Shirazi Salad: An Easy, Delicious, And Healthy Salad
Learn how to make a refreshing and delicious Shirazi Salad with this quick and easy recipe. Perfect for a healthy and flavorful side dish. Enjoy!
Shirazi Salad
3 medium tomatoes
4 cucumbers
1 medium red onion
1/2 cup fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon dried mint
1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)
Salt and black pepper to taste

Cut the onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes into dice-sized pieces.
In a bowl, mix the lime juice, dried mint, salt, pepper, and olive oil (if using).
Add the tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions to the bowl.
Mix well to combine.
Ensalada Shirazi

5 tomates medianos
4 pepinos
1 cebolla roja mediana
1/2 taza de jugo de limón fresco
1 cucharada de menta seca
1 cucharada de aceite de oliva (opcional)
Sal y pimienta negra al gusto


Corta la cebolla, los pepinos y los tomates en trozos del tamaño de un dado.
En un bol, mezcla el jugo de limón, la menta seca, la sal, la pimienta y el aceite de oliva (si lo deseas).
Agrega los tomates, pepinos y cebolla al bol.
Mezcla bien para combinar.
#salad #tomato #cucumber #cucumbersalad
#cooking #cookingchannel
#cookingtutorial #cookingvideo

Oh A [Applause] oh Oh


  1. Hey, fantastic viewers! After savoring the refreshing Shirazi Salad, I'd love to know your favorite dishes within the same flavor palette. What other salads or fresh creations do you adore? Share your top picks in the comments below! Let's celebrate the wonderful world of fresh and zesty flavors together! 🥒🍅🥗 #FreshFlavors

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