In today’s adventure I am going to make a New England clam chowder for the first time.

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Michelle the Introvert
P.O. Box 565
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
B5A 4B4

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Well hello my little rays of sunshine how are you all doing out there today I’m Michelle the introvert and today you find me in my kitchen once again I have an interesting kitchen project to share with you today and it has to do with these two cans of whole baby clams I’ve

Never cooked with whole baby clams before but I have a recipe here that I copied off the internet and this is for New England clam chowder it looks pretty easy and the ingredients are not expensive and it’s not complicated so I thought it would be perfect for today

But before we start this new recipe I would really like to welcome our new subscribers we’ve had a lot of new subscribers lately so I just want to thank you all new subscribers and you want to welcome you aboard and it is so great that you decided to join us thank

You so much and I thought that maybe I could share a little bit with a lot of you who don’t know this quite yet a lot of you about who I am and a little bit about my family as well to start with I am Michelle and I

Live in Yarmouth Nova Scotia Canada but I didn’t grow up here I wasn’t born here I was born in Ontario Canada and when I finished high school I went to a Catholic High School in Ontario um when I finished high school I moved down here with my dad and stepmother I

Was only supposed to stay here for 6 months with Dad and then move back to Ontario and live with Mom once again but in that 6mon period I met Gerald I met Gerald and he is now my husband we dated for a year and then he proposed and so

Here we are that many years later it’s been quite a few years it’ll be 34 years this coming SE September that we’ve been married so we’ve known each other 35 years boy time goes by fast when you’re having fun now I’d like to tell you a little

Bit about my husband Gerald Gerald the tall dark and handsome One Gerald has grown up here in Nova Scotia he was born in Nova Scotia he’s lived in Yarmouth all of his life and for a few years when Gerald was young his dad was a Lighthouse Keeper Albert

Bransom was a Lighthouse Keeper so Gerald had the privilege of living on a lighthouse with his mom and his brother and sister and they were homeschooled while they were living out there on the lighthouse on the island so that’s a really really that brings a lot of

Really neat memories for Gerald and um Gerald is very much into history and I love history too so we get along great Gerald’s also Musical and he used used to go to youth with a mission he did some missionary work in Dominican Republic when he was a little younger

Before we met and there’s so many things that Gerald and I have have in common it’s quite amazing that we met when we did but it’s been wonderful wonderful just being married to him it’s nice being married to your best friend that doesn’t happen very often to a lot of

People but um the Lord has been very gracious to us and I’m really happy to call Gerald my husband and my best friend Gerald and I have two adult children our oldest is named Stacy she’s a wonderful daughter and Stacy has her own apartment she has a full-time job

She has a cat named Harley and she has very very good cooking skills and many times our son Joshua will go and visit his big sister and uh we don’t ever have to worry about his meals cuz Stacy’s such a great cook we know that he’s going to definitely be well fed Stacy’s

A great cook and we have a son named Joshua and he is 30 years old and when Joshua was 17 he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome which is on the autism spectrum when Joshua was 18 years old he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and so Joshua still lives

With with us and he needs needs full-time care and that’s what I do I stay at home and I take care of Joshua and Gerald has a full-time job so during the day he’s very busy with his job so my friends that’s a little bit of a

Tidbit on us but I’d also like to mention because a lot of times often times many people are curious when they hear the word schizophrenia some people feel nervous um because of things that they hear on the news not in the positive light that’s for sure a lot of negative

And stigma is associated with the word schizophrenia but one thing I will say about our son Joshua and about many many people with schizophrenia and that they have gentle loving kind Hearts very very loving very very sweet and for those of you who know Joshua just by watching the

Videos you can definitely see that is a gentle Sweet Soul he’s an angel he’s he’s our treasure that’s for sure and animals are drawn to Joshua he’ll go outside and animals will just come up to him animals that have never met him before will just come up to him when we

Go to zoos the animals will just come right over to him not just because they want snacks but because they want him to Pat them this it’s very very common and even my daughter has noticed that animals are very drawn to Joshua they just sense his very gentle sweet spirit

So my friends we just welcome you to we welcome you and we invite you to join this Channel and we’re glad you’re here and for all my regular viewers hello my friends I’m so happy that you’re here too you always make my day and you always make me smile so my friends if

You have any more questions or you have any questions just leave me some comments and I’d be happy to answer your questions and and I think I’ll go on to the next thing for our video and that is mail call mail call I wonder who sent me this envelope

Alexandra Alexandra lives in Ottawa Ontario Ottawa is a very very beautiful place so let’s see what’s inside this envelope that was nice of you Alexandra to send this this envelope and we’ll see what’s inside oh oh this is nice life is sweet look at this this card look at the pictures on this

Card life is Sweet especially on Valentine’s Day hope it brings lots of Happiness your way thank you Alexandra that’s terrific that’s nice it’s always nice to get a Valentine’s Day card any time of the year it’s wonderful to receive a Valentine’s Day card thank you so much and I see here that Alexander has a

Little note so I’m just going to take a quick little peek at that in this note here Alex mentions about Joshua and I baking up some sweet treats and actually Josh Joshua and I did do um a Valentine’s Day video where Joshua helped me make some sugar cookies

Joshua really likes to help bake in the kitchen and he likes to barbecue and he likes to cook things so we had a lot of fun making the sugar cookies for Valentine’s Day and thank you so much Alexandra for this terrific card this is beautiful thank you very very much very

Kind of you to send this our way I found this terrific recipe online for New England clam chowder and what made me think of making this and that is the fact that Joshua really really likes New England clam chower there for a while I was buying the canned New

England clam chower but as we all know the prices of everything in the grocery stores have gone up and up and up and they’re still going up and with the CL the can of clam chowder that I was buying for Josh even though the prices were going up the

Size of the cans were getting smaller and smaller so it wasn’t really very practical for me to keep buying those cans because they were getting very very expensive I I picked them up once in a blue moon now when they come down for a very reasonable price but for the most

Part I don’t buy them but so when I saw this recipe I thought aha if I can make this for an exceptional price this might just must be the way to go and I had did some research and this can also be put in the freezer if I have an excess of

Extra chowder so this is a definitely a win-win idea here is a nice closeup of the recipe for the New England clam chowder you will need one cup of bacon chopped one cup of yellow onion chopped 1/4 a cup of allpurpose flour 2 cups of white potatoes un peeled and chopped two cans

Of baby clams drained juice reserved 1/4 a teaspoon of salt pinch of pepper 2 cups of cream half and half add various spices that you like now let’s look at the instructions or directions there are five steps and they look fairly easy I think it’ll be an

Easy and quick recipe to make doesn’t look expensive and I’m looking forward to seeing what this tastes like once it’s done I have everything that I need for today’s chowder my bacon is all cut up or chopped up into this measuring cup and I had some onions in the freezer they had

Already been washed and cut up so I just took out the amount that I needed it’s very easy and very handy to to do it that way I have my potatoes all ready to go and for half and half I’m going to use half of the cream and half of the

Milk for the Chowder today and I have salt and pepper some flour and when we get to the step where I need to work with the clams I’ll do all my measuring then so now it’s time to go to the stove step number one in a large pot

Cook bacon and onion over medium heat stirring occasionally until bacon is cooked and onion is tender step two add flour and stir constantly for 1 minute so here’s the flour and we’ll put that in the instructions are quite straightforward I find so that’s good news for

Me and then we’ll stir this in for 1 minute now we’re on step three and it says drain clams reserving liquid add enough water to clam liquid to measure two cups that sounds easy step four stir clams and clam liquid so those go in and the second can goes in as

Well just a little bit left in There okay so we have the clams in there and we have to put the clam liquid in there so here comes the clam Liquid I put it all in there the potatoes are next 1/4 a teaspoon of salt going going in little bit of pepper going in and now it’s time to stir get it all stirred in this is still step number four it says to heat heat to Boiling and then reduce

Heat cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the potatoes are tender that sounds very reasonable and step five that’s our next next step that’s also our last step so we’ll let this boil and do what it needs to Do It’s been 20 minutes and the potatoes in the pot here they’re all tender and cooked through so now I’m going to read step five which is the very last step it says stir in cream heat stirring occasionally just until hot so I’ll show you what I have here I

Have I have some milk this is one cup of milk cuz I wanted to make this half and half so there’s one cup of milk here and I also have one cup of cream so I’m going to go ahead and put this in the pot with everything

Else I’ll take this cover off so you can see what it looks like in there looks pretty good the flour has thickened thickened everything up really nice everything is cooked through it looks great I’m looking forward to taste testing this okay so I’m going to put the milk in

First and I’ll give that a little stir then I’ll add the cream oh that looks nice okay I’ll get the cream oops get that all stirred in just going to read my recipe card again for number five right here stirring cream heat stirring occasionally just until hot all

Right that’s the last of the instructions for this recipe that wasn’t too complicated just the way I like it when a recipe is nice and easy and straightforward to understand look at the Spoonful of good goodies you can see the ham really nice in there too and the potatoes nice size

Chunks of potatoes and the clams I can see the clams that’s a lot of soup it’s actually more than what I was expecting but that I don’t mean that in a bad way this will be nice for Josh was lunch tomorrow it’s the afternoon right now so we’re past

Lunchtime but this will be nice for Joshua’s lunch tomorrow it looks delicious the Chowder is all done and here it is it’s quite hot though I’m going to have to put this down so I’m going to taste test this and I have my napkin handy and all let you know what I think

Mhm it actually turned out better than I thought it would this is really good this is really really good I can’t believe I made this I’m kind of happy cuz it’s like first time I’ve ever made a clam CH clam chowder I’m going to taste it Again it’s hot too on my hands it’s hot oh that was really good I’m surprised how nice that tastes I knew it tastes good but I’m just surprised how how good it tastes how how well it turned out oh my my oh my I’m starting to not

Feel like such a beginner when it comes to cooking I get surprised at myself sometimes when I’m able to do certain things I’ve never done before but this is really nice definitely going to make this again and I think that Joshua will be very very pleased with this it’s quite hot on the

Bottom there so I’ll put this down my friends but this will definitely make a really nice chowder nice clam chowder lunch for Joshua tomorrow I think he’ll be impressed well my friends I want to thank you so much for joining me today it’s been a pleasure to spend the

Afternoon with you and I’m so happy about how the clam chowder turned out I’m just thrilled thank you again for keeping me company and if you like this Vlog please give me the YouTube thumbs up or press that subscribe button that would be great and I have more vlogs coming up so

Stay tuned and I’ll talk to you all soon talk to you soon my friends bye bye


  1. Great video as usual Michelle. Awesome job on the chowder. You have such grace and patience with all you do, it’s no surprise you cook so well. Looking forward to your next video (as I always am lol😄). Take care 😊

  2. Hi Michelle; would you please check with your post office…. thank you (package,amazon) I made this growing up..but now I find alternatives to milk ingredients looks yummy. !! 34 years….you look so young; a blessing for sure. OH AND HAPPY LEAP YEAR 2024 Michelle; happy baby clam day too those little clams r happy too! lol!!!

  3. That was really interesting hearing about Gerald and the lighthouse! It would be amazing if you could do a video at that lighthouse with Gerald as the guide. I guess it is basically unreachable though. Is it still active? I expect it would be an "automated'" one now.
    Donna and I are not seafood lovers, but that recipe looks like it has the potential to be an excellent basic plan for a corn or ham or chicken chowder. A simple substitution and we are in business.

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