Thank you for SUBSCRIBING! The PERFECT “Big Game” Buffalo Chicken Dip – NOW I use ROTISSERIE CHICKEN! It comes out just as good as sautéing the tenderloins and it SAVES TIME! Just toss the rotisserie chicken pieces with some of the butter whisked with the Frank’s Red sauce, and begin to layer. It’s a layered dip made of cream cheese, chicken sauteed in Frank’s Red Hot Sauce, drizzled with buffalo sauce, topped with cheddar cheese, mozzarella, and crumbled blue, baked until bubbly!



hi guys Michelle here with the traveling
epicurean I got a great dip for you
it’s a buffalo chicken dip it’s layered
we bake it in the oven until it’s bubbly
and then we eat it with tortilla chips
or carrots or celery unbelievable you’re
gonna love this and it’s so simple to
make and yes I am getting into the
football spirit um it’s the beginning of
the season so everyone’s pretty excited
I have my eye black and my Patriots
colors from my dad and now I have this
amazing dip I can’t wait to show you how
to make so let’s get in that kitchen and
I’m going to grab those ingredients so
these are the ingredients for the
buffalo chicken dip we have chicken
tenderloins we have some sliced carrots
and celery room-temperature philadelphia
cream cheese some homemade buffalo sauce
made with the Red Hat’s and a half a
stick of melted butter you just whisk it
it blends really nicely 1/3 of a cup of
crumbled blue 1/3 of a cup of shredded
cheddar and 1/3 of a cup of mozzarella
some tortilla chips and Frank’s red hot
sauce and we’re gonna get the chicken on
the stove and just start to simmer that
with some Frank’s Red Hot Sauce all
right so what this buffalo chicken dip
is it’s a layered dish the first layer
is cream cheese it’s all puffy when it’s
heated the next layer is chicken that we
saute and Frank’s redhot sauce then we
drizzle our homemade buffalo sauce on
top of that and then sprinkle 3 cheese’s
cheddar mozzarella and crumble bleu we
bake it till it’s sizzling and bubbling
and then we dive in with these tortilla
chips or the carrots or celery it is to
die for
you’re gonna love this let’s get over to
the stove and we’re going to start
making that chicken so I just
can with 1 tablespoon of olive oil to
coat the pan and I’m gonna let it sauté
for about 2 3 minutes on each side just
to get a little bit golden to some color
and then I’m going to flip it over into
another few minutes
on the other side and then we’re going
to add some Frank hot sauces so here we
go it’s been about three minutes I’m
just going to flip it over so simple I
love this recipe couldn’t get any easier
I don’t want to be slaving in the
kitchen when I have guests over I love
this recipe
oh so that’s going to be another three
minutes on that side and now I’m just
going to start to sprinkle in some
Frank’s Red Hot Sauce now it’s going to
be about two tablespoons okay it doesn’t
have to be exact it’s going to be
absolutely delicious we’re just going to
let it simmer on that about two minutes
so thickens up a little bit then we’re
going to take it off the stove I’m going
to shrug it up you can try it you can
cut it whatever makes you happy and then
we’re going to start layering our dip
and I got the oven preheating at 375
right now look how beautiful they look
oh it smells so good I’d be careful not
to smell so closely because dad Frank
hot sauce will go right up your nose all
right I so look how gorgeous this is
another two minutes on medium high and
now Frank’s hot sauce thickened up and
I’m just going to leave it right in the
pan here and then I’m just going to take
two forks and just look how tender that
tenderloin me is and we didn’t cook it
for very long so it didn’t get tough on
us oh my goodness it smells amazing I
love the smell of buffalo sauce it just
reminds me of having wings yet this is
so much easier than making chicken wings
all right so I’m going to shred this and
then we’re going to start layering all
of these wonderful things so that was
really quick eight
at the stove to saute that chicken I got
it shredded and I actually switched
bowls because that oval bowl was a
little bit too big and the layer of
cream cheese would have been really thin
and that would be hard to scoop up with
the tortilla chips so this size is going
to be perfect and now I’m going to start
to put down our first layer of our dip
which is this cream cheese that’s room
temperature it’s really important to be
room temperature it just spreads so much
easier so I’m going to spread this out
so look how nicely this just goes down
and I have my offset spatula which is
really bendy I love this little thing
actually have a larger one too but I
seem to always go to this one and I’m
just going to try and make a little bit
even I don’t have to be perfect it’s all
weird what I love about the cream cheese
is it just it puffs when it’s when it’s
heated so it’s going to be late and
creamy not heavy at all and then all the
flavors of the buffalo sauce just make
this so amazing it will be the first
step at your party that will be that
will disappear for sure alright so we
have our cream cheese there now I’m
going to start to sprinkle in our
chicken here just like that you know
I’ve seen a lot of crock-pot buffalo
chicken recipes but they end up putting
everything in the crock-pot eventually
after having the chicken in there for
over an hour and then they stir it all
in ends up being this big soup um I
don’t know I seem to like this better
having it layered instead of instead of
soupy and it’s less messy as well
because if you spill that sauce on you
difficult to get out of your clothes or
on your rug so I buy mrs. Liao’s messy
all right so get our chicken and then
I’m going to drizzle our homemade
buffalo sauce that we made this is so
easy to make a half a stick of butter i
melted it and they’re not you can add
anywhere from a quarter cup to a half a
cup I take the middle road and I go a
third of a cup and then I whisk it and
it combines really really easily all
right I’m going to start to drizzle this
in there just like this and this also
gives it a little extra flavor and juice
to back up against that fluffy cream
cheese I got this recipe from a couple
of friends of mine Lisa and then this
came from the kitchen this was Lisa’s
layered dip and I loved it so much I
thought it would be perfect to show you
for your football parties because I know
you’re really going to like this a lot
and around the middle of November we’re
going to their kitchen and vinz going to
show us how to make his father’s
homemade pasta so we’re gonna have an
afternoon over there it’s going to be so
much fun so you need to look out for
that one okay all right so back to the
buffalo dip we got that all there I’m
going to do the crumbled blue cheese
next I like to get a good blue cheese
because I make an awesome homemade blue
cheese dressing which you can get that
link right up there and so since you
only need 1/3 of a cup of this I am I
use the rest of it to make that homemade
dressing so you can also do that too
alright so we got the blue cheese there
and then we’re going to do our cheddar
this is just so delicious and we’ll do
them up to that a lot I just mix it up a
little bit with a fork to fluff it up
not you don’t forget crazy and I use
almost all the the buffalo sauce
let’s get this in the oven and we’re
gonna start breaking it till it’s all
bubbly oh my goodness look at this it’s
still sizzling it’s absolutely gorgeous
this is the buffalo chicken dip out of
this world I cannot wait to dig that
tortilla in there can you see it
bubbling over there
so I melted it smells heavenly I could
smell that wonderful buffalo sauce that
we made with the Frank’s hot sauce and
the butter oh my goodness my mouth is
watering all right I’m going to take a
couple pictures of this for our
thumbnail picture on the show and then
we’re going to have a bite it all this
just doesn’t seem quite right
that we could spend this little time and
effort in making this dish and it looks
like that it’s absolutely beautiful
I don’t even want to touch it but I
can’t wait to dive in these flavors are
some of my favorite flavors what am I
going to so delicious the blue cheese
flavors with that homemade buffalo sauce
that we made out of this world you’re
gonna love this well it’s a little spicy
I think I need something holding me
freshing right now you could find this
recipe of course on my website the
traveling epicurean calm or my youtube
channel you’re going to like this one
have a great weekend ciao this party is
so amazing you’re going to be so happy I
think later not you know sitting in a
crock-pot for hours becoming this soupy
goopy mess but um anyways I’m just
sitting here blah blah
ah and we’re gonna go to the kitchen
that’s right we’re going to the kitchen
and we’re going to pick up those
ingredients so come on okay


  1. I had to come back to this video because I have searched several videos to see the different ways it is prepared and this is by FAR THE BEST. No offense to anyone but theirs was mush i cant.

  2. Hi, I searched for an hour before I found this recipe. I love the fact that you layer the cream cheese. I made this for the super bowl party we are attending and I know it will be a hit!! THANKS

  3. lol that is not chicken wing dip, made that way its a dry, lumpy mess and not chip i prefer it in a crockpot and if you make it right and if you use the right amounts its not soupy…lol

  4. Pat Newly has a quick cheap simple one thats great. I'm gonna try this tonight. It sounds delicious. I'm a try it with canned chicken. The chicken around here is so fake.

  5. Nice video, you're good with instructions and your dialogue.  Just found your channel looking forward to other vids

  6. I use two split chicken breasts, seasoned with salt and pepper and baked in the it, debone and chop it when it's cool. I also use pepper jack cheese instead of mozzarella.

  7. It's awesome to enjoy the little things in life such as food and other things in this life but remember all what Philippians 3:18-19says: (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

    Take Care everyone
    ~Acts 2:38

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