Spaghetti and Meatballs with a cook time of 15 min and 15 min of prep time and dinner is on the table. Our homemade marinara from the freezer and quick and easy homemade meatballs takes this weeknight meal or weekly meal prep to a whole new level.

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A big old pile of spaghetti and meatballs in the Ninja comi 15 minutes total cook time let me show you how we did it so we’re going to mix up the meatballs real quick what I’ve got here is 2 lbs of ground beef but I do usually like to add

At least a quarter of the mixture be pork but I don’t have any ground pork th so I’m going with the two lbs of ground beef and then I’ve got one onion that is chopped up pretty finely because you want them onions to cook through in those meatballs and

Then three or four cloves of garlic three four five cloves of garlic I’ve got some bread crumbs about a cup of breadcrumbs that I’ve had soaking in milk so that they don’t dry out your meatball you’ve seen me do this before in other dishes and I’ve got half a cup of

Parmesan cheese finely grated I’m going to sprinkle in a little oregano anywhere from a half to a teaspoon of oregano depending on how much you want in there and then a little bit of thyme as well in there we’re going to crack one egg right into that

Mixture and then we’re going to add a little bit of salt and pepper you want to make sure that you get enough in there so those meatballs are nice and flavorful and then we’re going to put some pepper and we’re just going to mix that all

Up and once we’ve got that all mixed up we’re just going to start building the meatballs and I’m just going to kind of so that they’re relatively the same size I’m going to grab it and fill my spoon up and then I’m just going to put them

On the pan and I’ll come back and shape them but you want to try to get them all about the same size and you don’t want to overwork it so that they’re tough so I’m just going to make all those meatballs and get them loaded on the

Tray so we’ve we got all those meatballs made so we’re going to go right into the top of the comi with those meatballs and you can see that’s a pan full of meatballs and then we’re going to get our pasta sauce ready so I’m using this protein pasta so

Mine is not a full pound it’s 14 and 1 12 I believe so we’re going to put that spaghetti that protein spaghetti noodles right on the bottom of there and then I have four cups of liquid I’ve got four cups of liquid on top of that

Pasta and then what I have is about 24 oz of sauce this is a homemade sauce out of the freezer I’ll link that video down below so many of those sauces have things in them sugar and vegetable oil that you don’t want in your diet so that’s a

Homemade and I think I will rinse that jar out with just a little bit more water just so no none of that flavor gets left behind like I said that is a homemade sauce check out that recipe in the crock pot and then I just freeze it in the jars and I’m going

To take those bay leaves out of there we don’t need that in there and then we’re going to go in into the comi with that homemade sauce and pasta we’re going to close that door we’re going to turn it on and it’s already flipped up to Combi meals

390 we’re going to do 15 minutes but I’m going to check those meatballs at about 13 minutes and probably drop them down into the bottom pan so we’re going to check and see what they look like at about 12 or 13 minutes so a little over 3 minutes left

I can see through that glass that those meatballs have got some color on them so we’re going to open it up and take a look and as you can see they do they look to be perfectly cooked so I’m going to take that out and we’re going to take a look at

The pasta cuz I don’t want to overcook cook that pasta and it does appear that that pasta is just about done as well so I’m just going to kind of stir that up and what we’re going to do is just lay those meatballs right in that pasta

And sauce we’re just going to toss them all in that’s a pile of spaghetti and meatballs there everybody in the pool I’m going to attempt to start it without breaking those meatballs up we’re going to hit the top of that with just a little bit of

Cheese and then we’re going to put it back in there and literally let it cook one or 2 minutes to let that cheese melt on top of those meatballs and that’s so heavy y’all I can barely get that back as a pile of food and we’re just going to let it

Go so we’re going to go ahead and pull that out and as you can see that cheese is melt nicely and we got a big old pile of spaghetti and meatballs check out that video on that homemade sauce like And subscribe now to see more


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