A friend asked me for a ramen dinner as one of her birthday parties (good for her, I cannot stand having just one birthday party for me!).
I made a doubutsu kei shouyu with oven roasted loin (slightly too dry) and sous vide lemon chicken breast (very good, as usual). For the first time I added egg white powder to the chūkamen, as a result they took 30 s more to cook and were way more bouncier and kept al dente untik the end of the bowl, nice update!
I still have to find a pork chashu that I really love, tried almost all ways to cook them except for smoking…my favourite cut it's coppa, loin being too lean (very good when rare, but hard to cut apart with a bite) and belly too fat for my tastes. Well, the journey continues!

by IoaneRan


  1. Worth to mention, I forgot to make the overnight soak of the bones and no blanching neither skimming were done to the broth. The result was just as good…. I’m confused.

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