Hi all! I made some amazing lilac jelly using this recipe, https://practicalselfreliance.com/lilac-jelly/. I didn’t can it and am just keeping it in my fridge for a week. I love the flavor though and have a lot of lilac left in my backyard. Does anyone know of a safe/tested canning recipe for lilac jelly? If not, can you freeze jelly?
by crochetedclassroom
1 Comment
I’ve used[this recipe](https://pomonapectin.com/violet-jelly/) from Pomona Pectin. The low sugar helps the floral flavor come through.
There’s also [this recipe ](https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/make-jam-jelly/jellies/mint-jelly-pectin) from NCHFP.
In either case, replace hers with your lilac flowers.