Cuts top to bottom, left to right.

Top row: brisket, ribeyes, flank steak, coulotte steaks, center cut sirloin steaks, stew meat

2nd row: Dino ribs (short ribs), back ribs, skirt steak, top loin (NY Strip) steaks, cross cut shanks, top round steaks, bottom round roasts

3rd/4th row: shoulder clod (rancher) steaks, flat iron steaks, chuck eye steaks, sirloin flap steaks, tenderloin steaks (filet mignon), sirloin tri tip roast, eye round roasts.

Not pictured 115 lbs of ground beef

by Large_Inspector_1165


  1. Large_Inspector_1165

    Yield grade 1.7 low to average prime carcass.

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