Amy is a New York City executive working for Blossom, a wellness company that has been trying to launch deliverable meal prep kits. She needs to find a chef to help guide the venture and tries to woo Marcello Barone, an Italian chef. When Amy contacts him, he turns her down — Marcello got burned in the past by the New York restaurant scene and is now enjoying running a cooking school in Venice. To try and persuade him, Amy enrolls in his cooking school, which is located in a stunning Venetian palazzo. While there, Marcello introduces Amy to the slow-paced pleasures of Italy and shows her how the kits can be healthy by using fresh ingredients. But when the cooking course is over, and Amy fails to lure Marcello back to New York, will she go back or stay in Venice?

I think you know what you
need don’t hesitate take that
LE better get up off that F go ahead and
jump on it if that’s what you want
on if you’re going to do it better do it
right do it right if you really want do
it make sure it’s right do it right cuz
there ain’t nothing do it but if you’re
going to do it you better do it right do
it right do it
right now it ain’t hot as it see
do what you love just your
dreams and if you trying your best one
day now sing
along One More Time come on if you’re
going to do
it you
okay hey Sage hey Amy is Naomi ready for
me n she’s just about to finish up on
her daily silent meditation so I cannot
disturb her do you know how long she’s
going to be as you know Naomi does not
like to limit herself with time
restrictions can I offer your first few
a smoothie while you wait uh I ate
already sure it’s got a hydrating
multiplier compound yeah yeah I know uh
no I’m good thank you thanks send her up
there you go thanks
s Naomi Amy
how was your weekend good I was busy
researching and sampling our new meal
prep kits work work work you look tired
gee thanks you know studies show a good
work life balance actually improves
productivity I didn’t think my
productivity was an issue you know
you’re outperforming the development VPS
am I no I had no idea you need to make
space for some joy in your life you
might consider a vacation I was actually
hoping to joyfully discuss our new line
of meal prep
kits talk to me well as you know this is
a new department that Blossom is
exploring and the market is getting
saturated well we have excellent Market
penetration in the health and wellness
space which is why I want to Brand our
new line of Blossom meal prep kits with
the tagline hacking your health catchy I
like that we’re incorporating all the
latest Blossom supplements to promote
General Health and well-being great idea
you and I have always res ated on the
frequency oh I sense discomfort our
Consulting Chef Jean Paul he can’t seem
to blend the supplements without ruining
the flavor profiles the meal kits just
don’t taste very good so tell them that
Jean Paul doesn’t exactly enjoy
criticism well we can’t hack anyone’s
Health if they don’t enjoy eating the
food no no we can’t so uh I was
wondering if you might want to talk to
him thank you but no you said you love
your job and this is a part of it I
would not want to deprive you of an
opportunity for personal
growth I got it you
do thank you Amy be
Sage good morning boss good morning Doc
and how’s our Chef doing today I’m not
your Chef oh okay and I’m trying to
figure out why you have me working with
people who know nothing about food
that’s not fair Jean Paul Dr Higgins is
one of the top food scientists in the
country he’s just not a chef clearly not
I was wondering if I could talk to you
you are talking to me in
private I’m making a sule I cannot leave
my oven okay well Naomi and I have a few
notes on the new line of meal prep kids
notes what kind of notes well let’s
start with the duck recipe K can is my
favorite dish but the recipe calls for
the duck to be slow roasted for 2 hour
hours our customers are busy they don’t
want to cook anything that takes more
than 30 minutes according to who our
focus groups focus groups those people
have no taste and me I I tried making
the recipe on the weekend with cep it
took me more than 3 hours perhaps you
just a b cook I know how to follow a
recipe French quezine is an out form Amy
it is considered to be the most
prestigious quezine in the world and I
love that but you’ve got to work with me
here je Paul we’re selling meal prep
kits not a restaurant experience the
meals need to take less than 30 minutes
and we haven’t even talked about the
taste yet what’s wrong with The Taste
don’t take this the wrong way but the
meals just aren’t tasting that great
says who focus groups no no me it it
doesn’t taste great it’s because French
food has a delicate balance of flavors
and your supplements are throwing them
off but we hired you to blend our
supplements in your recipes maybe you
need to change the supplements no no no
no we can’t do that and I can’t change
100 Years of French
cuisine okay you’re the chef I can’t
tell you what to do
good but as far as the meal prep kit
recipes go you’re not quite there yet
I’m not quite there yet me so that’s my
fault no no no no this is nobody’s fault
stop I’m sorry but I can’t listen to you
insult French cuisine I’m not insulting
French cuisine I think you may be being
just a touch sensitive here I’m not
sensitive okay that’s enough I quit wait
what no no no no no you can’t do this
what me but Johan Paul we can figure
this out together we’ll have to be
together with Dr Franken
food good luck it cannot even boil an
egg do people call me that
no and for what it’s worth I can boil an
egg of course you
can jump Paul just a slight cleanse to
the aesthetic of two and four and we’ll
be right there so if I can have new Mups
by end of day thank you for your
word John Paul is on a plane back to
France explain our talk didn’t quite go
as well as planned I’m sorry we may have
gone down the wrong path with French
cuisine I hope you have a right path in
the works well I thought we might try
Professor Higgin recipes Dr Franken food
does everyone call him that he’s a
brilliant scientist and his food tastes
like dirt a good kind right well I’ve
been proactive in looking at several new
chefs if we didn’t want to go with
Professor Higgins and I’ve zeroed in on
an Italian chef marchelo favro he had a
restaurant here in New York cha Bella oh
I remember that place incredible pasta
and he’s handsome always good for
marketing marello quit chaella and
opened an exclusive cooking school back
in Venice but I’d like to take a run at
an Italian curated meal prep kit does
that sound healthy to you well Dr
Higgins thinks that the Italian flavor
profiles will be a good match for the
supplements all right worth a shot if
you think you can land him I know I can
good this is your mess Amy I know you
will fix it I got it
hey Maris hey wow gave me some sugar m
is my dad here yeah he’s in the back
cool can I get one of those I’ll bring
it over thank you
hey kiddo hey
Dad want some coffee no thanks Mar
Soul’s on it
okay hey can’t you just take a break and
have a coffee with your old man for once
I can’t it’s morning in Italy really I
didn’t know that mhm oh who’s
this and what about Italy dad stop who’s
this got to work I’ve got to find a new
shop hey hey always work work work work
listen to me listen to me you need to
stop you need to slow down and smell the
flowers you know maybe maybe get a guy
dad you want me to start asking you
about your dating life well you can ask
all you want but you know I’m not dating
no one can replace you m Dad she
wouldn’t have wanted you to be alone oh
look who’s
talking and besides I’m not alone I got
all these customers coming in and out of
here all day long s I’m fine and I got
you and what about Marisol
huh what about Marisol you do know she’s
in love with you what are you talking
about can you keep your voice down
please see you don’t like me nosing
around in your dating life either you
say I need to make this
call all right I’ll go see what’s going
on in the kitchen mhm
F hi I’m Amy balare I work at Blossom
Blossom what what’s Blossom oh it’s a
food and wellness company in New York
New York uh list I’m just not interested
oh oh but we’re just based in New York
we’re making a big push for a new line
of meal prep kits and we’re looking for
a chef to help curate the recipes no
thanks no excuse me um I said I’m just
not interested but you haven’t heard my
offer yet I appreciate your calling but
I don’t need to hear any offer okay
thank you and have a lovely day
hello did he just hang up on
me there you
go uh thanks Dad but um I uh I have to
run can I get that to go thank you I
you where you going to fix my mess bye
mariso bye
Naomi I just got your email you’re in
Venice marello uh didn’t want to talk to
me over the phone so I decided to sign
up for his course I thought I’d give him
some FaceTime and Pitch to them in
person in Venice well you said you
wanted marello so I’m doing everything I
can to land him I’m surprised
is that good it could be if you come
back with an Italian chef I will
okay watch your The Villa is just across
the bridge and around the corner okay
thank you can you take my see oh thank
you very much uh I’m good I’m good thank
yeah no actually uh can you just help
me I’m so
sorry I’m so sorry I’m I’m really sorry
I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t mean to I
didn’t know I so so sorry it’s okay oh
my it’s okay you okay yeah yeah I’m fine
are you okay I’m fine wet yeah fine yeah
uh let me pay for your dry cleaning and
and some more flowers no there’s there’s
no need really no no no no please look
I’m in a rush uh I’m late sorry have a
lovely day no I I insist but I’m Amy we
spoke on the phone
fore fore
oh hi oh hi are you here for the cooking
course yeah I’m Amy oh Jessica hi first
time in Venice first time in Italy this
Villa is amazing isn’t it it’s been in
Marella’s family for centuries they
converted it to a boutique hotel years
ago and now marchella runs a cooking
school here welcome to Venia I am Cina I
manage the cooking school and the hotel
I offer you proo oh if you’re in Italy
for the first time in your life of
course you’ll have a prco cheers sal sal
I’ll check you in and then I’ll show you
to your room thank you hi thanks um
actually I just
need I’m sorry but an idiotic tourist
pushed me into the
canal oh
uh hi hi uh hello again
hello let me say that’s a terrible
translation by the way yeah I I think we
all know what idata
means excuse my son sometimes he doesn’t
think before he speaks thanks anyhow um
marelo FAO pleased to meet you Amy belf
tourist how do I know this
name because she signed up for the
cooking course I’m going to turn this
off I actually work for BL we spoke on
the phone I offered you a job I love
Blossom really you’re hiring Mello
trying to but he uh hung up on me
yesterday I thought I’d try you again in
person so you came to Venice for
that I’ll see you later Jessie see you
later welcome sort of welcome
wow this is going to be
fun cheers
Sal hello you look great oh thank you
you too thank you oh these look good
yeah right one of
these oh yeah wow so how did you find
mello’s cooking school oh one of the
chefs at the restaurant I work at
recommended it I took a course with
marchello last year and loved it so here
I am again so you’re a chef I’m working
as a kitchen Porter at a restaurant in
Seattle but the dream is to open my own
place one day oh well here’s to dreams
coming true salute salute Jessica
darling wonderful to see you again you
too so this is Amy oh pleasure where’s
Harry uh oh uh probably at home I
imagine Harry and I know more he ran up
with the dog walker oh I’m I’m sorry oh
no don’t be sorry I get to keep the dog
so I think I got the better end of the
deal right Olivia also took marchello’s
course last year he’s a genius I let you
in on a little secret marello is a
darling and he will always be polite
about your food but that makes it
impossible to know whether he really
likes it or not Olivia hair is a little
competitive about which dish Mar likes
best so is this a little competition oh
no no marello hates competition but that
doesn’t mean to say that the rest of us
can have a little friendly rivalry on
slide oh hey you know who I think that
is in the blue shirt over there Bradford
Duncan he’s some kind of History
Professor by the looks of it he’s much
more interested in Venetian Art than in
the food good evening ladies a much
hello so nice to see
you Olivia Jesse and I we are all
friends I see I see and I don’t know
anything about you except that you work
for for blossom and you tend to push
people in the can again I am so sorry
I’m just kidding Amy came to try and
hire marello for actually what did you
want to hire Mello for we want him to
help curate our new line of hacking your
health meal prep kits hacking your
health what’s the heck is that we’re
developing organic meal prep kits that
blend a range of supplements into the
food to deliver Optimum Wellness those
kids are filled with preservatives and
processed food and it’s just an insult
to the art of cooking so I keep being
told listen Amy um I appreciate you’re
flying all this way to see me but um I’m
afraid you’re just wasting your
time but what we can do now I could
return your money you can stay at the
vill until you find a fly back home but
you haven’t heard my petch yet cuz I’m
just not interested sorry for that
anyhow have a good
evening welcome to
F salute salute
wow oh
marello so what are you doing at the
market J lag this Market is amazing yes
it’s been here for over 800 years wow
that’s crazy it
is I was wondering if I could talk to
you about curating the recipes right um
I’ve already told you last night I’m not
interested in that Blossom yeah but you
still haven’t heard my offer but I don’t
need to hear any offer why not cuz I
mean Amy I’ve checked your website and
you basically sell supplements that
Boost energy metabolism yeah but those
supplements are being implemented into
our hacking your health meal prep kits
but you wouldn’t need to do so if as you
say your prep meals were healthy they
are healthy no they are no I don’t like
the idea of having science bit
supplements in my food cuz for me
preparing real good food brings
nourishment not only to our body but
even to our souls cap okay marel hey
Angel this isy hi Angelo thanks to meet
you American mm I’m please to meet you
toy um what is a beautiful woman like
like you doing with this fool well I’m
actually trying to convince this fool to
come and work for me ah that explains
it she’s one of my students so what’s
fresh this morning
ah langas fresh from the Lagoon this
morning wow am so I’m going to take 12
of them for the
school oh no problem I will send them to
your Villa okay see perf okay nice to
meet you Amy you too Angelo
okay Andre doesn’t really know how to
talk to a woman without flirting it’s an
Italian thing it’s fine I can handle
it what about you what about me you seem
to be
unflirty I’m flirty is that a word it is
now I’m just trying to be professional
you know
well if we’re being professional then
let me Pitch you you don’t give up do
you no no I don’t okay and the cooking
course is 3 weeks so you know plenty of
time to wear you down I think you’re
just wasting your time but if you insist
on saying SCH oh no I’m I’m staying okay
then so you should take some time and
just enjoy the city absolutely I’ve been
reading the guide books no no just
forget about all the guide books what
you really need it’s a local tool it’s
the only one that matters
Ben so how did you find out she brought
back the wrong dog hey on the CCTV I saw
in everyone and welcome to the first
class of our Advanced Italian cooking
course so first of all uh find a partner
cuz you will be working in Paris te yes
please okay so you have to know that
cooking with others it’s an Italian way
of life it’s an expression of our land
and culture said that you must know that
every day we’re going to be learning a
new Venetian speciality just in a
morning oh this is going to be so much
fun cuz then after lunch I’m going to
take you out we’re going to go and visit
the city we’re going to see all the
historical and uh cultural sites this is
new it’s new to me oh don’t worry I’ll
help you all the way through it after
all we’re Partners now for our first
lesson we’re going to make one of my
favorite dishes spaghetti laa which
means spaghetti with langos in would it
be okay with everyone if I record the
lesson I want to give my boss a sense of
the Italian dishes we might use for our
mil kits yeah cool no no no no no b no I
mean my school is not for your research
and no it’s not okay for me that you are
recording so of course no problem okay
gra you listen ammy you have to
understand that cooking is like love it
should be entered into with abandon or
not at
all I got
it you will find all the ingredients on
your stations so off we go
you okay yeah I’m just a little rusty I
don’t want to mess up follow me you get
the hanger R yeah thank
you here we are so congratulations to
everybody for a great first morning bra
I’d like to thank my parents Joan and
Karina for helping us sample the food
and lending us their
wisdom now my favorite part of the
cooking class tasting your
dishes mama please have a seat I will be
tasting your dishes in the kitchen
starting from tomorrow right now it’s
nice to have a family tasting instead
per this is
okay very good but the flavor is lacking
I’m afraid did you use any herbs a
little but not enough it was my fault no
no Emy there’s no fault here we are all
learning together SP and learning to
cook with
abandon so you were
listening okay now it’s time for
Bradford and Olivia’s
dish you pass me the
for you go
m m
good perfectly balanced the flavor is
fantastic nicely done there’s nothing
else to say bra
bra now please serve yourselves and have
a taste of what you have made we see 1
hour time to tour some of the city okay
chiao all right
Amy uh you are the food executive from
Blossom yes VP of product development ah
you think of food as a product no no no
that’s just my title at Blossom okay you
have such a beautiful home a thank you
I’m glad you’re here marello likes you
no I don’t know that he likes me I think
he finds me Annoying my son has not
spoken about any other women since he
came back from New York until he met you
what happened in New York a that is not
my story tell you should ask
him I would like to try this this
very Maru is the principal square of
Venice and the French Emperor called
these PIAA the drawing room of Europe
yes you knew that I did yes
I read this square is the lowest part of
Venice which is why it often
floods and it’s called the a
alter I also learned that the Basilica
has over 500 columns built over five
centuries bra maybe a little travel book
is more useful than I
thought it’s truly amazing I had no idea
how beautiful it was until standing in
front of
it it’s one of the most beautiful thing
I’ve ever seen
hey hey ready to go just one second I
just have to finish this I mean trust me
this is worth leaving your emails for
okay okay okay I’m done
you like it very much you know my family
has been tending this Vineyard for over
100 years 100 wow vines that old still
produce grapes yes Vines are like women
they only get better with age quite
right Brad quite
right can we eat them sure but we have a
harvest to bring in so let’s get to work
just wow
delici this wine is made from The Vines
right here
fine and I have another special treat
for you good job good job no really good
job you just now you can make this
movement and you you know it’s easier
to wow good good good job today we’re
going to learn the art of pizza making
pizza is famous throughout the world as
a easy fast food but as you can see in
the hands of the right cook pizza can be
healthy and delicious his pizzas are
amazing so now go ahead and choose your
toppings it’s a fun bit
just observe how the crust of redfor
pizza will begin to puff up brown and
immediately cook just give some space to
so each of the pizza you have created
reflect your own individual
personalities for example bread for
cheese olives and Tomatoes Pizza it’s
strong but at the same time simple and
very delicious then we have Olivia’s
white mushrooms and Olive dark and
mysterious and now uh
Jessica pineapple and Panetta Pizza it’s
a nice play of what can call
hawaian but I have to be honest an
Italian chef would never blasphemy a
pizza with pineapple I’m sorry also
where did you find the pineapple that
was not with my beautiful Italian
ingredients that I offer oh
busted I snuck it from the fruit platter
we had earlier but Hawaiian pizza is
awesome for the record very sneaky what
about Amy’s have a try mhm
H you use six different toppings it’s
very complex you mean it’s a mess no I’m
saying that it it feels full of
contradictions but I think
contradictions make a person
interesting yes but we’re talking about
pizzas and people but you said to make
her pizzas
personal you to say that okay
um otherwise it’s getting
cold I have another slice another bite
okay big bite big one
wow spectacular
view I’m sorry about the pizza no am
don’t be sorry about it I mean we are
all here to learn huh also you’ve got a
very strong opinions about flavors which
is quite normal cuz you work for for a
company that promotes fast food it’s not
fast food it’s food for busy people who
want to be healthy that’s what it’s all
about have you ever heard about the blue
zones mhm sure there are places where
people live the longest and do you know
what all these places have in
common they pack their health with
scientifically design meal prep kids no
just the
opposite they don’t take any supplements
at all they have a diet based on Fresh
seasonal fruit vegetables whole grains
pure olive oils along with Organic meats
and wild seafood and this is what we all
should eat but you just taught us to
make pizza it’s not exactly a health
food it
is it is okay those pizzas could
contains all the minerals and the
vitamins that the body needs you’re
pitching me pizza as a health food I
don’t think people will understand
that I’ll tell you what tomorrow
tomorrow is going to be our day off and
I’d like to take you the market so you
will taste what I’m
in that’s kind of you I like that thank
it’s going to take few seconds I hope
but I have to leave this back to a
friend of mine okay he works here Loreno
looks beautiful this
beautiful Loreno Amy Amy Len Len ni to
meet you like you say in America have a
day look at
this you know basil is the most
important Herb in Italian
cooking Roman time they used to eat the
leaves to sweeten their breath before
going in a romantic date they never
thought of the Romans as being
romantic where do you think the word
romance comes from right right
mhm wow you can almost taste the
Chia I don’t see a ring
so you’re not married no okay you
probably have a boyfriend meting for you
at home no is that a professional
question it’s just a normal conversation
more I was seeing someone for a while
the chef actually Italian no no German
but it didn’t work out yeah well German
chefs make bad husbands oh really mhm oh
how do you know were you married to one
no but they always shout and throw
things in the kitchen it’s a mess isn’t
that all chefs no we are famous for sure
tempers even you I can’t imagine that
when I had my restaurant in New York my
girlfriend used to complain that I was
stressed out and angry but now I’m more
relaxed mhm more
myself so your girlfriend didn’t want to
come back to Venice with
you the moment I with the restaurant she
just dumped me wow I believe she was
more in love with the idea of dating an
award-winning Chef rather than
me well for the record I think the
Venice merell is pretty great thank you
you are not bad yourself it’s not bad is
this how you say in English no yeah yeah
fine your pizza still awful
ice cream tastes better here than in
America obviously obvious everything is
better and it’s called gelato
gelato you
are feels like everybody here is born to
cook nobody’s born a great cook I
believe you learn by
doing and you could share your town some
philosophy of food with the whole
world you’re talking about those prep
kits MH if I have to create a kit for
for blossom mhm I would make something
for families not just for individuals
yeah but not everybody wants to make big
meals many of our customers are single
professionals like me but the point is
if you cook for the ones you love with
love you have it you know what I mean
which reminds
me but I’ve been thinking about your
problem my problem what’s my problem
your problem in the kitchen okay you may
have talent for cooking but for some
reason you over complicate something
that could be so
simple I just want to make everything
the best listen Amy good food is not
about being the best
your heart
knows what smells what tastes and what
looks good
mhm you have to be relaxed okay follow
your instincts and it will be I promise
that it will
be have you finished with the gelato mhm
okay cuz I’m going to show you what I
mean okay so let’s go
wow yeah well this is my father’s
restaurant I practically grew up in the
kitchen do you bring a lot of students
no not into the
kitchen here we
are my father changes his menu every
single day based on what fresh food he
finds at the market but no matter what
he always makes his own
oh I love
pasta you know how to do it huh yeah
yeah I can do this but that’s good Amy
cuz love is always the right place to
okay he we
here we are all right so I don’t want to
see that okay just try to focus no it
this you can use
this all the fingers like this up you’re
watching me I can’t do it
okay no no no no
you do this
right now we cut it C
beautiful some pepper
mja wow I can’t believe I helped make
this you did a great job it’s such a
pleasure to see my son in the kitchen
with a woman
delicious you can serve it
tonight really here at the restaurants
yeah maybe it’s a little suffring it’s
good I it’s quite rare that my father
allows one of my dishes on the menu it’s
not just your dish it was a
collaboration no
yeah making great team do team work M
team workk
okay oh
Naomi hi have you signed him yet not yet
not officially but he’s coming around
I’m close but he had a bad experience at
his restaurant in New York meaning I
might need to stay for the whole course
listen Amy you’ve already been there a
week I need you back at work and I need
a chef I won’t wait forever close the
deal and get back
here hey may I join you yes
please you look deep in thought
contemplating my future at work it looks
like things are going great with wooing
Mello not wooing could have fooled me no
I’m just just really under the gun I
don’t know what I can do to get him to
say yes if he’s flip-flopping it’s
probably not about you and he can’t
control all the people’s decisions I
don’t want to control his decision but I
don’t want to lose my job well that’s
crazy if you lose your job if was
something you can’t control maybe it’s
not the job for
o that smells Del look at it’s not the
moment go to the stations immed
hey so now today I’d like to make a
Twist on my Venetian daku with boli as
you can see it’s a thick pasta huh very
common in this
region yeah yeah W okay now you can
taste it if you
like use your hands don’t don’t be
afraid here you are take a little one
I’m going to take a big
wow my goal today is to inspire and
encourage you to experiment with
whatever flavors you wish to use in
making your Twist on this dish okay
perfeto I’m going to leave it here I
have to clean everything so you’ve got
hey oh my gosh
the garlic the garc so good yeah you
can’t go wrong with
no you’re getting really good at this I
had a little refresher yesterday what a
lesson with marshello ooh a private
lesson I was wondering where you were it
was just to keep up with all of
did well whatever it was it worked this
amazing let’s see what you have made for
me we have made made a Asian Italian
spicy duck and bigly noodles with plenty
of ginger and
garlic it looks very nice
I’ve never tasted a dark dish quite like
excellent It’s amazing thanks thanks
Chef give me fantastic one that’s
something we also made a spin on the
traditional Venetian duck Rego instead
of a Rego we made a dark Cony and we’ve
used saffron to infuse the bigoli
saffron MH with a marvelous choice
the DU confit is impressive well
done I’m not sure the suff quite works
with this dish but I appreciate the
experiment bra thanks je thanks should
be proud uh Marell s uh can I get 5
minutes to continue our conversation
Blossom see Al I have to meet my parents
but then I’m going to take you all to
the island of Morano in the afternoon so
we can talk there perfect
oh my
gosh it takes
1,200 de to make the famous clear glass
wow that’s really hot my colleague then
takes his Kaa and then he blows through
the pipe and twists and this over here
guys is the final product wow what a
thing of beauty but it’s nothing
compared to your beauty
Olivia rred you’re such a flirt I guess
Italy must be rubbing off on me well I’m
surprised to F that I quite like
it excuse me I leave you with Jessica
have a
seat who knew that Bradford was a
romantic side well they do say Italy is
the most romantic country in the world
who said that I don’t know
everyone it was really nice of your dad
to put our dish on the menu we never had
a dish on any menu just wait until you
became a chef me no no I don’t think so
I think we make a great team come to New
York and try it at
least I haven’t agreed to go back to New
York to do this for you not for me with
me and you’re warming up to the idea I
can feel it
she but now I leave here and I’m happy
so I know but
it’s so why would I live
Ealy huh honestly I don’t know this
place is
perfect oh my goodness of course that’s
it what well there’s no reason for you
to leave Italy you could curate the
recipes right here in vanas I mean we
can make them exactly how you want them
to be we could shoot instructional
videos from your cooking school or put a
QR code on the box that links to a live
stream what do you think very pushy you
know that take that as a
compliment ah Amy hey you look from a
painting sitting there with that
mysterious smile you caught me admiring
The View thinking this is a really
spectacular place to
think may I of course please join me in
painting ah I never Tire of this who
would I know that
oh that is not a smile of a thinker that
is a smile of a lover what
no Katarina if you mean a lover of work
of someone trying to figure out how to
coax your talented son into working with
me then yes this is the smile of a
lover you know young
lady flowers should be enjoyed while
they are in
bloom time
flies seasons
pass and before you know it
winter that sounds like something my dad
say parents are always right and they
everything thank
you hey thank you you come back again
here heyy hey Dad is everything all
right honey yeah yeah I’m good I just
wanted to hear your voice a that’s so
sweet I miss you hey I miss you too baby
but I hope you’re having a good time out
there actually I’m having a really great
time I’m learning a lot about Italy it’s
gorgeous here Ah that’s wonderful and
how’s that marello fellow how’s he doing
yeah yeah turns out I like him you like
like him or you like him stop no you
stop you know I don’t know what it is
but uh you seem
relaxed sound happy it seems as time in
Italy is something you needed kiddo yeah
yeah maybe it
is uh honey I I got a customer I got to
go okay I love you love you too baby bye
hey no thank you I’m waiting for someone
Amy it’s me
what we’re going on a gondola really
when in Venice
right oh actually can you keep us out of
the water this time h
that was your fault not mine oh yeah
yeah I remember idiot tourist wasn’t it
I deserve that are you willing to give
me another chance
W you’re feeling the sickness a little a
little it’s beautiful
boat I can’t believe how gorgeous
everything is here the sights the smells
and of course the food have’ all been
incredible what about the
people yeah the people have been pretty
too I don’t know I don’t know what it is
it’s just
I feel so alive here yeah well I feel
the same that’s why I moved back home
yeah I can understand
that I just feel like I’m seeing the
world in a way that I didn’t before you
know I’m sorry I don’t know what’s wrong
with me I me there’s nothing wrong with
you B is a magical
place Life is Beautiful
so may I ask you um a personal question
course you are a beautiful strong
intelligent and sensitive woman thank
you but that’s not a
question why do you choose to be
alone I don’t choose to be alone I think
I’ve just always chosen a successful
career over a personal life plus it’s
really busy at work so it’s hard to meet
people too busy for love I don’t have
time for a relationship right now
so but if it’s not now then
when I can’t believe I just rode on a
gondola if you lived here you could do
that every day yeah but if I didn’t it
every day it wouldn’t be special yes but
in Venice every day is a special day and
this is why we need you to work for
blossom would you
stay what do you
mean I mean would you stay in Venice to
to make those videos with
me I’d be with you every step of the
way that’s the best part of your
far yeah I have another place to show
you so let’s go okay
no wow looks like Love Is in the
Air apparently this is the most romantic
place in the
world I never thought of bridges as
being romantic but this one proves me
wrong see guide books can never compare
to seeing this city with a
local there’s no other place like
Venice still can’t believe how you just
decided to take a plane to come here I
did it for
work maybe now there something more than
work I mean you you’ve been learning so
much about Venice
M do you know about the The Legend of
the bridge of size no okay so then the
legend goes that if a couple kisses
Under the Bridge at sunset they will be
blessed with eternal love
H it’s really beautiful I
never thought of bridges as being
romantic I’m just checking that this
isn’t the bridge of size right this one
mhm no
okay I’d love to see it one day
here you go thank
you can you believe today is the last
day of the course I know it’s G by so
fast time flies on your teacher’s pet oh
come on I am
not I’m just going to miss the people in
the classes huh I thought you just took
the course to persuade marello to work
with you I did at first but now you want
him to love your cooking no well okay
maybe I do a little bit so has he signed
up to work with you no not yet but he’s
hopefully I knew it and I think there’s
something more going on with you too
okay maybe a bit than me me too you
found a Summer Romance in Italy this is
better than a romance novel I know it
sounds crazy but this doesn’t feel like
a Summer Romance at all it feels real oh
wow okay well how’s that going to work
is he going to move to New York with you
no no he’s made that clear but we’re
talking about him working from
here so you would also work in Italy I
don’t know maybe I mean I haven’t
checked with my boss yet but yeah then
maybe I will too what what do you mean I
heard that Marella’s dad is short-handed
in the restaurant should I ask I would
die to work in Venice yes absolutely ask
maybe we could be roommates here yes
amazing Cheers
Cheers crazy know everyone know
I’m sad to say that today is the last
day of our cooking course
a all of you have impressed me so much
over the past weeks learning and
creating beautiful Italian dishes well
done you have poured your hearts and
souls into your food and I really
appreciate the passion
graa now I don’t want to get too
so for our last day after just a dish
that sounds simple but is in fact quite
complex it’s a dish that is going to
help you to remember your happy time
here in Venice and I’m talking about the
resot don’t forget to use the basil
never I love basil it’s very romantic I
hear fore
done it’s perfect
so Bradford tell me about yours and
Olivia’s rot what did you do uh mostly I
did what Olivia told me she told me to
stir and uh she focused on the flavors
sounds like excellent teamwork
it’s very
bra stunning
presentation and I can smell the lime
which is nice
perfect there’s nothing else to
say you’ll turn me into a good cook
after all I mean you are already a good
cook and I have a feeling that you’re
going to become a great chef if you
want I’ll see you all at the party
okay my
compliments no yes Jessica darling we
all saw it a Summer Romance in Italy can
you even oh I think it’s quite delicious
you guys
stop congratulations on your win ladies
although I think our teacher was grading
on a curve what I mean our rerto was the
best but not going to lie I think the
fact that you made it kind of helped no
how dare you mign a risoto with
allegations of favoritism whatever is
going on here seems to be far more
interesting than clearing dirty sement
marchello and Amy are totally crushing
on each other huh that means they really
like each other Bradford oh obviously it
was clear to me from the moment they
met chemistry is
everything I’ll help you with those
wow that is a very long line is it good
or is it bad don’t look wor it’s
good oh what’s happening over over here
oh Olivia’s just giving me a read oh
Jessica has a shift in a fate line her
what oh that is very exciting
Jessica Amy your turn oh no no no no I’m
okay come on come on it’s just a little
bit of
fun okay okay why not okay give me both
your hands let’s have a look a that’s
interesting you have Earth hands yes yes
yes I can see that meaning what well
Earth means you’re very practical
logical and a thinker mhm but you know
what I think I think maybe you think a
little bit too much and you’re not
hearing your heart and you’re not
listening to your gut I mean it is about
food after all I should go no no no no
no no no Olivia’s just getting to the
good stuff look at that love line okay
I’m going to go and do some work see you
later my T oh come on Brad you just want
to hold Olivia’s hands oh I don’t mind
holding your hand
say I do love it when we work together I
know you do more me wasn’t the same when
you were in New York Mar I know I’m so
happy to be back home in
Italy yeah your mother was telling me
about this YY person you’re spending
time with her so you like her M Papa she
lives in New York I’m here but you like
her no yes but it can’t be like
that die
Mama come on I don’t want to have
anything less that’s what you have
okay marello we both see how you look
this woman maybe she’s your
one okay H
out catch you later
CIA chew you I Che
you oh wow
people so what’s the word for marello oh
he said he’ll make a decision tonight
but it’s driving me crazy what about you
do you talk to Marella’s parents yes and
they seem
interested wow but listen no matter what
tonight should be a celebration we did a
great job finishing the course we should
be having fun you do remember how to
have fun don’t you I think so
Amy what a lovely celebration we have a
lot to
celebrate here have some Venetian SPS
thank you
gra this is delicious ah it’s my
favorite don’t worry he will be here
soon there he is
and welcome to the final celebration of
our Advanced calian cooking course our
cooking students have worked incredibly
hard to master the magic of the Italian
cuine so now please students come to the
front can I leave this here thank
you I’m unbelievably impressed by all of
you you have just set a new bar for
Innovation and excellence and as you
know for me preparing good food is an
act of love and in uh learning to cook
with me each one of you has earned a
place in my heart so I’m just happy to
announce that you have all graduated and
now you can proudly call yourselves
Advanced Cooks in the art of Italian
cuine oh wow thank you Jess thank you
Olivia and now there is just one last
thing to do the class photo oh maralo
you must stand in the middle why
you oh that looks
great would you like to dance with
me I would love to
what’s wrong I don’t know you tell me
I’m going to have to leave tomorrow
unless you get me an
answer I’m still considering it can’t
stay in Venice forever waiting for you
to make up your mind rello I have a job
I’ve offered you creative
control what does it mean
exactly it means that it’ll be a
collaboration they could be
partners so that means that you’re
staying in ven
yes so then I say
yes phly th% yes
I’m so
sorry oh it’s my
boss do you mind if I tell her the good
news no go ahead
Naomi hi marchello’s agreed to come on
board and it’s going to be a
collaboration with his cooking school in
Italy and it’s going to be all about
passion and community and am pause I’ve
read your emails and I love the concept
but I think it’s just a little off brand
for blossom but it could be Blossom
lovely work getting him but he has to
get on board with what we create meal
prep kits with supplements is our brand
but Marella wants the food to be natural
well this isn’t about what marchello
wants or doesn’t want you were on to
something with the hacking your health
line yeah yeah I know but since being
here I see that natural food has all the
benefits of the supplements and more
Naomi cooking for other people is an act
of love what has gotten into you I think
we have the opportunity to create a
product that is truly unique thank you
Amy but no I appreciate your enthusiasm
we have to stick with what Blossom is
sage has you both booked on a flight
back to New York tomorrow we can talk
more once you’re home but I just told
marello we could work from
Venice well things change see you in New
York where the Cosmetics
te is everything
no Naomi wants us to fly to New York
she wants to go back to the original
hacking your health format in New
York I guess it’s better for the
brand I’m
sorry I’ve already told you I’m not
going back to New yor I know you said
that I know
but you made me feel this was something
real and I feel it
merello the past few weeks have felt
like a dream but maybe I have to wake
up I want to stay here with you marello
I I do but I have a job and if Naomi
won’t get behind this idea
then I’ve worked really hard to get to
where I am
today why do you always have to make
complicated I know that you’re
scared but if you feel something for me
maybe it’s time to make it
simple just follow your instincts
okay what do you
feel I want to but I
can’t of course you
can I’m
sorry but I have to go back
okay I’m sorry to
I’m so sorry to see you me too please
come back and visit him I will CH we
missed you last night here was quite the
party wow Olivia and Bradford realized
they both knew how to tango and they
burn out the dance Flor for hours mayy
exhausted just watching them did you
sneak off with marello no no we had a
fight oh I’m so sorry me too I can’t
believe this is how things are going to
end no no no no does it have to end all
I know is that marello is staying here
and I’m heading back to New York anyway
when are you leaving I’m not what
mello’s parents offered me the job what
no way oh I’m so happy for you well it’s
not the same as opening my own
restaurant but you know step in the
right direction yeah I was really hoping
you and I could have found an apartment
here together I know I know but I’ve got
to go back to Blossom and explain why I
lost marello as the Consulting Chef have
you at least called him to say goodbye I
tried but it went straight to voicemail
maybe you could talk to your boss about
staying here a little longer I think
that ship has sailed speaking of I need
to catch my water taxi to take me to the
airport it’s been lovely meeting you
Jessica come here good luck with
everything and enjoy this exciting New
Life in Venice it was nice to meet you
Amy you
too and
Amy you’re a good chef
Chell hey hey
what’s wrong what’s wrong Mama me and
Emmy we are not going to be working
together it’s a fact I know she just
left how can you let her go like that
her boss wants us to go back to New York
and but you like Amy
no a lot yes you love her I know you
love her he loves her I know he loves
her I know he does you know he does
knows but leave him
no don’t let her go go and talk to her
but if I go and then I discover that she
doesn’t love me at
all if you can’t see that she loves you
then you are truly an idiot
okay see you
later I’m just getting ready to leave
for the
airport great you and marchello are
going to be pitching the board tomorrow
no marello is not coming I sent you an
email I know I saw it I figured you’d
fix it no no I won’t fix this he doesn’t
want to come to New York but this is
what you do you need to convince him
this is who you are Amy
actually I don’t think this is who I am
I’m confused what are you saying I don’t
want to be the person who convinces
people to do things I I want to be the
person who does something they
love are
diverging I think so I’m happy for you
but you can’t leave me hanging with Dr
Franken food no no I won’t I uh I know
there are plenty of other amazing chefs
who would love to work at Blossom okay
thank you you’re not mad mad of course
I’m mad
but I am letting it go I’m really
grateful for everything you’ve done for
me and I’m grateful for you good luck
fore fore
hello what are you
doing what are you doing here my parents
told me that you checked out and you
were living yeah I’m I’m heading back to
New York except I quit my job at Blossom
you quit I don’t want to work there
anymore but I have to go back I mean why
go back now because I have a life there
but you can have a life here I mean just
drive me crazy you said that you could
stay for work and now I’m asking you to
stay for
me what are you
saying I love you I love you
do you see where we
are bridge of
sze if a couple kisses Under the Bridge
at sunset they will be blessed with
eternal love
so please stay with me


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