What exactly am I supposed to do with this nubbin?!?

by No_Chemical3237


  1. softrockstarr

    Every few months there HAS to be someone to comment on the size of a chili pepper.

  2. GabagoolMango

    Ah, another person who has never a regular chili pepper before.

  3. Fuzzy-Mood-9139

    That’s at least 3 times the size of the picture of the size you should’ve got! Make sure you’ve got plenty of water/milk as it’s going to be a hot one!

  4. Optimal_Assist_4105

    Had the exact same reaction tonight 🤣 used the whole little guy and soup was delicious!

  5. BillHearMeOut

    Birds eye chili’s definitely can rock a punch, I think it’s funny when people don’t expect it. Slicing these is just asking to accidentally rub your eyes 20 min later and run to the bathroom screaming!

  6. snakesareracist

    It’s normal size because that’s a Birds Eye chili. They should really put a disclaimer on the recipe card for chili.

  7. 1hateth1s

    This is reminiscent of that other post asking if the beans were good because they had brown spots

    How do people go this long without knowing what real veggies look like?? OP were you expecting something like a jalepeno??

    Tell me you know absolutely nothing about real vegetables without actually telling me lmfao

  8. urbanAnomie

    That’s not a jalapeño, friend. They’re supposed to be small.

  9. theabominablewonder

    I dread to see how much cabbage you got 🤣

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