by Rude_Economist9099


  1. supermoon85

    Yeah it looks like they’re selling diet plans so I’d disregard

  2. I mean if you spent 45 seconds on google you’d see the American Heart Association, Harvard, the National Institute of Health and a myriad of others agree olive oil is health (when it’s not consumed in excess). I’m not sure why you’d want others to do that legwork for you?

  3. boredonymous


    Let’s start with the author’s credentials. She’s a Veterinarian!

    Second, she places her opinions on what she considered cellular health. Yes, compared to med diet with nuts only, the factor of cell damage was more, but compared to the control, it was better! Why would anyone say because it’s not the best that it’s immediately the worst… Unless they have to push an agenda? Forks Over Knives has a very clear agenda to avoid the use of oils along with pushing the vegan lifestyle.

    Third, she states that the process of processing olives into oil is bad because it’s a process. Der. Pressing is processing. Its the manner of how olive oils are processed, which is usually pressed and filtered out, that’s not that bad.

    Fourth, it only explains how 14-17% of the fatty acids in olive oils are saturated, and yes, excess sat fat can lead to issues listed. It *fails* to mention the benefits of the high monounsaturated fat content (~75%), which aids in reducing LDL synthesis in the liver.

    It’s an opinion piece about how nothing is better than their “product”, written by someone who knows about the health of multiple animals, but isn’t certified or licensed to discuss health about humans.

  4. mynameisnotsparta

    If olive oil is unhealthy, then my family, who is Greek who literally drank olive oil for health benefits and used it in everything wouldn’t have lived to the ages of 92 and 102 respectfully.

  5. gopickles

    i don’t take things like this seriously unless they offer an alternative fat to cook with that’s healthier.

  6. MrsHyacinthBucket

    It’s BS. There’s decades of research supporting the health benefits of olive oil. The article is so poorly researched they didn’t even point out the main study they cite has been retracted.

    Forks over Knives was started by a guy to sell books, courses, supplements, and meals. There’s nothing wrong with being vegan but this guy has a great big agenda and it ain’t science.

  7. WaitingitOut000

    I knew it was from Forks Over Knives before I opened this post. It’s a bit looney toons with some of that bunch.

  8. Estellalatte

    You can find any article or so called expert to demonize any food. I would just be aware of the source of the EVOO, cold pressed organic is the best.

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