Hey you thanks for coming back today I have an easy but popular Waldorf salad for You if you make it through all the chopping with me I will share the recipe with you on the screen as we cook our salad today over here in this corner you’ll see exact calories of the ingredients I’m putting in and over here in this corner you’ll see really cool things about each

Ingredient so for the dressing we’re going to start with some dried currants you can use raisins if you don’t have them and we’re going to use half a cup and in order for most blenders to be able to handle currants and raisins you really have to add some water to soak

Them first and if you add hot water it goes faster okay those currants have been soaking for a while and now we’re going to blend them Tada now it looks like uh I’m not going to say it add a dollop of cashew cream or cashew

Butter and if you’ve got it add a drop of cinnamon oil that will make a scrumptuous difference finally to this dressing I’m adding just a couple tablespoons of Plum vinegar you can see the plums sitting in there I just added plums to balsamic vinegar no big deal but I have a

Delicious flavor vinegar because of it so one 2 three and enough for about a tablespoon on each salad M beautifully creamy and so smelly good I’m using red leaf lettuce today cuz it’s beautiful and because you just got to change up your greens sometimes dang

It next comes some celery I just have a little bit left I like to put about a cup in each salad so if you have enough celery do that next comes three beautiful apples one for each salad I’ll chop them up really finely and add them on

Top all right so here we have our base of our salad but these apples are going to turn brown unless I do something so what I’m going to do is add our dressing to the Top This dressing made about a cup this recipe for this dressing made

About a cup and so I’m not going to use too much about four tablespoons of dressing there and I’m just going to swier it around swier it around swier it around so that it coats the apples so they don’t turn brown and yucky tada all right cool cool cool for the

Toppings I’m going to add about a handful of cranberries and look I found no sugar cranberries aren’t you proud of me yeah yeah yeah and the classic for Waldorf salad walnuts and the final ingredient is a dash of cinnamon T pretty delicious you’re going to love

It oops I forgot one ingredient this is the protein for the salad we’ve got frozen shelled edamami to go on top thank you for Mak making salads with me today I know there’s lots of other things out there that you could be eating but nothing will make you feel as

Good as a salad so every time you get the chance to make yourself lunch choose Freedom hey I really want you guys to see how much compost that making three salads makes that’s a lot of worm food so if you’re not making compost already maybe think about it maybe maybe I need

To make you a video so you can see how easy it is worms will be your new best friend

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