This soup was a real surprise to make for me! It used ingredients I dont usually use, and boy was it satisfying. This is typically served with some delicious bread. I am putting the recipe in the description if you would like to give it a try:

Minestrone with Fennel and Wild Garlic
(from the Blue Zones Kitchen, by Dan Buettner)

1/2 cup red beans, 1/2 cup chickpeas & 1/2 cup fava beans canned (or 1/4 each dry)
1/4 cup lentils
2 large potatoes chopped
1 onion chopped
1 bunch beet or swiss chard chopped
2 fennel bulbs, and stalks chopped
1 fresh tomato
2 garlic cloves
1 stalk celery
2 cups squash
4 to 5 stalks wild garlic
1/4 cup fregula pasta
3 quarts of water


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[Applause] today we’re continuing our series on how to live to be 100 by making another delicious recipe from our blue zones cookbook so join me today we’re going to be making a delicious ministr soup and this is going to come from Sardinia Italy so this ministr soup just sounds

Really good to me it’s got all kinds of amazing things in it but to start off we’re actually going to cook some beans and lentils together before adding them to the rest of the soup they’re going to have to simmer for about a half an hour so the recipe actually calls for fava

Beans red beans and garbonzo beans I could not find fava beans anywhere I don’t even know what a fava Bean is so I’m going to substitute some additional red beans for the amount of fava beans that we’re going to have so the first thing I’m I’m going to do is rinse my

Beans I’ve got some red beans some garbanzo beans I’m going to rinse them until they come clear and then I’m going to put the measured amount in a pan of water so I’ve put a half a cup of cooked garbanzo beans a half a cup of red beans

And then I substituted another half a cup of red and garbanzo beans for the fava beans and then to this I’m going to add a/4 of a cup of lentils I’m just going to cook this in some water for I’m going to simmer it for

About a half an hour and I’m going to choose to use these red lentils today uh I do have the brown ones so you can use either one it’s just a matter of preference but I’m going to go ahead and put in a four of a cup of dry

Lentil there you go I’m going to take this over to the stove and I’m going to bring it up to a boil and then I’m going to turn the heat down and simmer this for 30 minutes so our beans are done cooking so I’m going to go ahead and

Drain the lenal and the beans so to 3 quart of water I put in my rinsed beans and lentils and next I’m going to just chop up an onion now you can chop these up as fine or as large as you like I’m just kind of doing a medium chop today I’m

Going to put one chopped tomato in here going to going to be adding two large potatoes and again I’m just going to do kind of a medium rough chop nothing real big I’m using yellow potatoes but you could use rusted potatoes and I’m not peeling these I am leaving the peeling

On them the next thing I’m going to do is add some Swiss chard now this is one of the few times in my life I don’t know why but I don’t have any Swiss chard growing in the gardens so I had to buy this at the store which is highly

Unusual I always have swiss charts this is kind of one of those Staples I just always have in my garden but I don’t know this year I have had so many problems with squirrels and golfers and it’s pretty much decimated my garden so I’m going to be doing a lot of work to

My garden now a lot of people throw the stems out I I don’t I actually really like the crunch of the stems from these from these leaves but all we’re going to do is just a very light chop just going to kind of lay these

Out just so I can kind of cut them in half and the other thing I’m going to put a link right above but I make a Swiss charred pie that is so good it’s a you know it’s like for a main meal it’s not a pie that you would eat for a

Dessert but I’m not kidding it’s probably one of my favorite things I just love Swiss chart pie I mean if you’ve never had Swiss chart you might want to give it a try it’s got a very unique kind of a salty flavor it just really flavors up your food amazingly

Well and you can buy Swiss chard or grow Swiss chard either colored or they have like a green and white one I think the more that you can get the red colorings in your food the better off you’re going to be so the next thing I’m going to add

Is some fenel so this recipe actually calls for two uh big bulbs of fennel and then one of the things that I was reading is that in Sardinia a lot of the well compared to the United States here when we have fennel we pretty much much just eat

These bulbs but in Sardinia they actually chop up the green part of the fennel and they add that to their soups as well so I don’t know how that tastes I’ve actually never had the you know the green part of the fennel but I am going

To put in the bulb and I think I’m going to put in some of the green part I don’t want it to ruin my soup if I don’t like it but I am going to try it so all I’m going to do is just slice this into pieces and

Then I’m going to throw this in the soup you know it’s another thing I’ve really never grown in my garden as fenel I don’t know why I’ve just you know I I never have I don’t know I’ve never really cooked with it much so I’m kind of

Anxious to try this in this soup I know it’s supposed to be very healthy for you maybe take some of the green stock like celery maybe I’ll do one of these and try it cut this up kind of like you would an herb I guess we’ll see what we think of

It smells good smells very earthy we’re going to put one of these stocks in cuz I really don’t know what to expect since I don’t have any uh Wild Garlic I’m going to use a couple of cloves of just some regular garlic that I have there we go two cloves of garlic

Then I’m going to put in a small zucchini just chop this up and also put this in my soup so even though the recipe doesn’t call for it I had a couple carrots that I picked out of my garden the other day so I’m just going to add those to the

Soup it’s not very much I’m not going to peel them I’m just going to put them in here they’re very small small but they’re always really sweet and tender out of the garden so this is my soup I just put it on to boil and I’m going to bring this

Up to a boil and then I’m going to turn it on to simmer for about a half an hour we’re not going to overcook this soup but we do need the potatoes and some of these other vegetables cooked up so we’re just going to let this cook and

And I am going to add a little bit of salt and pepper I’ve got some Cracked Pepper I’m going to add and then I’m going to add about a half of a teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt I’m going to give this a stir and let the vegetables take over as far as

Flavor and then I am going to show you the pasta that we had imported from Sardinia that we’re going to add to our soup so my soup just has a few more minutes before I’ll be adding the pasta but I wanted to show you the pasta that we’re

Going to be adding today it’s called frula and it’s made out of semolina flour now this pasta just has a really unusual texture it’s almost like little rocks kind of looks like little Pebbles and there’s different colors I mean there’s some dark ones and there’s some

Real light ones it’s just it’s very very interesting pasta so anyway I’m going to be putting some of this in a jar so that uh it stays nice and fresh and um I’m going to be adding this in the next couple of minutes so the soup’s been

Cooking for the last half an hour so I just wanted to show you the consistency of it it’s actually smells really good in here and the potatoes aren’t completely cooked but it says to add the pasta at this point and cook it another 15 minutes so I’m going to go ahead and add

That and we will just continue to simmer this until the pasta’s all cooked my soup is finished and I’m going to serve it up so this soup is traditionally served with some crusty sourdough bread now this is bread that I actually made yesterday it is my bread maker sourdough

As you can see it just comes out amazing it has the most amazing flavor and this is my soup looks beautiful let’s see how it tastes it’s really a cold kind of a a rainy day today so all right let’s see what we got That is very good very earthy very good I’ll let it cool for a few minutes very hot but it’s got that earthy rooty just got a very good flavor very good got my beautiful bread and I’m going to link the recipe for this bread right up above if anybody’s

Interested in trying it this is a really good one super easy to make the bread maker does all the work thank you for joining me today thank you for coming with me while I cook another recipe from my blue zones kitchen cookbook and I hope that you’ll

Give this one a try I can see why it’s healthy it’s got more vegetables than broth and that’s pretty unusual these days but it is extremely good very flavorful I think the fennel the Swiss chard the different vegetables than I would typically use just made it really

Taste good so let me know what you think if you give it a try subscribe to my channel give me a thumbs up Share my video and ring the bell for future notifications and I’ll see you you next time bye-bye

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