First attempt at Macarons with a friend and they look like really brown oreos is there a reason for this aside from maybe burning them?

by JouzuSoju


  1. PancakeRule20

    Hi, have you ever opened a YouTube video about macaron recipes?

  2. FlyingDutchLady

    The piping outlines on these makes me wonder if your batter was not the correct consistency. They are also very obviously overcooked.

  3. Confirmatively

    Batter definitely too dry by the looks.

    E: I meant before baking. Just based on the way they held those grooves.

  4. reddpapad

    What exactly are you trying to do here? I’ve never seen a macaron piped that way….

  5. Elegant-Pressure-290

    Unless they’re dyed brown, they’re *way* overcooked, but there was also either something wrong with the recipe or something very wrong with your macronage. You should fold until the batter can drip down from your spatula in a figure 8 without breaking and then reincorporate into the batter (watch a few YouTube videos to see what I mean).

    All that said…it’s honestly hard to see what went wrong here, and that is to say that I think several things went wrong here. And that’s totally okay: these things take a lot of practice!

    I would suggest watching a few videos and maybe trying a different recipe.

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