe when you you you don’t have to replace oil with silk and tofu especially if you don’t like to eat tofu um do it with app sauce or any

Any fruit like it that has that high pectin in it and it will make a big difference so there’s that I mentioned also in this this book um and I think in the show notes I list some of the different flavors that I have in that ebook um several creamy dressings and

And um the Southwest dressing is one of my favorites I use it and I make a a Southwest pasta salad I’ve made a Southwest potato salad that all have like green onions and red onions and cilantro and um well El roasted red pepper um and and and black beans and

Corn Etc uh well absolutely I better fact I sold that salad the pasta salad version of that for years at a local Festival here where I used to sell my food it’s and it’s very very popular so the the salad dressings are great they all have great flavor the spicy mustard

Sweet and spicy mustard dressing is probably the most popular dressing I’ve ever made um people used to come and Order quartz of it we for a period of time sold it bottled at Wellness form health and then we we used um Arc Industries which helps put people within the um U mental

Disability Spectrum gives jobs for some reason their kitchen shut down so we didn’t get to keep doing it and I haven’t found another source yet but it’s a great one that and the orange vinegret also another really good one and my stir fry sauuce which if you join

Me in CNS kitchen where I live um and take my beginner’s course or uh look along for any of my recipes you’ll find that stir my stir fry sauce is a great recipe it’s not in the bundle maybe next year um but I love Mark reinfeld um the

Seven Pillars that he talks about in cook cooking and and we agree on a lot of these especially one of the last on which is is look at or first or last look at recipes as templates right we we we we want you to get away from looking at a recipe as the

Law because they’re just starting places they’re just a collection of techniques using certain ingredients that can be changed out easily um I teach this in my beginner’s course in CNS kitchen um and it’s a technique that few people have started to embrace and they they’ll come

And ask me questions about it can I do that I’m like yeah yeah yeah yeah and you know the the key to it there’s certain keys to that we talk about in that course so I loved his book um another um what I was shocked by the way

At the uh cookbooks that are like 100 recipe cookbooks in this this bundle AJ the northern U Northern Indian is one that I’m excited about a great one by broccoli mom we made about four of her recipes already they’re topnotch well they look topnotch as someone who’s been

Uh cooking and loving Indian food most of his life um the first vegetarian I ever met my friend Jean was been vegetarian since 1969 lived in India for many years and learned how to cook and and and and the recipes look very similar except without the ghee and

Without the oil um you know we we think that we have to toast our spices in Indian cooking uh and you don’t you can dry toast spices and and get just as good flavor but her recipes look amazing I’m looking forward to trying them some more um sweet emy’s

Desserts um there’s several desserts in in there that are oil free oil free and desserts like cakes and muffins and stuff is hard to do so I’m looking forward to seeing some of those and how they turn out um you we’ve talked about me being an emotional eater and um and

And and all of that has rot on my life and I loved our friend um oh heck she lives right there near you but she has the trigger Journal um trigger Journal I’m not sure what that is oh she has a she put a journal in there she’s 80 years old

She’s she’s fantastic Middlesworth Linda Middlesworth her contribution okay um do I need to go look at my my bundle but I love so you know this bundle is not just it’s 2,000 recipes yes but it’s it’s also help getting you stared on your way towards um um adopting a healthy well-

Adapted a plant-based life and you know you heard me say I watched your interview with Dr Ferman I don’t follow Dr Ferman a lot but I was excited to hear him talking about the mindset behind eating as being important part of of weight loss and of getting our

Health and eating healthier is that you’ve got to develop a mindset for this you you can’t just think like so in other words for me my battle for many many years was always wanting all of those foods that I Ed to eat or some version of them and instead of learning

To eat more simply to adapt a simpler palet and to make that my daily regimen so making making healthy habits habits making them habits letting your body adjust and having enough time for them to become habits oh it’s so empowering and I’m I’m working on several things

Like that right now in my own journey and I’m thrilled with the progress that I’m seeing um in being able to manage Cravings being able to think differently about my food choices so that I’m not sitting here at 10 o’clock at night going yeah it’s not going to hurt I’m

Just going to go ahead and order that vegan pizza and anyway I’m not doing it and part of it is that you know at 63 you see the the results of your behavior come in a little bit more quickly in other words when I eat crap at night I sleep don’t sleep

Well so eating making healthy choices is a a great way towards um um mean seeing better results and and feeling better um so a Linda Middlesworth it’s called emotional eating Journal if you have haven’t seen that that’s her contribution uh it’s emotional eating trigger journal what Rie identifies

Trigger then helps you um do some writing about it so I love that one um who else um I am going to be on my channel on my Facebook live Wednesday with um Ann Arbor vegan um um Vicky Bret gaw Vicky was one of my students when I had a

Personal chefer certification course she was one of my students and um she’s gone on to do some wonderful things including writing her first cookbook so we’re going to get together and um um um uh talk and talk about the bundle Etc um I was happy to see one

Thing from one of the Dr Lumis um from one of the medical centers has a membership um that they can help you with the managing medicine so when when you put a a doctor who practices lifestyle medicine together with a nutritionist or someone who can show you

The food side of it it’s a win-win situation um so for some people especially if you’re medicated or highly medicated if you’re dealing with uh certain diseases and such uh finding someone to work with you to improve your health and get you off all of that crazy

Medication I smell food um is is PE it’s important um and everyone is starting to see that including my business former business part Dr popper now has someone who in her office can do labs and all that kind of stuff for you a practitioner look at the gorgeous

Cabbage rules can you see those guys no I only see you we’re only on one camera right now I only you let’s go back to the uh and then I have a few questions in the chat for you okay well what just happened it’s just

There and still you I know well you know one of these days I’m going to grow up and get there you go now we see the Cabbage oh Lord there’s our our cabbage rolls and again you know if you you do not have to put these in the oven but

There you go and if you want to have better presentation with these one thing you could do is sprinkle breadcrumbs across awesome or nutritional yeast or your homemade vegan parmesan cheese um so delicious um many of you are familiar with some of the famous people in this uh collection but there’s

A lot of people that I’m just now discovering like um what’s her nessing Detroit Rachel yes she’s gonna be on the show today she has several contributions I’ve never heard of her and it’s part of my problem with being an in such an introvert is that of course I have not

Not of her um but I looked it through some of her material it looks amazing um her her Lebanese uh cooking and such looks amazing so excited to see a younger generation getting in here and and doing this because you know I’m I’m not going to cook forever I’m going to

Retire in my my South Beach Mansion one of these days and that’s going to be the end of that and then you’ll hire Chef Mark reinfeld Hire all these young healthy Whole Food plant-based yes yeah got some questions uh do you cook any raw food Diane would like to Debbie would like to

Know I I used to teach raw food classes um I don’t cook it every day for me raw food um I do a lot of salads that’s that’s my raw food thing and sometimes the salad for me is is has just a Lemon Squeeze of lemon juice for the dressing

So in that sense yes I used to make every year at Christmas a raw food granola out of um one of my favorite raw food cookbooks it’s a gourmet raw food cookbook and I forget the name of the I know it’s called Pure Food and Wine remember they made the documentary about

Her bad vegan on Netflix yep the Pure Food and Wine cookbook has this Christmas granola you have to DEH you have to have a dehydrator and I do I still have a dehydrator um it’s absolutely delicious but other than that and I again I’ve taught raw food classes uh um

Many years ago when I was first teaching at Whole Foods but not so much in my everyday for me a salad is it makes me very happy I eat a lot of fresh fruit um now i’ I’ve given up um my candy cravings and and and have adopted fresh

Fruit um and then again I’m kind of I’m excited about how I’m feeling but no no no raw foods every day great and Nan says cook something from the bundle and Janet says do you have a Reuben recipe it’s the one thing I crave for St

Patty’s Day there is um maybe a Reuben recipe is it in the China City family or the China City quick and easy if you send me an email or a message somehow I’ll look and see um I love reuin and I used to do Satan Rubin um but I try not

To eat as much Satan anymore and I haven’t yet tried um soy curl Rubin or jackf fruit Rubin what about Tempe Rubin that’s what my husband’s favorite restaurant up here in Auburn is called nectar and cafe and he loves the Tempe Ruben I I do not love temp I made Tempe

Rubin many times um I’m not in love with Tempe um I I back in the day Tempe was the the healthy Source right and um you uh but yeah I’m not a Tempe fan that’s okay other questions yeah I think what really makes a Ruben a Ruben it’s like

You almost don’t need the fake meat part you just need the the dressing and the sourkraut you know let me let me back up and and answer the question like I should have answered it which is you can in my health my salad dressing cookbook is the Thousand Island dressing recipe

That I use to make Rubin and you’re right AJ for me temp the sauerkraut uh the dressing and I’m good to go that’s it’s Reuben Ruben rubenesque if you will rubenesque wasn’t that a type of art back in the day it was the Abundant women Theory

Back in the day yeah yep yep nice so that was a fun presentation of St Patrick’s Day recipes do you ever do a corn beef you know a vegan corn beef corn be I’ve not done a vegan corn bead um and I don’t know why I haven’t done a

Vegan corn beef oh these are done um why have I not done a vegan corn beef AJ you asked me this last month are you craving vegan corn beef no I just I mean I’m just thinking corn beef and cabbage is what you know a lot of people have

For I when I used to do it where’s my spatula when I used to do it it was um with saton I love saton but um I not everybody can have it you know some people can’t have weed that’s the only thing with that when you use that so

Look at our look at our um I’m going to tell you something our our potato cakes you know what they look like they look like a cookie let me hold those up for you to see they look great and I love how your your Sil hat has the little circles for

Helping you I know right because you know when you get to be my age you gota I talk you know I swear I like an old man but my neighbor who is also she’s 80 years old and a lot healthier than I am by the way uh every time I talk like an

Old man she she says I’m going to hit you if you keep talking about that and uh it’s just a number and it’s just about how you feel isn’t it so these look awesome um you don’t necessarily have to these are done as they are right here I

Don’t know that you need to cook them anymore not on the inside they look like a cookie though but look at that do you serve them with any kind anything because lotas we always used to serve with sour cream and applesauce yeah I think I said earlier uh look look for the

Um look for the um Hors Rish sauce recipe in my cookbook which is pretty much just sour cream with added um there you go look’s that it’s just sour cream with added horseradish um it’s my favorite this boxy not a bad deal boxy boxy good box um let me see if our what

How much time do we have um got a few more minutes sure got another show at 10:30 but you got some time I want to show you I don’t know I’m not so sure how this this gir Cake’s going to turn out but the crust the topping looks great it’s bubbling along the

Sides and I tell you what if it doesn’t turn out necessarily so you can cut it into squares like that I might consider doing it as a cobbler type dessert where you um you put the filling in the bottom of it oh my God that looks gorgeous you put the filling in the

Bottom I’m going hold this up to you try to burn myself put the filling in the bottom and then cover it with the uh the short red top is a crumbled topping this topping isn’t that gorgeous looks like a crumb topping yeah make a great crumb topping and let me

Taste the flavor the spices smell delicious oh my God AJ the flavor I don’t care I don’t care what else happen even if it turns out sloppy if it doesn’t cut well it’s absolutely fabulous flavor it is absolutely fabulous fabulous fabulous amazingly good so I’m thrilled with that

Um but there you go there’s some um something new for the Irish holidays and hopefully did I miss anything on the bundle I’ll be talking more on the bundle next this coming Wednesday I’ll be on Nan’s show on on Friday and I think I’m on um I’m on

Again on my own on Facebook live next Sunday and I’ll probably cook something for that next Sunday but don’t forget the link below help support and here’s what I’ll give you an advanced thing on you guys uh I am currently working to raise money to get my new cookbook photographed and

I would love to hire a photographer but even the food cost and all of that takes up some effort and so um all the money that we’re raising through this project is going to go for that you want the best photographer in the business she’s vegan

And she’s the food stylist as well she’s multi cookbook author Hannah Kaminsky you’re not going to get anybody better nobody okay well I may consider I I thought about doing it myself and I may still I’ve been practicing food photography but we’ll see well there’s a course in the there’s

A there’s a course in the bundle for that see problem solved I already got my bundle Ross Chef Yin who was on the show Friday she has a food styling and she has a course see so you oh nice well food styling is another part of that

That I need to practice with um I don’t know about you but I haven’t spent a lot of time on that yeah somebody’s saying is it possible to gain four pounds five pounds in four days on plant-based it depends what you’re eating it’s unlikely to be able to gain

Four pounds you’d have to eat an extraordinary amount of calories but it depends on what diet you’re coming from if you were coming from a calor restricted diet low carb or keto you put on weight if anytime you eat carbohydrate because you store glycogen in your muscles and livers but that’s

Not it’s very difficult be very difficult to put on that much fat in four days yeah you’re talking about 3,500 calories per pound on a bad day I might eat 4,000 calories I’ve had days I used to be a 10,000 calorie a day eater I was that’s how you get to be 500

Pounds is I could eat 10,000 calories and you’re only going to burn maybe 2,000 and most of those but you have to eat an insane number of calories to gain that kind of weight and don’t try you don’t want to um I one of the things that I’m doing in

My life now is slowing down all of it I I used to be such a starvation diet just to lose weight quickly because I knew I could and I still could but what happens is the weight always comes back I’m looking at more sustainable methods for weight loss slowing it down enjoying the

Process more learning to enjoy food by by chewing my food actually chewing my food is something that people do AJ did you know that no I did not know that chew your food people that’s a thing Dr Clapper always says chew your food to a cream there you go

So so yeah four don’t don’t gain four pounds don’t do it don’t don’t even worry the stress on your body is just too much yeah absolutely well Dell this has been great you’re coming back at for Regular Show which is in May I don’t know what day it is but you’re the first

Sunday of the month so you’ll be here before Mother’s Day so you could consider doing something nice for mothers why don’t we do a Mother’s Day brunch I think I did that last year but let’s do it again yeah there’s new things that you could have like uh you

Could do a tofu Benedict or what else is brunch like I’ll show you my blender pancakes yeah sounds good where I got that recipe from but I love them they’re so easy they sound great well this looks like a beautiful Feast sorry you have to

Go out now and you won’t be able to enjoy it sorry but love you guys yeah this cabbage looks amazing well thanks Dell and uh I hope you guys want to support Dell because if do there’s a link in the show notes where you can get the bundle directly for him

So he’ll get the credit and then he’ll have enough money to get a photographer to get the pictures taken for his next book yay thank you a thank you Dell and thanks all of you for watching another episode of Chef AJ live please come back

In 30 minutes for Linda Tyler who has a brand new cookbook on inflammation and it’s vegan and it’s in Costco and she’s going to be cooking from nourish to flourish

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